Chapter 12

Name:Academy's Genius Swordsman Author:
Chapter 12



[Translator – Zain]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


An overwhelming mana, as if suppressing the senses, pulsed within the sphere object. Despite experiencing countless types of mana before, never had they felt anything quite like this. Varen strained to speak.

“Marpez, what in the world...?”

“Professor, what is this exactly? It’s not suddenly going to explode, is it?”

“Well, the only thing I can be sure about... is that it’s Marpez’s egg. But judging from the mana I feel, I can’t even guess what might come out of it.”

“You can’t guess?”

– Cheep... Cheep...

Marpez was nodding off on Ronan’s lap. Ronan, who was molding soft feathers, furrowed his brow.

“No, you said it’s an egg. So, it’s not just going to hatch into a blue bundle of fur like this? It’s not like planting a bean and suddenly getting a watermelon.”

“That’s the problem. Dream Birds can do that.”


“Not just watermelons, but they can also grow trees, palaces, and forests.”

Varen continued the explanation. In essence, this peculiar bird conceived by absorbing mana from specific objects or its surroundings and laid an egg. Due to this unique ability, even among fantastical creatures, their population was limited.

“Because of this, Dream Birds that look the same don’t exist. I’ve seen Dream Birds with steel beaks and feathers of flame.”The inaugural upload of this chapter took place via N0v3l-B1n.

“Sounds amazing... I’d probably aim for it too even if I am not a poacher.”

Varen had encountered Marpez in a prestigious northern lake. The characteristics like blue feathers and the ability to run on water were likely derived from the lake’s mana.

“However, this situation is new to me too. In typical cases, a Dream Bird’s intrinsic mana is about 70%, and the rest should feel like 30%... But this is a chaotic mix of all kinds of mana. Like molten metal in a furnace.”

“What’s included in ‘all kinds’?”

“Well... that’s...”

Varen let out a sigh as he inspected the egg. Even explaining an eccentric masterpiece painted by a madman wouldn’t be more confusing than this.

What could you call this? Flames flowing on a riverbed. Dancing shadows, and rivers of bright red rushing into the sky. Pale starlight. A Dream Bird soaring along the world’s edge.

Eventually, Varen lowered his head, seeming embarrassed.

“I apologize. I can’t give you a definite answer. With my abilities, I can’t explain this.”

“Hey, what the heck did you give birth to?”

Ronan jabbed Marpez as he muttered. Marpez, who had awakened briefly, looked around blinking before burying its head into Ronan’s chest and falling asleep again.

Ronan chuckled in disbelief.

“Well, I’ve seen shameless folks, but this one takes the cake.”

“...Um, would you mind taking care of this egg?”


Ronan raised his head at this sudden request. Varen was staring at him with a serious expression. The way he had his hands on his knees reminded Ronan of a master appealing to someone for his daughter’s sake.

“I know this is a sudden favor. But I believe Marpez has a reason for laying this egg in front of you all.”

“Isn’t it just because it was time to lay the egg?”

“No, Dream Birds don’t lay eggs just anywhere.”

Varen asserted firmly. His well-groomed mane swayed aristocratically.

He spoke as if uttering an unopposable, ancient prophecy.

“Much like most animals give birth in safe places, Dream Birds lay their eggs where potential gathers. I want to respect the intention of my friend, who has been with me for over 40 years.”

“Uh... Honestly, it doesn’t matter much, but is it okay?”

“Of course. In fact, I’m thankful you’re willing to entertain this sudden request.”

“When is it going to wake up?”

“I’m not sure, but... I know of a place where I might be of help.”

Varen, who unexpectedly rose to his feet, walked over to the desk. In his returning hands were two sheets of exquisite paper and a piece of parchment.

Ronan grinned.

“I was contemplating what to give you as a token of gratitude for rescuing Marpez... and it worked out well.”

“What is it?”

“Firstly, this is a map leading to the Fountain of Phaenar.”

Varen extended the parchment first. A crudely drawn map, as if he had done it himself, was sketched on the rough surface. He pointed to a marked spot with his index finger.

“It’s the closest place to the Leyline. A location where the Earth’s mana gathers, so it’s often sought after by fantasy creatures.”

“Wait, Leyline? Really?”

Varen suggested that they should take the egg and visit the Fountain of Phaenar. He mentioned that it might accelerate the hatching or enhance their own mana sensitivity. He asked them to keep the location a secret.

Ronan nodded, clutching the parchment.

“Of course. Giving us something so precious, thank you somehow doesn’t feel enough.”

“It’s not over yet. Here, take this too.”

This time, Varen placed two sheets of exquisite paper on the table. Although there was a lot written on them, it was in a language they couldn’t understand because it wasn’t Imperial.

“What is this?”

“It’s a recommendation letter for Philleon Academy. I thought I’d never have a use for it in my lifetime, but it seems it’s finally coming out.”

The boys’ eyes widened. Varen took what seemed like a mere pen but began to scribble something. He indicated their names, Ronan’s and Aselle’s, and his own signature in his handwriting.

“It’s harder than mithril, what’s the worst that could happen if it falls?”

Since considering it fully his own, he felt no qualms. He urged them forward and said, “Let’s go see that girl quickly. My shoulders hurt because of the books.”

Among the refined buildings, they eventually spotted Maraya, seated at the center of the marketplace on a mat. When her eyes met Ronan’s, she greeted them with a wave.

“Idiots! You’ve finally come!”

Marya was dressed in a hostess’s skirt, and her hair was now neatly tied, giving her a slightly more mature appearance. The boys returned her the borrowed book.

“To be honest, I was worried, but how did you find your way here? When did you arrive in Jido?”

“This morning.”

“And what have you been doing since you got here?”

“Had a cup of tea with the lion they call a messenger at Philleon.”

“You didn’t want to meet me, huh?”


Marya squinted at Ronan with narrowed eyes. From Ronan’s perspective of telling the truth, it felt unjust. She furrowed her brow as she looked at the egg in Ronan’s hand.

“What’s that round thing? Ugh, it’s not what I’m thinking, is it?”

“A mysterious and inexplicable something even the talking lion couldn’t explain.”

“You... really...”

“Oh, Hi! Marya!”

Sensing the crisis, Aselle interjected. Marya’s expression softened, and she looked at Aselle.

“Hey, cutie! You seem a bit taller?”

“Only because this midget’s been blabbering about you all day. He kept singing and saying he wanted to see you...”

“Si-singing... that’s not true!”

“If you wanted to see me, you should have just said so. Come here!”

Marya embraced Aselle and spun him around. It was a scene like an older sister playing with her younger brother. As Aselle blushed with embarrassment, Ronan exchanged greetings with Duon.

“It’s been a while, sir.”

“Oh, Guests! Have you been well?”

“I’m always doing well. Sorry about last time.”

“Hehe, not at all, guests. Although there have been various things happening, I’m grateful that you’ve been friendly with my daughter. She’s rather lonely even though she doesn’t seem it.”

Duon lowered his voice, as if worried Marya might hear. Ronan chuckled and nodded. He had bought a pouch of southern mountain tobacco from Carabel.

When they turned their heads, they saw Marya and Duon finishing a playful exchange. Ronan placed a piece of tobacco in his mouth and pushed the pouch into his coat.

As if something important had come to her mind, Marya opened her mouth.

“Oh, did you hear the news?”

“What news?”

“This time, the eldest son of the Grand Duke of Gracia will take the entrance exam for Philleon. Just like us.”

“Grand Duke of Gracia?”

Ronan recalled his memory. He had never been interested in the nobility, so he didn’t remember. That was still true now, so he shrugged nonchalantly.

“What, you seriously don’t know? This is quite a big deal.”

“What’s with this guy? Why’s he acting so high and mighty?”

“He’s the genius that the whole empire was talking about, the one that reappeared after two hundred years. Shullifen Sinyaban De Gracia. You’ve never heard of him?”

Ronan didn’t respond. Seeing his silence, Marya sighed. It was hard to believe that someone could be so ignorant of the world’s affairs.

In Jido, there wasn’t a single person who didn’t know Shullifen. A prodigy who enlightened Orl’s circles at the age of eleven and was now running toward the state of Awakening. Also, the eldest son of the Grand Duke of Gracia, a major clan that rivaled the Acalusia family.

But Ronan hadn’t remained silent because he didn’t know.

“Shullifen...? Did you just say Shullifen?”

“Yeah. You seriously haven’t heard of him? Not even once?Shullifen. Sinyaban. De. Grancia.”

Why would he have heard of him? Ronan continued to doubt his hearing. In the list of words that sounded like an incantation, there was one name he could never forget.

The Winter Witch’s assassin. The Empire’s Sword Saint, who once wielded a blade alongside him. The tragic genius who ultimately couldn’t defeat the giant and perished.

“What’s with your expression? Are you hurt somewhere?”

“Um, no. I know about it. Shullifen.”

“Really? Honestly, this was more surprising to me than your mana sensitivity.”

Ronan chuckled bitterly after delving into the past for a moment. Their encounter had been short, but the impression he left was intense. He still remembered Shullifens Aura that covered the battlefield.

“He was an impressive aristocrat. There was a slightly twisted corner to him, though.”

“You’re saying it like you met him in person?”

“I did. To put it another way, I couldn’t even pee in front of that nobleman.”

“...I guess so. Anyway, I’m hungry. Let’s go eat.”

Marya grabbed the boys’ hands and headed toward the restaurant district. They enjoyed one of Jido’s specialties, beef steak, accompanied by wood strawberry juice.

The three of them spent their days touring around various places in Jido during the day and training for the practical test at night. Two days flew by in an instant.



[Translator – Zain]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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