Fu Anran finally showed his first smiling face within half an hour. He wanted to pat Luo Sinian with his hand, but when he saw the wound on his hand, he elbowed him instead.

"I didn't expect you to be quite smart!" Fu Anran uttered his home address, "Hurry up!"

Luo Sinian found the location on the map, silently calculated the distance between the two buildings, and gritted his teeth lightly.

A little... a little closer.

In fact, just in one community, the factors of instability are already very large.

After the navigation was completed, Luo Sinian withdrew his mind and opened the way in the direction indicated on the map. Fu Anran didn't notice his strangeness at all, and happily followed behind.

Until they were stopped in front of a forbidden bamboo forest.

Luo Sinian looked at the lush greenery in front of him, and then looked at the navigation on his phone.

The arrow on the top pointed straight to the road ahead.

"This, this is unreliable!"

Fu Anran sighed deeply after hearing the wailing.

It's quite unreliable.

In the end, the passing security guard rescued them and kindly brought them to Fu Anran's home.

"Hey! You can get lost in your own neighborhood!"

Shame on grandma's house.

When Fu Anran stood at the door and started to take out the keys, Luo Sinian really started to panic.

This girl is not lying, she really lives here!

The door opened and walked in. There was no dust inside, and the windows were bright and clean. It didn't look like it hadn't been lived in for months.

Fu Anran suddenly realized that her brother seemed to say on the phone just now that he had already called someone to clean it...

But at that time she was busy following Luo Sinian, and hung up without saying a word.

"The decoration is quite nice." Luo Sinian walked around twice without seeing anything, "Where is your medicine cabinet?"

"Neng, over there." Fu Anran slumped down on the sofa, pointing in one direction with her toes, "Don't let go of your hand this time!"


Luo Sinian opened the cabinet and took out a bottle of alcohol wipes from the bite box.

Well, this time, it is impossible to defeat her again.

The wounds on his hands and knees were all thanks to him. When Luo Sinian was dealing with them, he was extremely careful. Fu Anran was bored and stared at him.

To be honest, Luo Sinian is really good-looking, no wonder Yan Jingrun strongly recommends him to join the industry.

Today's male actors are either too mature or too immature, even immature pretending to be mature, but it seems funny and greasy.

But Luo Sinian is different, his face is very plastic, he can have both youthful and mature man's temperament...

Somehow, Fu Anran remembered Jiang Yingxue's words.

Great young man... Indeed, although this guy is skinny, he has no bad habits and a good personality. He is highly praised by the company and has good aptitude.

Thinking about it, looking at his concentrated and thick eyelashes, Fu Anran's heart beat faster.

On the set, even if she hugged Luo Sinian, her heartbeat never accelerated...

"Hey, why are you staring at me so obsessively?"

As soon as Luo Sinian looked up, he saw Fu Anran staring at him in a daze, and immediately stretched out a hand to stroke his hair: "I know I'm good-looking, but you can't be like this... oh!"

Before he finished speaking, he was kicked out by Fu Anran.

Sigh, what a man, he actually has a mouth, so useless.

After dealing with hands and feet, Fu Anran was annoyed and disgusted, and drove them away directly.

"Isn't that right, you're driving me away? It's rare to get together, let's have a meal together, it's time for dinner."

Fu Anran looked at the clock, and it was indeed time: "I'm going to change clothes."

The ancients said it well, what one person eats is feed, and what is eaten together is called gourmet food.

The two randomly chose a barbecue restaurant nearby, and ate happily. They didn't notice that there were two little girls beside them, who kept staring at them and whispering. One of them took out his mobile phone and took a photo secretly.

But both Fu Anran and Luo Sinian were so hungry that they didn't have any consciousness at all, they were still chatting happily there.

After eating, Luo Sinian patted his stomach and left, Fu Anran remembered that Bai Chuxiao had found his family and hadn't shared with him yet!

Forget it, probably Chu Xiao herself will tell him later.

Fu Anran scratched her head, swaggered home, and gradually became stiff on the road.

It felt like someone was following her.

Fu Anran hurriedly quickened her pace, and in the end she simply ran and jumped into the community.

Aside from this small difference, the security system is a must. Without a card, there is absolutely no way to get in.

Seeing her speeding up, the people behind also ran quickly, but stomped angrily when the security guard blocked the door.

"Really! I lost it just like that!"

Another girl tugged at the corner of her clothes: "Xinxin, isn't it good for us to do this?"

"What's wrong?!"

The girl glared at her: "The man just now, I saw in the advertisement before, is a star, I searched it just now, they also acted in a drama together, what is it if it's not a boyfriend and girlfriend!?"

She has a good eye, this man will definitely be popular.

When this guy becomes popular and worth a lot, with his face, he will definitely attract a lot of girlfriend fans.

Now that I have captured a photo of him and his girlfriend, I can sell it directly to the other company, or break the news myself and turn it into a marketing account, and I can make a lot of money!

"Xinxin, what if they aren't boyfriend and girlfriend at all... I think the two of them seem to be just good friends..."

"It doesn't matter whether they are, what matters is whether others think they are."

The girl named Xinxin made a copy of all the photos she took just now: "Don't forget, my parents are arguing quite fiercely now, and if there is no accident, they will be divorced. If my mother has no money, we will be sentenced to Dad is gone, do you want to follow Dad?"

The other girl gritted her teeth and shook her head firmly.

"I don't want to either."

After the backup was completed, Xinxin stuffed the phone back into his pocket: "The two of us have no other way to make a lot of money, so ah, if we have this opportunity, we must not give up."

As soon as the words came out, the other girl stopped objecting, and the two left Shuilin Manor.

Behind the security room, Fu Anran carefully walked out and poked his probe outside.

"Uncle, are you leaving?" Fu Anran asked in a low voice.

The security guard waved his hand: "Let's go, there are two little girls, I guess they think you are some kind of star."

He was used to the odd little girls trying to sneak in there often.

Fu Anran straightened her back: "I, I am also a star!"

She even made a play!

"Tch, is it just you?"

This security uncle was the one who took her to find her home in the afternoon. Hearing this, he looked her up and down, and waved his hands repeatedly: "You are definitely not a celebrity. How can a celebrity get lost in your own neighborhood? You are just playing tricks at most!"