Chapter 717


[World Tree-the fountain of wisdom].

The eldest sister among the three [Fate Goddess], frowns sighed:

“Elander is dead…but he shouldn’t have died at the hands of [World Destroyer]…”

As the master of the existence of [World Tree-Destiny].

The twilight of the gods and the destruction of [World Tree] were all within their expectations since at first.

It’s just that the current situation is not just that the time of the matter is not right, but the relationship between the characters is also a bit wrong.

For them as the [Weavers of Destiny], this is really confusing.

Make them a little bit confused…

Ranked 2nd of the [Destiny Goddess], lightly touch the surface of the [Fountain of Wisdom] in the air.

Among them, countless [Martial Goddess] with blood-colored wings on their backs were immediately revealed, slaughtering sentient beings.

She reluctantly added:

“More than that, [Martial Goddess] should have been ruined by the eloquence of [Koma], but now they have become one of the destroyers of [World Tree]…”

“The situation is completely out of control.”

Faced with this very direct answer, all three fell silent, a little helpless.


Looking at the black scales that were slightly pierced in my hand.

And the golden rays of light that are quickly dissipating.

Niederhogg calmly admired:

‘Not bad, your determination, I already feel it…’

Although it sounds like there is no compliment.

But he really praised Elander.

Even though he is only using the [Archfiend] level of power, it is not easy for the opponent to cause a little insignificant damage to him.

As beings who descended from a higher personality, Orlega and Eland are in an unequal relationship.

The understanding and application of power between the two parties are not at the same level.

If it weren’t for the influence of plane suppression and plane consciousness, Nidhogg might even be considered a thousand times weaker than it is now, and he could completely kill all lifeforms on this plane with no difficulty.

Therefore, as an unremarkable aboriginal, Elander was able to successfully create some traces on him, which is indeed a great achievement and glory!

next moment.

The insignificant scratch on the scale armor is automatically repaired.

Niederhogg raised his head and looked up at the huge and incomparable [World Tree] in front of him.

Then, the red [Dragon’s Breath] spewed from his mouth!

Everything along the way, whether it is matter or energy, has been incinerated indiscriminately!

Under the [Destiny] of [Death to the World].

Everything that was contaminated with that [Dragon’s Breath] was forcibly led to the stage of destruction.

This is the inherent power of [Black Dragon-Niederhogg], just like [Thunder God]’s [Thunderbolt], [Lie God]’s [Lie]…

With the [Destiny] of [Destroying the World], he was activated in advance.

Niederhogg’s power is swelling crazily.

Every moment.

The power he possesses is increasing!

The fire began to spread from the bottom to the top, from the position of [World Tree-the root of the tree], all the way to the top…

Faced with the threat of this attack, the residents in each [Realm] did not choose to wait and die.

Countless lives, trying to resist in any sense.

spells, sharp blades, and various wonderful abilities… They have been used by them one after another!

But under that turbulent [Dragon’s Breath], everything is meaningless.

In the absolute gap, all these resistances are no different from closing your eyes and waiting to die.

One after another [Realm], was completely burned into nothingness…


[Bitajia Realm]

As a human territory, just like other [realms], this place is undergoing tremendous changes.

And the main cause of the matter.

The black giant wolf tens of meters long is standing on the top of a certain mountain.

Looking at the bottom of [World Tree], the flame is spreading and destroying everything.

Also looking at the middle reaches of [World Tree], they are constantly climbing upwards, devouring all the giant snakes on the way.

Although his eyes were full of bloodthirsty killing intents, his expression was extremely calm.

Two completely opposite qualities appear to him both contradictory and harmonious.

“…[Destiny]…When everything is completely destroyed, how will we wait…”

After thinking for a while.

After all, He did not delve too deeply into that question.


At the moment, He only wants to gain his own freedom, the freedom not to be restrained by [World Tree]…

All limbs exert force at the same time.

In the next moment, the mountain at his feet collapsed into countless dust, and his silhouette was like a black comet, quickly passing through the sky!

With the area where He traveled as the boundary point, everything began to wither, and the world was headed for ashes.

The authority of [killing] allowed him to bring equal death for everything.

The mountains and rocks extinguish themselves, the currents thirsty, the sky splits, all souls turn into dead bones…

His existence itself is equivalent to a sign of death for all things.

At the time of arrival.

It’s time for the other party to die!

Far away.

Inside the coalition positions formed by the various tribes of mankind.

The leaders watched the coming black comet and the Divine Idol that broke automatically in the center of the field.

The look is full of seriousness and despair.

No need to say anything.

It is clear to everyone that it is not a force they can resist.

But none of them chose to retreat.

Berserker’s blood and dignity, so that they can only accept the heroic death, not useless cowardice!

Holding his battle axe tightly in one hand, the majestic bear leader, after gently patted his son’s head with the other hand, pointed the axe blade at the scorching sun at the top of the sky and looked around , Declared loudly:

“Even if the gods fall and Martial Goddess is missing, I will finally show my glory under the gaze of all things!!”

“Now, raise your arms!”

Long sword, giant sword, strong bow, hammer, wooden staff…

Being lifted high by a soldier and even an ordinary person.

“Berserker’s blood cannot be defiled!”

“Charge with me!!”

When the big leader strode his legs and launched a charge.

Beside and behind him, whether it is a strong and brave warrior or a child who has just learned to walk, they shouted out their battle roars and followed behind them!

Even the baby who was still swaddling, was held in his arms by his parents, and rushed to the galloping black comet.

Regarding this.

In giant wolf’s gaze, there were no other fluctuations, but he continued to run calmly…

Soon after.

[Bitajia Realm], everything in the sky and the world has gone into destruction, even the extremely hot sun and the stars that have been shining since ancient times have fallen into eternal silence, infinite darkness, descending… …