Following the sound, Jiang Yingxue walked through several woods and finally saw the source of the sound.

There was a little black cat lying on a branch, as black as carbon, with only a pair of big blue eyes rolling around, if Jiang Yingxue hadn't had sharp eyes and ears, she wouldn't have been able to spot it.

She seemed to be unable to climb up and down. When she saw her coming, she twisted her head and even meowed, as if she was calling for help.

Jiang Yingxue immediately started talking to the cat.

"Yo, have you gone up but can't come down?"


"Do you want me to rescue you?"


After chatting for a long time with one person and one cat like this, Jiang Yingxue felt a sense of heroism in her heart when she was "meowed" by the little milk cat, and immediately said "I can't help it, let me save you" and rolled up her sleeves climbed up the tree.

The young lady of the Jiang family has never lost her skin since she was a child, and she has counted the numbers in her yard, which is another kind of practice makes perfect.

Three times, five times and two times, he climbed to the branch of the big tree where the little cat was, and Miss Jiang carefully stretched out her hand towards the little coal ball. The little cat meowed twice, and obediently shrank into Jiang Yingxue's arms, rubbing against it, and it was too coquettish. .

Jiang Yingxue touched it, and it snored immediately, as if it was not on a tall tree branch.

I don't know how the little wild cat's fur was raised. It feels very smooth and slippery. Jiang Yingxue rubbed it for a while and said, "Okay, let's go down and play... let's go."

Miss Jiang lowered her head, looked at the distance between herself and the ground, and fell silent.


Can anyone tell her why she seems so far from the ground? !

As the saying goes, it is easy to go up the mountain and difficult to go down the mountain.

I didn't look down when I went up, and now at this height... even Jiang Yingxue, who is like a monkey, is a little weak.

The kittens in her arms stopped barking, and after one person and one cat looked at each other for a while, Jiang Yingxue yelled at the top of her voice.


On the other side, the orchard.

It was only now that everyone realized that Jiang Yingxue was missing.

There were many people in the garden, everyone raised their heads and bowed their heads to pick their own, and occasionally shared a little food. For a while, a dwarf disappeared, and everyone didn't notice.

The moment he found out that the person was missing, Bai Chuxiao changed his expression on the spot and started looking around.

Seeing her pale face, Zhu Wan comforted her, "Chu Xiao, don't worry, our side is not open yet, and there are staff inside, nothing will happen."

Bai Chuxiao pondered for a while, then nodded, but she was worried that this girl would go to some fish pond to play in the water.

What if you fall into the water?

If I knew it earlier, I should have tied people up with the kind of rope that slips on children!

Fortunately, after a while, a staff member found someone, and Bai Chuxiao rushed over to see that Jiang Yingxue was yelling for help on the tree, and the adults below were busy building ladders.

Seeing Bai Chuxiao and Bai Linye coming, Jiang Yingxue had a somewhat embarrassed look on her face.

"Haha, Mommy, brother."

Bai Chuxiao twitched the corners of her mouth: "Jiang Yingxue, are you planning to go to heaven?"

I didn't look at it for a while, and then I climbed the tree, and it's still such a tall tree!

"Uh, no, Mommy, I came here for a reason..."


At this moment, the ladder has been built, and a tall male employee climbed up: "Miss Jiang, I will take you down now."

Jiang Yingxue nodded, and leaned over to let the staff member hug her.

The male employee carried her down from the tree branch, and was puzzled when he saw a black lump in her arms.

What is this?

Just at this time, the kitten curled up in a ball poked its head out and meowed.

The eight-foot man, who was very calm and reliable just now, suddenly got goosebumps all over his body, and screamed like a dolphin.


It's a cat. He was caught by a cat when he was a child, and he is most afraid of cats!

The male employee fainted from fright, his hands and feet went limp for a moment, and he and Jiang Yingxue both fell off the ladder.



All of a sudden, there were exclamations, and Bai Chuxiao's heart stopped in fright, and he quickly raised his arms and stepped forward, but there was someone beside her who was faster than her.

Wen Langyun stepped forward with long legs, stretched out his powerful arms, and firmly caught the falling little girl.

The employee was also caught by his colleagues in a hurry.


Bai Chuxiao hurried forward to check: "How is it? Are you injured?"

Jiang Yingxue, nestled in Wen Langyun's arms, was also frightened, and immediately shook her head in a daze.

After checking up and down, she found that there was nothing serious about her. Bai Chuxiao heaved a sigh of relief and looked at Wen Langyun.

"Mr. Wen, thank you very much, your hand..."


Wen Shuangyue hurried forward and held Wen Langyun's arm: "Brother, why did you rush up like this! This little brat looks so serious, what should I do if I get hurt!?"

Wen Langyun put Jiang Yingxue down, frowned and glanced at Wen Shuangyue: "Otherwise, let the little girl fall to the ground?"

When Jiang Yingxue fell down just now, the employee had already moved her down a bit, and her position was not that high.

He has been exercising all year round, so it is not a problem to catch such a little girl.

If Jiang Yingxue really fell from the top and fell to the ground, it would be really painful!

"I didn't mean that..."

Wen Shuangyue was wronged.

She just feels sorry for her elder brother.

Didn't Bai Chuxiao rush out just now? Why is the eldest brother so enthusiastic!

Zhu Wan was taken aback by the scene just now, her heart almost stopped, she put her palms together and thanked Heaven and Earth, and then called the doctor from the manor to examine Wen Langyun and Jiang Yingxue.

The doctor pressed all the muscles on Wen Langyun's arm, and the man looked normal.

After the examination, the doctor said: "No problem, Boss Wen is in good health."

Ever since Jiang Yingxue was rescued, she stood quietly and reflected on the side. She was very nervous about the condition of Wen Langyun's arm. When she heard this, she immediately burst into tears, with big teardrops pattering down.

"woo woo woo woo."

Seeing her crying at this moment, Wen Langyun patted her head: "Why are you crying now, am I okay?"


The skin is a bit skinny, but she is still a kind-hearted and soft little girl.

The soft child cried into tears, Wen Langyun's expression became softer: "Don't do this next time, go and apologize to your brother and mother, they are very worried about you."

Jiang Yingxue nodded her head, wiped her tears, raised her eyes quietly, and found that her mother and brother were looking at her with dark faces.

"Mommy... brother..."

Ever since they knew she was fine, Bai Chuxiao and Bai Linye's expressions had been serious.

"Foot ground for two months, during which you are not allowed to touch any electronic products and snacks, including TV, and reflect on it."

Bai Chuxiao punished her with a stern face, Jiang Yingxue trembled for a moment, but finally nodded, and her whole body became mournful.

You know, her favorite things are watching dramas, eating snacks, and going out to play.

Now that all three have been cut, life suddenly becomes dull.

Bai Chuxiao usually doesn't have any special demands on the children, and he doesn't get angry, but this time he was really angry.