Touma-kun Eats Dinner at Her House

Translated by AmaLynne

We arrived at Aya’s house…

「My my! You look so nice! Aya, you’re in trouble!」

「That’s right! Even Kana and Aiko say it’s good!」

「My my? I knew it? You’re going to be irresistible… Aya! Your mother will teach you!」

「Un! I’ll do my best! I’m not going to let the other girls beat me――!!」

The two of them are getting excited…

I’m not interested in anyone but Aya…

I guess that’s all I have to say to get through to them.

Let’s attack them until they understand.

「Hey, brother!!! Cool! Amazing――!!」

「Thanks, Seiya. Anyway, want to play a game with me? I haven’t been playing with you lately.」

「What!? Can I!? Yay――!!」

「What a cute guy. So what to play?」

「Hmm… Biohaz○! Sister is not very good at it…」

「Ah…yeah, that’s right…okay, let’s.」

We both get into the game.

「Whoa! Seiya, you’re good.」

「Really? Hehe, I did it… Brother praised me.」

「But you’re not quite there yet… Watch me, now!」

The zombies come at you from all directions, and destroy them with skillful handling of the controller!

「Amazing――!! No damage!」

「Don’t underestimate me, I’m basically a solo player.」

「Aah! It’s not fair! I want Touma-kun all to myself too!」

What a cute creature…I’m glad Seiya and his mother are here…

「My? But it’s already evening. Touma-kun, you have to go home, don’t you?」


「Are you going home already, bother?」

There are two cute ones here…!

Dad is on a half-holiday today…Marina is not alone.

「Wait a minute… Ah, hello. Hmm, yeah. At Aya’s house…nn? What a sister I’ve got…okay, okay, okay. I’ll go to the convenience store on my way home and get you a Häagen-Da○… Okay, say hi to father for me.」

「Touma-kun, what’s wrong?」

「I called my sister and she said, “We don’t have any food for brother, go out and eat.” Apparently, she had anticipated this.」

「My my! Let’s eat together! But we have to go to the store to buy the ingredients…」

「Mother! Come with me! I’ll cook!」

「What? Aya is…? This…no, this one needs training too. You need it to be a good wife! Okay, let’s go!」

「Yes! Touma-kun! Take care of Seiya! I’m off!」

The two went out with a bang without hearing any reply…what?

「I’m sorry, brother. It’s always like this.」

「I see…Seiya, you’re having a hard time.」

They seem like a moderately high-energy mother and daughter.

「Hehe, I’m the eldest son. Father also told me to take care of my mother and sister.」

I couldn’t help but pat him on the head.

「Seiya is a great kid. You’re different from me. You’re going to be a good man. I guarantee it.」

「Really? I can be like you, brother!?」

「You’ll be a better man than I am. You just have to remember that.」

「Un! Yes!」


After about 30 minutes, they came back.

「All right, let’s go for it!」

「Aya? Mother will help you…」

「For Touma-kun! He needs to eat my home-cooked food! Or else! The other girl will beat me!」

「No, that’s not…」

「No, brother. She can’t stop now!」

「…Well, this is so cute.」

「I’m sorry, but you might not get a proper meal today…」

Seiya went to take a bath while he was at it.

「Oh, by the way…you didn’t tell me your name.」

「My? …Well, not mother, I guess. My name is Reina.」

「Then may I call you Reina-san from now on?」

「…My my, that makes me nervous.」

「Wait!? Even mother!?」

「No no, I’m joking. Aya, you better concentrate on your cooking, okay?」

「Muu, yeah…sorry if it’s not good…don’t angry okay?」

「Don’t worry. Just go for it, whatever it is.」

「T-Touma-kun…Alright! I’m going to do my best!」

「My my, what a good boy.」

After that, I was talking to Reina-san…

This… I don’t see this coming.

I stand behind Aya in the kitchen.

「Aya, excuse me.」

Hold Aya’s hands lightly.

This is like hugging her from behind.

What to do…smells so good…

「T-Touma-kun! M-My waist is…hand, hand is…」

「Here, let’s move it, shall we? chop, chop, chop……」

「Uhh, un……chop, chop, chop……」

「My goodness! Your first time working together! I’ll have to take a picture!」

「See, it’s done. Aya is putting too much effort into it. Let’s do it again, okay? Relax more…that’s right.」

「I-It’s done…It’s a clean slice! Thank you, Touma-kun!」

「Yeah. I’m still cooking this.」


You endured well, my lower half…


The menu for that day was curry.

What? Can curry ever go wrong?

「Bon appétit…mm? It’s normally delicious.」

「Really? I’m so glad! Today! I made it from scratch!」

「Aya…! You’ve grown up! Thank you, Touma-kun!」

「Brother…! Thank you!」

「Uh-huh…good. You made it as if you didn’t see it…」

That would make it tasteless…


After that, we had dinner and tea, and it was time to go home.

「Thank you very much for your time.」

「I’ll see you off!」

「No Seiya, you can’t. You’ve already had a bath.」

「I’ll see him off!」

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I walk out the front door and start the engine of my bike.

「Thank you for today, Touma-kun. Its…for everything.」

「I don’t know what you mean…I’m just doing what I want to do.」

「Fufufu…that’s your usual line. But I’m worried…」

「Aya, look at me.」

I touch Aya’s chin and kiss her.

「Nn? ah…nn, chu, aa…」

Slowly, pull your lips away from hers.

「You got it?」

「Yhess…g-got it…th-that was awesome…」

「Okay, good. I’ll see you tomorrow.」

I hurry to get on my bike and leave.

…No, no! What the hell did you do in front of her house!?

I put my tongue in it without thinking…

We’ve been dating for about two months…just hang in there a little longer…!