Chapter 65

In the end, facing myself, I will either be slaughtered or eaten as waste wood for the rest of my life.

These two choices.

In the end, he had no choice but to stretch out his head and take a knife.

Orlega won’t be polite about this kind of thing!

I directly used the devil’s old skills, listed in detail the overlord clauses of the sad and tearful hearers, and finally formulated an Abyss Contract that would daunt anyone. .

When trembling hands picked up the Abyss Contract with hundreds of thousands of words, Hart only felt sadness in his heart, as if even the sun in the sky had dimmed a bit, and the wind was reverberating. My own crying, the sadness of my mother’s death was less than one percent at this moment.

Looking at the scum in front of him, he signed the contract to sell his body, Orlega didn’t say anything, his face snapped his fingers flatly, and the contract was received within the body: “The contract is established. , Then the transaction begins.”


In the next moment, Hart, who was still a little curious about how Orlega would fulfill his wishes, felt that Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in his chest, as if his internal organs were rolling violently.

Immediately let him exhale in pain and fell to the ground.

It wriggled crazily on the ground like a worm.

If he can see his within the body, he will find that a large number of internal organs in his within the body are rearranging, and there are constantly new organs derived from his flesh and blood. And his blood vessels and even the energy content in his blood are passively increasing, and a lot of meaningless DNA has been deleted and modified, just like a hand is reshaping him from the inside out.

Leaning on the stamens, listening to the other’s weak screams, Orlega has no thoughts of sympathy, and even wants to button her ears.

Because his screams are really harsh, just like he was killing a pig.

Since this kid entered his territory, his plague has automatically penetrated into the opponent within the body. Normally, according to the contract he signed with Hawthorne back then, he would not cause those plagues. This guy will recover after one serious illness at most.

But since he also signed the contract, then he has to use another method.

At this moment, the plague energy of his within the body is like the most efficient potion. The medium that turns into Orlega carries his power, allowing him to adjust the physical state of the opponent at will.

‘The recessive gene has been activated, and the basic bioenergy furnace has begun to construct…’

Due to the different perspectives, in his eyes, Hart within the body’s various structures, Placed in front of him like a three-dimensional list, many things that should have been relatively high-end and complex, but they are just like adding one to him.

So he played it casually. As for how the opponent feels, Orlega doesn’t care, anyway, he has the final right to explain.

It is doubtful that in the pain of life, after struggling for dozens of minutes, with Orlega completing the transformation work, Hart finally waited for the relaxed feeling of year for something even in dreams, a kind of reincarnation Generally lucky.

He swears to God that he will be a good man in the future and never set foot here again.

Looking at the other party who was lying on the ground silently crying like a dead dog in a pool of blood, Orlega yawned and said angrily: “What are you doing while lying down? Get out! I have fulfilled your request.”

Hearing what he said, Hart, who originally wanted to lie down for a while, immediately shivered. There was an illusion that the pain just hit again, so he hurriedly took care of him. Don’t let the body feel sore, he got up from the ground.

It was also at this moment that he realized that his height and weight seemed to have changed a little. Not to mention that his limbs became stronger, and the power circulation efficiency within the body became faster than ever.

This made him feel happy, as if the whole world had faded a layer of haze on him, and there was an illusion that the sun was shining again.

Only when he saw Orlega’s unsalted gaze, he immediately understood the idea just now, it’s just an insignificant illusion that’s all.

The sky has never been clear, and the sun has never been shining!

The deed is still pressing on him, making him feel tired with every breath of air!

Perhaps, this is life!

When he was only eight years old, he felt the heaviness of life, and he was a little breathless!

Orlega hasn’t noticed the fact that she has helped people increase their social experience, but even if she noticed it, she would feel gratified.

After all, social beatings are something that everyone has to experience, and I have that obligation to contribute my own strength!

Looking at the other person leaving, there was a somewhat desolate silhouette, Orlega was nodded with satisfaction.

According to the terms of the Abyss Contract, in the next 50 years, the other party will need to deliver to itself a sacrifice equivalent to the soul value of three hundred Level 2 demonic beasts. If you breach the contract, you will need to pay your own soul. To Orlega.

And the value of those sacrifices is probably 1750 times the power consumed when adjusting the opponent’s body.

Furthermore, even if the opponent can’t reach the target amount, as long as they can make a few soul recharges, Orlega can earn money.

It’s really not good, and the other party’s own soul is the guarantee.

With the other party’s current aptitude, as long as they don’t belch off halfway, they won’t say becoming a Level 2 wizard in fifty years, but how Level 1 wizard is still a certainty!

So Orlega doesn’t worry about anything, anyway, it’s at worst recycling. He has been a rubbish guy for more than 20 years, and he is very familiar with this process.

The other party doesn’t know if he can make a profit, but he definitely can’t lose.

Low-cost trading, a stable batch.

Essentially, he is putting out a very profitable loan shark to give the other party a certain amount of starting capital.

After the opponent matures, continuously cut the opponent’s flesh and bleed the opponent.

Moreover, this is a non-default type that uses Abyss Contract as the medium!

As long as it is signed, it is useless for anyone to come, and the reincarnation of Spiritual God has to be given for nothing.

If it is a contract in modern society, the overlord clause may still be solved by legal means, but the Abyss Contract on the extraordinary side is not the kind of thing that can be interfered with by outsiders. It is neither reasonable nor fair. , As long as it is signed, no matter how overbearing the clause is, it will become the truth.

For the disadvantaged, this is bad news that is undecided. Often a step away can never stand up, but for the New Generation talent among the demons like Orlega, this It is a very useful tool, stable, safe and reliable!

Hart, who doesn’t know that he has been labeled as [To Be Recycled], just feels that his heart is complicated at this moment, and he can’t tell whether he should be happy, or should he beat his chest. The only What is gratifying is that when Orlega fulfilled his request, he did not discount that request. As promised, he was endowed with sufficient talent!