The Person I'm Interested In Is ~Aya Shimizu Perspective~

Translated by AmaLynne

My name is Aya Shimizu.

My name itself is nothing special, just a common thing, I guess.

However, my appearance is special.

This is not a boast or anything, just an objective viewpoint.

Since I was a child, I was told that I was pretty and cute.

So I was aware that I was pretty.

I was smart, athletic, and popular with everyone.

I got along well with both boys and girls, and I thought this kind of time would last.

But after entering junior high school, many things changed.

We were divided into boys and girls.

As a result, I was forced to change.

I continued to interact with boys as I had in the past.

Then, boys confessed their feelings for me every day, and I turned them down every time.

I guess I was a child on the inside, contrary to my appearance.

I didn’t know about love or anything yet…

But the girls didn’t seem to think so. …

I was told more and more that I was out of shape, that I had a bad personality, that I looked like I was playing around, and things like that.

I was puzzled.

Because my appearance may have changed, but what was inside had not…

And yet, my body just kept growing and growing.

My breasts grew fuller, my buttocks became fleshier, my arms and legs grew longer, and I grew taller.

In proportion to this, the number of confessions from boys increased.

In the worst case, I was even stalked.

Even so, I am the one who gets the bad end of the stick.

How high your ideals are? Or, You’re so beautiful on all sides, you’re going to make me misunderstand you.

In the worst case, they even said,「Didn’t you ask me out?」 

There was no way I could make friends in such a situation, and I became isolated.

I thought desperately.

How could I get out of this situation?

The only way was to pretend to be something I was not and change.

Then I tried my best to do everything perfectly.

I studied, dressed up, learned how to converse, and more.

To my delightful surprise, I started to like dressing up.

And I aimed to be a seamless girl.

I wanted to be the kind of girl that people would say,「Oh, that’s just how she is.」

That is, to the point that not even jealousy would occur…

As a result, I succeeded.

I became popular among both boys and girls, and my friends increased.

But my heart remained empty…

To change such a life, I entered a high school where few people knew me, but it was no good…

I was already known in the prefecture.

It seems that my friends were sending photos and showing Purikura and other photos around without my permission…

Soon I was getting confessions from people in all grades.

There were times when senior students shouted at me saying,「Don’t be arrogant or get carried away!」

I managed to calm them down and got around them well.

I took the top of the grade in my studies, and I made the teacher my friend by improving my attitude toward life, and I listened to my friend’s problems.

Then, harassment and jealousy gradually disappeared.

Still, I was fed up with the daily confessions and scouts in town.

Even I would like to fall in love, unlike when I was in junior high school.

But the boys who confess to me don’t look at me.

They confessed to me because of my body, my face, or my status of going out with me.

Of course, some of them were serious.

But, I’m sorry to say, I didn’t get it.

Sick of this lifestyle, I became addicted to manga, anime, and video games.

At first, it was because in this I could escape reality.

But gradually, I simply fell in love with them.

I especially enjoyed playing games online, for example, because it didn’t matter what I looked like…

But that’s not what everyone thinks of me.

So I kept quiet about it… That was probably in the fall of my first year of high school.

I was playing a game that a boy in my class was sneaking around playing, and it was a game that I loved, so I couldn’t help but talk to him.

The boy was surprised, but talked to me normally.

But then they told me.

What’s a girl to do, make even a nerd fall in love with her? or so.

The boys told Aya that it didn’t suit her, or that talking to such a plain guy would transfer plainness.

Fortunately, the boy was not bullied and nothing happened to him.

But I feel bad about what I did…

And I continued my school life, pretending to be something I wasn’t.

It was then that I heard a rumor about a certain boy.

The boy’s name is said to be Touma Yoshino.

The boy was not being shunned or bullied, but he seemed to be alone all the time.

He usually responds when spoken to and engages in conversation to a certain extent, but basically, he seems to be reading novels or playing with his phone.

Once, someone asked him why he comes to school to read novels or play games on his phone.

Then he said this…Because I like it. I do this because I enjoy it.

He is not shy, he can study and exercise, and he is not bad looking, although he is a bit of a wild man.

But he doesn’t belong to any caste and sticks to himself.

He is treated as an isolated person among everyone else and is looked up to.

So awesome! I thought.

I pretend to be something I’m not because I’m afraid of people’s reactions or don’t want to be bubbled.

And yet, he doesn’t care about any of that.

I started to care about him…but I didn’t like him or anything.

I never talked to him, and I didn’t watch him on the side.

But the opportunity presented itself.

Because we became sophomores and were in the same class.

And I was surprised to witness…how alone he was.

If the person sitting next to him or behind speaks to him, they have a normal conversation.

But just on the edge of not being rude, then he’ll go back to his world.

I was impressed.

Amazing! Exquisite moderation! or so.

He was handling himself well, in a different way than I was.

And I noticed that he quickly became a singular presence in the class.

I was beginning to care about him…I don’t think I liked him or anything yet…

But I wanted to talk to him…but I didn’t have the timing and courage to do so.

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He would rush home when school was over and I didn’t want to disturb him during break…

Later, I thought I would ruin his life by talking to him.

So I tried my best to hold back.

But I would like to talk to him if I get a chance.

Well, that’s not going to happen conveniently…

I thought so…until that day…