Chapter 82: The Moving Operation (6)

Name:Academy's Genius Swordmaster Author:
Chapter 82: The Moving Operation (6)

It was a beautiful evening. The breeze was cool, and the sky was clear. The setting sun was painting the world in shades of crimson.

“Hey, is everything clear back there?”

“Yes, all clear.”

The path stretched out on both sides, adorned with gently swaying meadows. In the quiet woods, where cicadas had fallen silent, the songs of sparrows could be heard.

It was a pastoral landscape that naturally relaxed one’s mind. However, on the faces of the mercenaries of the desert’s Ilri, there was an intense tension. The mercenary leader, who wielded a long battle mace, spoke sternly., “Do not let your guard down. Keep your hearts prepared to face any enemy that may come.”

“Yes, sir!”

“I never thought the young Duke would come in person...”

About twenty mercenaries were moving around two carriages. One was a massive cargo carriage that could easily fit a small cottage, while the other was an elegant travel carriage.

On the sides of both carriages, the emblem of the House of Gracia was engraved. This time, the mission entrusted to the mercenaries was to escort a lady from the small village of Nimbuten to the capital. The client was none other than the Rising Star of the Empire, Shullifen de Gracia.

“Could she possibly be a princess in exile?”

The leader murmured again, his eyes scanning the road ahead. The image of the lady they were tasked to protect lingered in his mind. The sudden sense of duty had ignited a fire within the usually unruly mercenaries.

Shullifen had been keeping close to the carriage carrying Iril. He was tense, his nerves on edge as he vigilantly surveyed his surroundings.

‘...It’s strangely quiet.’

Despite the intelligence reports of monsters running rampant, nothing had happened so far. The only unusual occurrence had been removing a cat napping in the middle of the road.

‘It’s even more suspicious now.’

Suddenly, an uneasy Shullifen glanced inside the carriage. Iril was gently stroking Cita, who was sleeping on her lap. Her gaze, previously fixed on the scenery outside, accidentally met Shullifen’s.

“Oh, Shullifen!”

Iril waved her hand with a bright smile. Shullifen, trying to calm his racing heart, approached her. He cleared his throat a few times and then spoke in the most mature tone he could muster.

“Ahem, is there anything uncomfortable?”

“No, not at all! Please, Shullifen, take a break too!”

Iril smiled and patted the seat next to her. Shullifen’s brain felt like it turned to stone. He had to chew his words fairly forcefully before regaining enough cognitive ability to respond.

“Oh, um... I can’t do that. I’m on duty.”

“Is there anything I can do to help? I feel bad just relying on you like this, and the others too...”

“Not at all. Um, it’s dangerous outside, so please don’t come out.”

“Huh? Are there wolves out there?”

“Wolves... yes, something like wolves could be out there.”


Iril’s eyes widened. He felt a pang of guilt, thinking that he might have scared her for no reason.

He was about to hurriedly correct his statement when Iril suddenly reached out of the window and placed her hand on his shoulder, saying, “Be careful. You’re my younger brother’s friend before you’re a noble. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“Uh? Hmm. A noble? Yeah, that’s right. I’m a friend of a noble.”


“No, I mean... I meant I’m your brother’s friend who happens to be a noble.”

Shullifen, who had relapsed into incoherent babbling, froze in place. He was in the middle of uttering meaningless words when one of the mercenaries urgently shouted.

“Something’s coming from the east!”

A moment of indescribable dread surged through Shullifen’s entire body. Something inexplicably ominous was rapidly approaching.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m


Shullifen hastily drew his sword and leaped to the front of the formation.


A colossal shadow landed in front of the convoy.

“It’s finally shown itself!”


The mercenaries, who had been on high alert, unleashed their prepared attacks. The leader, having discerned the identity of the shadow, shouted urgently.

“Hold! Everyone, stop!”

It was very unusual for a veteran leader to be so flustered. The mercenaries quickly withdrew their hands from their weapon hilts and shields.

The shadow, once crouched, unfolded its massive form. In the light of the setting sun, the unmistakable figure of a were-tiger emerged. At that moment, the mercenaries realized that the leader had just saved them all.


“Why is swordmaster Zaifa here...!”

Among the beastfolk, she had an exceptionally massive build, almost resembling a pillar rather than a beastfolk. Among those who partake in swordplay, there was not a single person who didn’t know her. The Swordmaster, Zaifa, stood before them.

“I understand why you made such a request now. Entrusting the escort to these weak individuals.”

She muttered incomprehensible words as she scanned the mercenary group. At that moment, two young boys leaped down from behind Zaifa. Shullifen, who had been standing resolute with the mercenaries, widened his eyes.


“You all did well.”

“This must be the sister you told me about.”

“Uh, It spoke...! Hello!”

Iril approached, her eyes twinkling like someone who had just spotted a cute animal. Zaifa studied her closely, then looked back at Ronan and spoke.

“...I think I understand why you hate it here.”


Ronan and Shullifen both nodded in unison. Suddenly, Zaifa extended her hand to Iril. It was not the eccentric greeting they had received earlier; this time, it was a simple and affectionate handshake. Iril, as if she had been waiting for this moment, eagerly took her hand, shaking it while expressing her amazement.

“Wow, you have such an incredible physique. I’ve never seen a Beastfolk before!”

“What’s your name, miss?”

“I’m Iril! Wow, your hand is so soft... Can I touch it a bit more?”

“Do as you please.”

Iril giggled like a child while gently caressing Zaifa’s furry hand. The faces of the observing mercenaries turned ghostly pale.

It was unprecedented. Zaifa, a seasoned warrior, not only engaged in conversation with a human she didn’t consider a warrior but also allowed her to touch her hand. The mercenaries were in shock.

Then, one of the mercenaries pointed to the east and shouted again, “Something else is coming over there!”

“The Imperial Army?”

Several colossal shadows rose from the forest and landed around the convoy. These were Zaifa’s subordinates, who had temporarily parted ways due to the mission. Were-lion, who was known as the lieutenant, saluted Zaifa.

“Captain, we’ve finished our mission.”

“Good. You did well.”

“The boy’s words were accurate. We found the body of an old man, who is wanted criminal known as Aden’s Bloodstorm...”

The lieutenant continued to report. She mentioned the delivery of Kadyon to Rodollan, the retrieval of the bodies of the lady and the old man, and the overall success in thwarting Nebula Clazier’s conspiracy.

Zaifa and Ronan listened attentively, and it appeared that there was no significant issue. It seemed clear that they had successfully thwarted Nebula Clazier’s plot.

“What... what is happening here?”

“Captain, what’s going on?”

The Mercenaries were in a state of unprecedented chaos. Surrounded by the sudden appearance of the Imperial Beastfolk army, they were understandably bewildered.

“···That’s right.”

However, the mercenary leader had no information to share, leaving him with nothing to say. Finally, after finishing the conversation with her men, Zaifa turned her head. A unique, overpowering voice came out of her mouth.

“All of you are a nuisance, so just disappear.”

The mercenary leader had no choice but to nod silently. He had received a substantial sum of money as an advance payment, much more than when he captured the Wyvern herd two years ago. He didn’t have any complaints.

However, he couldn’t help but be curious about the identity of the woman they were escorting. She had to be someone significant, perhaps not just a princess from an exile nation but even more important, maybe the Emperor’s hidden daughter.

The Young Duke of Gracia, a young but influential noble in the Empire, Zaifa Turkon, known as the strongest Beastfolk in history, and her subordinates, all of them were escorting a single woman.

The mercenary leader, who bowed silently, opened his mouth in bewilderment.

“May luck be with you.”

The baggage carriages were lifted by the Beastfolk who moved like the wind. Racing into the distance with the sunset at their backs, they looked like they were off to destroy an entire nation.


The moving was completed at an unprecedented speed. Zaifa, along with thirteen Beastfolk, helped with the relocation.

Ronan, Iril, Aselle, and Shullifen followed Zaifa’s strong recommendation not to bother them and boarded the carriage for the journey.

The powerful Were-bears and Were-lions hoisted the baggage carriages and horses. Zaifa personally lifted the carriage in which Ronan’s group was seated.

Those not handling the carriages were assigned to security. The Beastfolk quickly set up a three-dimensional defensive formation, and the citizens of Marbas, who witnessed this imposing convoy, began to make a commotion.

“Clear the way! The Swordmaster Zaifa is passing!”

“Whose carriage is this, ait, is it the Emperor himself?”

They sped down the road faster than horses, even though they were carrying wagons and horses. With the excuse that Zaifa was on a mission, they were able to cross the mountain passes unchecked.

The riskiest and bumpiest part of the journey, the mountain pass, was traversed without any issues. The most dangerous and unpredictable moving company in the world arrived in Jeston on Monday morning, well before dawn.

The world’s most dangerous and elusive escort organisation arrived at the city before Monday morning dawned. The men kindly dropped off the wagon and its crew right in front of their new home. Ronan, who had just disembarked from the carriage, lightly patted Zaifa’s leg and said with a grin.

“Thanks. Thanks to you, we got here comfortably.”

“Hmm, it’s been a while since I’ve been to Jido Barun.”

Zaifa didn’t respond to the gratitude but instead looked around with an intrigued expression. She explained that it had been almost three years since she last came to Jido Barun, as she was always traveling across the continent due to missions.

“I-Is this really our home?”


Iril’s eyes widened as she looked at the new house. Ronan nodded. The two-story stone house was located in an affluent area where the upper class lived in Jido Barun.

After much consideration and discussion between Ronan and Shullifen, they had chosen this house, which not only offered safety and convenience but also had excellent accessibility, being only a 5-minute walk from the Philleon Academy, a renowned institution. Iril spoke with a trembling voice.

“Ro-Ronan... I think we must have come to the wrong house... it doesn’t look like our home at all...”

“It’s our home. Let’s go inside.”

Ronan held Iril’s hand and entered the house. Aselle and Shullifen followed them from behind. Although they had invited Zaifa, she declined, stating that she wanted to enjoy the air of Jido Barun, something she hadn’t experienced in a while.

When they opened the front door, a spacious and beautiful interior revealed itself. However, Ronan didn’t give Iril a chance to marvel and immediately went upstairs. The second floor, unlit by separate lighting, was bathed in the tranquil moonlight. Iril’s mouth slowly fell open.
