Chapter 446

Earth time, 23929 AD.

As the overall strength of the Human Federation continues to rise.

Their expansion of their territory began again.

Compared with previous expansion behaviors, this time is more swift and swift. Just like adults bullying a little child, they clean up the surrounding forces with two or two efforts. .

Even, the main force of the Human Federation has not been dispatched from beginning to end.

Only relying on some insignificant automatic battleships, all kinds of problems can be completely solved.

Looking at the direct zero casualties data on the battle report, the current chairman of the Federation is quite satisfied and nodded.

After comparing with the Ada Spirit Race information searched everywhere, they already have a general idea of ​​their own strength.

Although it is still a lot worse than Ada Spirit Race, it is definitely not at the level of there’s no resistance.

He casually asked the secretary of the cyborg bionic next to him: “What do you think is our chance of winning if we fight Ada Spirit Race now?”

” ……0%”

After two seconds of estimating, the secretary who looked like a young male calmly added the following sentence:

“However, we should be able to cause problems for them. Less loss.”


When I heard that the odds of winning were only zero, the Federation Chairman, who originally thought there was a little chance of winning, suddenly felt a little dull, but still a little Unwillingly continue to ask:

“Then how long do you think it will take for the Human Federation to catch up with them?”

Since the first encounter with Ada Spirit Race, they For many high-level human federations, the existence of is a knot of heart that cannot be ignored.

Although the other party may not regard himself as a thing at all…

Whether it is the main fleet being defeated by someone with no difficulty, or for the rest, I have to send it away Thirty billion civilians used to serve as prisoners, in their eyes they are all extremely humiliating!

Knowing those things in the minds of the Federal President, the secretary truthfully reported:

“Based on previous estimates, it may take about 30,000 years before we can fully follow up. Go up to Ada Spirit Race.”

Although it is not very obvious, there is indeed a little pride in the tone.

For the Human Federation, this may be a long time, as if it is a bit distant in the foreseeable future.

But compared to the tens of millions of years of civilization in Ada Spirit Race, these 30,000 years are obviously nothing.

So, the Human Federation only needs 30,000 years of trifling to catch up with them, which is undoubtedly an extremely fast speed!

Just as the secretary finished speaking, another silhouette appeared next to him: “That is already outdated data. According to the latest situation, it may not take that long.”

that silhouette is the minister of scientific research.

After appearing, he directly showed a little mockery on his face, explaining why he said the previous words:

“According to the latest observations displayed by the investigators According to the report, the current Ada Spirit Race has been completely immersed in its own glory.

The development of most emerging technologies has directly fallen into a stagnant situation, and even has a tendency to regress!

Countless people have spent most of their resources on meaningless things. Pleasure and depraved life are their main theme.

Now Ida Spirit Race It’s like a big tree that is rotting.

Although the exterior is still extremely strong, the internal vitality is continuously passing away, and in the end it will inevitably become a dead tree.”

Federation After listening to the chairman, he immediately said with a big smile happily: “This is really good news!”

Because of various hatreds in the past, the more depraved the other party, the more they are not doing business! The happier he is!

As soon as he heard his laugh, the head of the scientific research department also laughed.

“Perhaps, we can slow down the expansion speed now, and after they become more depraved, we will accelerate the expansion.”

In his eyes, Ida Spirit Race It seems to have become the yellow flower of yesterday.

One day, mankind will stand at the apex of the galaxy and take revenge on the hatred of the year!

As for the fall of the enemy?

Naturally is an excellent thing, the more depraved, the better!

They had no idea what kind of huge waves would be set off when Ada Spirit Race, standing in the dominant position of the galaxy, overturned the ship.


Earth time, 24112 AD.

A certain peripheral zone of the human federation forces.

A human federal fleet consisting of hundreds of battleships is aimlessly patrolling in its own territory.

Everything looks the same as previous patrols, and it seems very calm.

Many soldiers are lazily bragging with their colleagues and even the existence of cyborgs and artificial intelligence robots.

Up to now, the cyborgs and artificial intelligences still call humans their masters, but they already have certain biological characteristics, such as their own personality.

Some personalities will appear very cold, while others will be very enthusiastic, so chat bossing is naturally no longer a problem.


Can quarrel with humans.

And relying on the connected database, the huge advantage of having a large number of vocabulary, humans usually can’t noisy them.

I have to say, this is indeed a shame.

Also, because they are not much different from human beings in terms of personality.

So all kinds of feelings also appeared, like, respect, dislike, hate…

They have their own happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy just like intelligent creatures.

This directly leads to some artificial intelligences that will fight each other as soon as they meet, and some artificial intelligences will even reach soul mates with humans who get along well, and then make themselves a human body with them. Step into the marriage hall.

In short, all kinds of strange things, in this ever-changing era, everyday all happen continuously.

But relatively speaking, the overall development is basically on the good side of moved towards.

Command room.

The commander of the Federal Fleet is elated with his legs up, his head up, and his tea.

The tea has just flowed into my throat.

A burst of information came to his ears suddenly.

[Subspace fluctuation is detected. It is suspected that a large number of targets are trying to jump nearby. According to the information provided by the signal frequency, the identity of the opponent may be the red target-Ada Spirit Race. ]


He didn’t care much about the first half of the original message, but when he heard the last half of the words [Ada Spirit Race] .

Under the excitement, hot tea spurted directly from his mouth and nostrils!

The ordinary person of the Federation may not know much about [Ada Spirit Race].

But the commander’s father is one of the federal members. He has heard of [Ada Spirit Race], the biggest imaginary enemy of the human confederation more than once.

It is clear in my heart that it is definitely not an opponent that can be ignored at will.

If there is a slight difference, it is normal for my own fleet to be damaged here.

“Sound the alarm! Send the whole army to prepare for battle!!”

The commander’s roar began to reverberate in the command room.