Chapter 428

Earth time, 18325 AD.

After trying it many times, I don鈥檛 know how many times.

Both Ra and Delico have a deep understanding of the [Sub Space Jump Engine], which cannot be perfected in a short period of time.

The chaotic nature of subspace makes it impossible for them to calculate a 100% accurate Space Jump formula.

Only use formulas with relatively accurate results.

When jumping, there will be various unexpected probability, and reduce it as much as possible.

In this way, the [Asia Space Jump Engine], which still has defects in all aspects, was officially announced by them.

Because of its own reasons, the main developer list of this device can only be named Derico alone.

In this case, Delico鈥檚 name was directly communicated to the colonial stars through various TV stations and networks.

Countless people call it the greatest invention of human civilization in 10,000 years!

So far, even though the [Asia Space Jump Engine] has many flaws.

Its existence is still popularized.

Many places where the spaceship of the universe originally took hundreds of years to reach, after using the [Sub Space Jump Engine], now it only takes months or even days to arrive.

Of course, due to the instability of subspace.

A large number of cosmic spaceships have also started to disappear randomly.

No one can figure out where they are going.

However, interest is at the forefront. Even murder and arson are all rushed to do. It’s just a little risk. You don’t even need to violate your conscience. Is it a problem?

Obviously, it is not a problem.

So in the process of popularization of [Asia Space Jump Engine], although many people are pushing to rely on it, it is useless after all, and it is run over by the big trend.

With the help of the [Asian Space Jump Engine], the core fleet of the Human Federation finally got rid of the end of the road too far, no deterrent, and possessed strong enough mobility to be able to quickly Arrive in various areas that are not normally reachable.

Faced with the urgent situation of countless naval guns arriving at the door, the governors and managers of the colonial stars said that they are a member of the Federation when they are born, and the ghost of the Federation when they die.


You must have heard it wrong, you don’t mean it at all.

A few years later, after a large-scale rectification.

The power structure framework of the Human Federation, which had already begun to fall apart, became tight again in a very short time.

In history, this period is also known as the turning point of human civilization. Human beings have become interstellar civilization in the true sense, and they no longer have to wander in their own piece of land.

During this time period, the navigation of human civilization across the planetary system has become easier.

At the very least, it is no longer a large-scale project that requires several generations to move.

The territory of human civilization has begun to expand rapidly.

Compared with the previous efficiency, they just jumped directly from the stage of Canoeing to the stage of flying.

Quick and efficient.

Although once missing, the person is basically gone.

If you need to remarry, remarry, and if you need to remarry, remarry, you don鈥檛 need to hesitate.


And the other corner of the Milky Way.

The dominance of the galaxy of Ada Spirit Race has been sitting firmly for thousands of years.

That is still an unshakable throne.

Under the hundreds of millions of fleets, a small number of subspace creatures is not a big problem at all.

As for the green-skinned orc with no brains?

In the Ada Spirit Race at the peak period, in front of the huge race that occupies the top of the pyramid.

Even if they continue to kill, as long as a drop of blood remains, they can continue to multiply.

Plant a green-skinned orc in the soil today, and harvest an entire planet-skinned orc next year.

But after all, they are just some large-scale green leeks that’s all.

It is regarded as a kind of wild animal for training by the various troops of Ada Spirit Race.

Some Ada Spirit Race officers even cast them to certain desolate planets, let the opponent grow, and then go to kill and play at intervals, performing unparalleled mowing and showcasing bravery!

As the [son of Ancient Saint], Ada Spirit Race has a mature subspace network and can travel freely throughout the universe. For them, although the Milky Way is vast, it is equal to themselves It鈥檚 just a hunting ground, it doesn鈥檛 need to be cautiously like human beings.

As the status becomes more and more consolidated, the hedonic faction among them has also become more and more degenerate.

When Ada Spirit Race’s senses are hundreds of times more sensitive than humans, they are used to a variety of relatively conventional ways of enjoyment.

Those things can no longer satisfy them.

Many flavors of gameplay have been invented and implemented wantonly.

The torture or even killing of other creatures has become a common method of pleasure among them.

One after another has no acknowledge allegiance. Because their weak planet is being slaughtered continuously, countless races are used as their slaves.

Peel off the skin of the aliens and make them into various corpse puppets and artworks. They are just a lighter-tasting gameplay in Ada Spirit Race.

In the soul of Ada Spirit Race, it can be reincarnated infinitely by sub-Space Power, even if it dies, it is only on the basis of a change of body.

Countless crazy people directly shave their bodies into skeletons, transform themselves in various distortions, turn their bodies into an extremely distorted state, and stimulate the various senses of the body.

Only in this way can they experience a more extreme feeling.

Pain and pleasure are confused.

Powerful, cruel, crazy, depraved, indulgent…

In the realm they can鈥檛 observe.

Countless crazy emotions are being transmitted to the depths of the subspace by the fallen Ada Spirit Races, supporting the [Fifth Chaos God-Lust] sleeping in it.

And the [Sorrows] who are getting closer to their awakening state will also respond with more madness, leading those Ida Spirit Races to become more and more degenerate.

Form a stable vicious circle!

Ada Spirit Race is like a big cake, changing towards the taste that [Sexer] likes.

They are [Sexer] carefully prepared for their first meal when they wake up.

In this big situation, even though there are many people in Ada Spirit Race, they are still awake.

Not as crazy and inflated as those of my compatriots.

But just like ordinary people, there is no way to persuade a group of guys who are sucking fans by mouth.

As a minority, they cannot change the big situation after all.

I can only watch everything become more and more erosive.

In the future, as some Ada Spirit Race passed superb spiritual abilities, it was predicted that a huge threat had come closer.

Some Ada Spirit Race sober factions began to build [Ark] for themselves and the clansman to escape.

Transform some worlds into bases that can move and fight, and store a lot of knowledge and materials in them, ready to deal with various emergencies at any time.

As for the believers of Spiritual God, under the constraints of various dogmas, although they did not fall quickly.

But in the face of increasing temptation, there are fewer and fewer Ada Spirit Races that can hold on.

The Spiritual Gods of Ada Spirit Race, because of the perception ability that was affected by the [sex], they did not take the various changes of the believers seriously.

The various things that have happened in just a few thousand years are no different to them, who have survived for tens of millions of years, from one or two days.

Those changes in Ada Spirit Race, they can only be regarded as psychological changes produced by power.

I didn’t even realize that [Sexer] was dominating everything in the dark.