Chapter 197

Name:Academy's Genius Swordmaster Author:
Chapter 197

[Translator – Peptobismol]

Chapter 197: To the North (3)

Leaving Philleon behind, Ronan and his party set foot on the northern highway, marking the beginning of their journey in earnest. The road stretched out like an elongated plaza, with people freely wandering about. Ronan murmured with a tone suggesting weariness at the vast scenery before him.

“No matter how many times I see it, it’s disgustingly wide.”

The expansive road, flanked by the Imperial Palace, extended all the way to Astan, the city known as the starting point of winter. Being a crucial trade route even within the empire, the northern highway in Balon was always bustling with merchants and their accompanying caravans.

Amidst the clamor of cart collisions, rows of merchants’ and mercenaries’ guild tents lining both sides of the road, there were guards employed by those who couldn’t afford protection, along with free mercenaries eyeing them.

Observing the world behind the market that he rarely saw, Ronan found it intriguing. While he was engrossed, Marya, who was leading the way, pointed to a corner of the road.

“Oh, look over there!”

“What’s that? Is that the Carabel?”

Ronan’s eyes widened in surprise. Twelve massive carriages were lined up in a row. Each carriage was so spacious that it could serve as temporary lodging, and at least four sturdy horses were attached to each.

Metal plaques with the Carabel’s emblem were affixed to the sides of all the carriages. Compared to two years ago, there had been significant progress. Marya turned to Ronan with a smirk.

“Heh, I’ve been working hard even in your absence. Are we now within the top 30 in the Imperial rankings?”

“...Yeah, it seems plausible.”

Ronan chuckled in amazement. It seemed far more comfortable than he had anticipated. Adehsan, who was silently trailing behind, timidly spoke up.

“Um, Ronan... Can I ask something?”

“Yeah? What’s up?”

“What’s the reason for the sudden change in plans? The means of transportation and itinerary are a bit different from what I heard.”

Adehsan spoke hesitantly, suppressing her emotions as much as possible. She seemed like she might burst out yelling unintentionally. After moistening her lips with saliva, she murmured almost inaudibly.

“And... You mentioned it would be just the two of us...”

The current itinerary was quite different from what she had first heard from Ronan. Ronan scratched his head as if feeling embarrassed. It was such a sudden turn of events that he ended up omitting the explanation. He pointed his chin towards Marya.

“Ah, sorry for not mentioning it earlier. Yesterday, I told the club members about the plan, and they said that the Carabel run by this girl’s father is going all the way to Rundalian.””

“Rundalian? The city on the Tukan Plateau?”

“Yes. As expected, you’re familiar with it since it’s your hometown.”

Ronan nodded. Rundalian was a relatively remote city even in the north. It was located in an area where trade routes were just beginning to emerge, and the Carabel was going there specifically to obtain a specialty product of that place, called “Cold Iron.”

However, the problem lay in the journey to Rundalian itself. The terrain was rugged, and even disregarding that, the security was not very good.

Except for a few major cities, it was essential to enlist escorts, and even then, there was a constant risk of being plundered by gangs composed of rough individuals. Straying from established trade routes was treated similarly to a naked beauty wandering through back alleys decked out in jewels, simply inviting trouble.

Considering that Rundalian had long suffered under the Empire’s oppression, such circumstances might be considered inevitable. Nevertheless, merchants didn’t give up on their dreams of venturing into the north, as there were still plenty of opportunities for profit.

So, Marya suggested that since they were heading north anyway, why not travel together? Rundalian was quite close to Hyran, which was Ronan’s primary destination. There was no reason to refuse the offer. Adehsan, hearing about the special Cold Iron, raised an eyebrow.

“Cold Iron... Going for expensive goods.”

“Yes. So, they were recruiting skilled escorts, and we happened to show up.”

The group ended up receiving comfortable lodgings and good meals, while Carabel merchants gained reliable escorts. It was a mutually beneficial arrangement. Adehsan, who knew the hardships of the north, had to admit it was a wise decision. With rationality on her side, she nodded in agreement.

That was also true. Adeshan’s expression stiffened momentarily. He wasn’t sure how to take that compliment. Isn’t calling someone ‘amazing’ more of a term of admiration than something said to the opposite sex?

‘No, Ronan might prefer someone amazing over just pretty.’

Delving deeper would be endless. Quickly gaining a mental victory, a smile returned to her lips.

“Thank you. But really, I haven’t done anything. Your daughter’s achievements are solely the result of her own talents and efforts.”

“Oh, indeed...”

Adehsan said warmly. The Carabel father and daughter’s faces lit up with emotion. Marya hugged her tightly and said,

“Unnie, how do you always speak so beautifully? Hehe, let’s take a bath together later.”


Unlike Eri, Marya was very strong. Her grip was so strong that there was no way to escape. Ronan, watching the two women, nodded in satisfaction.

‘Hmm. It was a good idea to go together after all.’

Indeed, it seemed that women became close by sticking together like that. If Aselle or Shullifen did such a thing, they would have had their front teeth knocked out right then and there. Duon, who had gathered the three of them, spoke up.

“Now, let me briefly explain the itinerary. As you know, our destination this time is Rundalian...”

Apart from Ronan’s group, there were twenty more guards. Each of them seemed rough and skilled, indicating the importance of this journey.

After listening to Duon’s explanation, the group boarded the wagons. Since the other compartments were filled with the remaining mercenaries, they all had to ride in the same wagon.

The interior, filled to about half with trade goods, couldn’t be called spacious even if one were being generous. Marya said with a tone of apology,

“Please understand, it’s a bit cramped. Besides, unless it’s raining, we’ll be sleeping outside anyway.”

“This is luxurious enough.”

Ronan nodded. Compared to the barracks during his Punishment Squad days, it was practically a palace. It wasn’t cramped at all. It was spacious enough that seven people could sleep comfortably if they squeezed in.

“Are you okay, Uniine? Should we ride separately for men and women?”

“No. I’m fine as I am. Please take care of the journey to Rundalian.”

More accurately, she was fine right now. She actually liked this cramped space. Adehsan, sitting opposite Ronan with a step’s distance, smiled.

“Why are you smiling?”

“Hehe, just because.”

Suddenly, she realized that was a person with a very low boiling point. Just looking at his face made her smile.

Prompt him to confess. Pounce on him while he’s asleep. Of course, if she could be bold like Eri’s advice, it would be even better, but she didn’t mind finding happiness in these small moments.

Perhaps it might turn out to be quite an enjoyable journey after all. Before long, with the sound of hooves clattering, the Carabel convoy began to move slowly. Ronan climbed onto the roof of the wagon and sprawled out.

“It’s been a while since I’ve been to the North.”

The land didn’t leave much of a good memory. Nevertheless, he had to leave to do what needed to be done. The blacksmith of Hyran and the Sea of Ghosts. Would he be able to find decisive clues about his birth this time?

The distant summer sky sparkled brightly. It was hot, but the breeze was pleasant enough to feel comfortable. The journey towards the land of snow and ice had begun.

[TL/N: why compete when you can all share Ronan ehehe]

[Translator – Peptobismol]