Chapter 274 274 - A Innocent Love Taken By Greed - Part 1[18+ Bonus Story ]

Landing in the entrance hall to his full metal castle, Deus looked around to take in the ruined state in which Dominion's army had left the place. Struck down, the columns galvanized with a tint of deep blue barely held up the leaking ceiling. The walls supporting the rest of the structure weren't too pristine either as sticking out from them were sparking wires that once automated the intricate structure. Taking a step towards a crater in the floor, Deus gazed down at the thrashed underground lab he used to spend time experimenting in.

Surprisingly, so far he didn't feel the presence of the soldiers he'd sent back to reclaim parts of his territory. The lack of personale around him loosened him up a little, but the moment he tried to make his way up the staircase, the sound of synched steps caught him off guard.

"Aaaaa, aaaaahhheee," even more surprising, whoever it was, appeared to be trying to sing a symphony. Peering up the stairs, Deus noticed an armored blonde making her way to the other end of the corridor that laid at the stair's end. Her arm outstretched, she had the other hand placed over her breastplate, and with a deep breath, she continued on singing as she walked.

'Who is it?' Her face covered by her lush bushy hair, Deus couldn't exactly point out who she was even though the frame of her seemed familiar. Occupied by his thoughts, Deus took a step forward, but not realizing he was stepping on a step layered with shattered glass, he was shocked by the cracking sound bustling under his boots. 'What?'

"Who's there?!" In the brief moment it took for Deus to realize what had happened, the blonde girl marching by drew her sword out and jumped from the corridor towards the stairs and in the direction of the noise.

Upon getting closer, however, her eyes widened realizing it was no one else than her master. Sharing a glance at each other, the two stood in utter shock from the realization. For the girl, it was her insolence towards her master, and so she quickly withdrew her sword and bowed in shame as repentance. Deus on the other hand was more struck with a stream of memories he'd spent countless days trying to suppress from himself.

"I apologize, my lord!" Kneeling in front of him, the girl kept her head lowered in shame. "I-I couldn't sense your presence and took you for the emperor's spy!"

"Azalea?" He muttered, finally having broken the spell on his shackled memory.

"Yes, my lord?" Looking up, Azalea propped herself back onto her feet.

'Something's off…' Looking into her eyes, Deus decided to use the same spell he'd used on Moriyana, however, this time instead of stripping her memories away, he wanted to waddle in through and find out why she seemed eerily familiar. 

Taking her into the spell of his eyes, he noticed a glimmer of his lost past reflected deep in them. The longer he looked the closer he grew to the suppressed truth, and all of a sudden feeling a sudden pull, Deus let himself be carried in the consciousness of the blonde.

Blinking his eyes after a film of darkness blinded him for a moment, Deus was assaulted with a daze of light through which the angelic face of his sister Merciella peeked right out. The very next second as she grew closer and closer to him, the gentle smile on her lips was replaced with a creepy smirk that stretched ear to ear.

"Forget her, and let me show you what a woman feels like," leaning into his ears, Merciella's mirage whispered.

Then, as he pushed down and his eyes blinked once more, Deus found himself laying on a soft cushioned bed with Merciella sitting on top of his belly. Leering down at him with her golden and blue eyes, she was sitting on top of him utterly naked.

"Get off!" Triggered by his past trauma, Deus tried to push her off, but before his hands could her body Merciella clamped her claws into Deus' throat and pushed him further down into the muffled bed.

Choked out of breath, Deus had no clue as to what he'd gotten himself into. Was it a dream? An illusion? Or just his past trying to haunt him? He had no clue, and thus he had no choice but to futilely resist just as he'd done long before.

"You're a monster…" Accepting his fate, Deus glared at Merciella with tears flowing down his eyes.

Tilting her head as if confused by his words, Merciella put a smile on her face and laid down on his body. Licking the side of his face, she slowly let her tongue crawl up towards his ears, and that's when she spoke something that pulled Deus off of the defeated state of mind.

"Azalea, was it? The girl you've been meeting up with in secret?" Letting out a cackle, Merciella lightly bit down on his earlobe. "What do you two even do together anyways? Isn't she oathbound to stay a virgin forever? Or has that changed since you've turned into a demon lord?"

Tearing Deus's top, Merciella placed her hands on his slender frame. The touch alone made her roll her eyes upward as she was greedy to be the first to taste the young boy.I think you should take a look at

"Forget her, Deus," she muttered, followed soon after yet another chuckle. "You belong to me now, for now, and fore-"

"Deus?" The gentle voice of a girl cut off Merciella.

Turning to look at her, Dues noticed it to be none other than the girl his sister was talking about. Flooded with memories of his encounter with Merciella and how it all went further on, he faintly remembered being cast on with a spell similar to the one he'd used on Moriyana. Trying to escape his thoughts he was once again blinded by a strong beam of light shining right over his face, and when he opened them back up, he found himself laying on Azalea's lap as she gently ran her fingers through his hair.

"Where am I?" He asked, shifting his gaze to the side.

On looking at an expansive meadow of numerous flowers, the two were sitting at the ruins of a temple for the creator that had long-degraded with time.

"Deus, I-I…" Drawing her hand away from him, Azalea pressed it against her maroon sundress. "I'm thinking of dissolving my oaths."

"What? Why would you do that?" Shocked by her words, Deus slipped out of the comfort of her lap and stood before her with a visible look of confusion.

With her head dejected down, Azalea let out a sigh to gather her courage before getting off the ruined wall as well. Standing eye to eye before her master, she felt her heart race and her chest heaved from the mental stress that was brought along with the situation. Stealing her heart, she took one last breath before coming out with the truth that had eaten away at her for a while.

"I wanna be with you! I don't wanna be a knight anymore! I'm not even an angel anymore so why does it matter?" Taking a step towards Deus while tears filled her eyes, Azalea gulped the last of her restraints and clasped her hands on both sides of her lover's face. "I love you, Deus, and I want to love you without any restraints."

Bringing her face closer, Azalea was about to break her oaths with a kiss, but appearing out of nowhere, Merciella forced a paper fan between the two and prevented her prey from escaping into the hands of another woman.

"I told you to forget about her," those words spoken by his spiteful sister were all Deus could remember before being forced out of those suppressed memories.

Opening his eyes while his head suffered from a migraine, Deus saw Azalea laying almost lifeless on the ground with her armor dented on the side where she fell. Although still missing chunks of his memories, Deus instinctively reached for Azalea and quickly took her into his arms.

"Azalea, are you okay?" Checking her nerves, Deus was somewhat revealed to find out that she had simply lost consciousness and nothing too bad appeared to have happened to her. The only thing that concerned him, however, was how smoothly everything had lined up for him to recover those past memories with her lover.

'Fuck it, as if it's the time to worry about it!' Picking up Azalea, Deus carried her frame in his flimsy-looking arms. 'I need to get her better first.'

Too concerned about her safety, Deus failed to notice a pair of spying eyes onlooking him venturing down the hall with Azalea in his hands. Smiling at the sight of her brother, carrying away the innocent knightess, a smile crept up on Merciella's face as she watched it all hiding from a corner.

'Maybe now you'll stop bitching about what happened, besides, I've tasted you already so there's no need for me to hog you all to myself.' She thought, biting her nails. Merciella cared only for her greed, and since she was running out of ways to make Deus do as she says, she was trying to fish for other ways to manipulate him further. 'Keep her alive Deus, keep her alive so I can use her against you as a chip to bargain, ahaha!'

Her eyes fixed on the fickle frame of her brother, she bit down on her lips as Deus got inside a bedroom with Azalea.

"Good good, now make sure to love her, I wanna taste your heartbreak when I take her away from you just like last time," brushing her thumb on a ring made with the scales of a white dragon, Merciella used its power to teleport back to the tent where she'd overheard Deus and Reya's conversation.

Oblivious of his sister's plans, Deus set Azalea down on the bed, all the while his mind was being flooded with sweet memories of his time together with his lover.nov?dot?\o\?