Chapter 90

Name:Academy's Genius Swordsman Author:
Chapter 90



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


In Ronan’s hand, the already drawn Lamancha shone brightly. The mana emanating from the 7th Circle mage was so concentrated that it made their heads spin. Aun Philara, who had been observing them, spoke up.

“I would like to have a conversation with the two of you. Is that alright for a moment?”

“W-with us?”

Elizabeth’s eyes widened in surprise. Aun Philara nodded.

“Yes, both of you. You both seem like newcomers, but your skills are quite impressive. I couldn’t resist my curiosity about promising juniors.”


“I’m also a graduate of Philleon. I entered in the 767th batch.”

Ronan’s eyes widened. What surprised him more than the fact that he was an academy senior was that he appeared to be in his early thirties. Aun Philara, stroking his beard, spoke to Ronan.

“Your abilities, in particular, are quite intriguing. How did you make a fireball disappear with a sword strike?”

“I just... sliced it into pieces, and it vanished.”

“That’s truly astonishing. I understand that everyone has their secrets.”

“It’s true.”

Ronan’s tone was incredulous. As someone who believed that was all there was to it, he had nothing more to explain. Aun Philara continued speaking.

“It seems this conversation might take a while. Would you mind if I invite you to my office?”

“Uh, of course!”

Elizabeth quickly nodded. It was a natural response. Among the five towers of Philleon, the Dawn Magic Tower had a high reputation. Being invited by the Tower Mage and Acting Tower Lord was not an everyday occurrence.

“I’m fine with it too.”

Ronan readily accepted. He had several questions he wanted to ask anyway. A faint smile crossed Aun Philara’s face.

“I’m pleased that you agree. Please follow me.”

Aun Philara led them, and contrary to their expectations of using a fire column for transport, the three of them simply walked. They would only be burnt to a crisp unless they had reached a stage where they could transform their bodies into elements.

“It’s only spatial magic that can move others freely. By any chance, is Kratir still holding the position of headmaster at Philleon?”

“Yes, he is.”

“Indeed, Lorehon’s apprentice. If someone from the 9th Circle emerges next, it will undoubtedly be him.”

Aun Philara explained that his father had also attended Philleon during Kratir’s time as the headmaster. In any case, Kratir was an impressive elder. It was almost inexplicable that he hadn’t revealed his true form during the final battle.

Soon, they entered the main entrance of the tower. Inside, like outside, the interior was made of ivory-colored stone, exuding an elegance proportionate to its long history.

The first floor served as a lobby, like other tall buildings. A massive sculpture depicting the rising sun was illuminating the center of it.

Mages in crimson robes were moving around the lobby. Whenever they met Aun Philara, they would bow and greet him with reverence. Ronan raised an eyebrow as he looked around.

‘It’s more ordinary than I thought.’

The atmosphere was quite different from the bizarre and eerie Philleon magic. There were no stairs suspended upside down or sudden arguments with portraits here.

Those Philleon spellcasters were indeed a bit strange. Just as Ronan was thinking that, he spotted a peculiar sight in a corner of the lobby: a six-legged lizard-like creature turned upside down and sleeping. Ronan’s face froze.

‘Fuck, it’s a salamander.’

He almost drew his sword. If someone gave him paper and a pen and asked him to list the monsters he had a terrible time dealing with in his previous life, these fiery creatures would be at the top of the list. Salamanders were beings who could incinerate humans with a single breath of their fiery flames. Their sleek, 3-meter-long bodies were enveloped in cool flames. Philleon Academy students, who had come with Elizabeth, were listening to the guidance of a mage who seemed to be their guide.

“What you’re looking at right now is Nancy, a salamander that has been raised in Dawn Magic Tower for the past 120 years. Isn’t she cute?”

“Wow, it’s the first time I’ve seen a salamander. Can I touch it?”

‘These people are insane.’

Ronan muttered as he saw them giggling and listening to this nonsense. In any case, these mages were not in their right minds. They took a magic elevator and went straight to the top of the tower.


Aun Philara’s office was located on the topmost floor of the Dawn Magic Tower. Through the arched windows that covered the entire wall, they could see the sun stretching and the dawn’s light slowly creeping in.

Aun Philara explained that on a clear day, they could see the Fortress of Rodollan on the distant horizon. The three of them sat on the plush sofa and engaged in conversation. Gratitude for the situation that had just occurred and Philleon’s current situation were the main topics.

“Oh, I thought she was unusual, but she’s a prodigy of the Akalusia family. She can handle three elements?”

“Yes. Fire, wind, and telekinesis. My strongest attribute is fire.”

“To wield both fire and wind together, that’s truly a talent from the heavens. Do you have any plans to come to the Dawn Magic Tower after graduating? With Gracia’s three daughters doing well, you won’t lack anything in your life.”

“Hehehe, I’ll think about it.”

Elizabeth chuckled, covering her mouth. She was the type who loved compliments. But, didn’t he mention Gracia just now? She tilted her head as if she had heard wrong. She was about to ask when Aun Philara spoke up.

“You too, Ronan. You will undoubtedly become a great swordsman.”

“Thank you.”

Aun Philara rummaged through his pocket and handed Ronan a flat metal box. Inside, there were five small scrolls. Ronan raised an eyebrow.

“What’s this?”

“These are scrolls I’ve made. If you attend Philleon Academy, you’ll undoubtedly have to do risky practical exercises, so use them in emergencies.”

Aun Philara explained that his favorite spells, including Prominence Bird, were inscribed on the scrolls. Ronan’s face stiffened. Unless he had gone mad, what Aun Philara gave him was definitely not suitable for self-defense.

‘...Mages are definitely not in their right minds.’

Prominence Bird was a spell he had used even during his battle with Ahaiyute. Unless he had turned into a madman, it wasn’t something he would casually hand over like a bunch of vegetables.

“Thank you.”

He didn’t reject the offer, of course. Ronan put the metal box in his pocket with a wry smile. To be honest, he quite liked it. Elizabeth asked,

“Thank you for your hard work, Ronan. How long do you plan to stay at the tower?”

“Well, I don’t know. Maybe three or four days?”

“Hehe, same for me. Let’s meet up again if we get the chance.”

“Sure, let’s grab a meal with our friends sometime. Don’t stay alone all the time.”

“Geez, you’re such a meddler!”

The three of them rode the elevator down together. Since the Cradle of Dawn was located on a higher floor than the library in Dawn Magic Tower, Ronan had to let the other two go first. As the elevator descended again, Aun Philara turned around to speak.

“Oh, by the way, be careful not to read any forbidden books.”

“Forbidden books?”

The conversation was interrupted as the elevator descended, leaving Ronan to ponder the unexpected advice he had received from Aun Philara.

‘What was that about all of a sudden?’

The tone was more of a friendly advice than a warning. Shortly thereafter, the elevator came to a halt, and as the doors opened, the grandeur of the library unfolded before his eyes. Ronan couldn’t help but let out a wry chuckle at the sight.


The enormous library, housing a vast collection of rare books, occupied six floors of Dawn Tower, which itself had a total of twenty-four floors. The library’s ceiling was so high it was impossible to gauge its height accurately.

Bookshelves lined the curved walls, and dozens of cylindrical bookcases reached up to the ceiling.

Sunlight streamed in through scattered windows, providing the perfect illumination for reading. People stood on floating platforms, selecting books.

Ronan’s lips curled upward. If there were ever any clues about his curse, this place was as good a starting point as any. He mumbled to himself.

“Let’s give this a try.”

Ronan immediately set to work. The first step was to find the librarian Sarante mentioned. He realized that if he searched at random he wouldn’t find it in a year, let alone three days.

The problem was that the library was so vast, and the librarians were difficult to identify based solely on appearance, as they generally resembled stereotypical bookish types with glasses.

Should he try questioning them one by one? He was contemplating this when he heard a voice from behind.

“Excuse me, do you happen to be looking for a book?”


Ronan turned his head. A petite girl with short, orange hair and a diminutive stature stood there. Her orange-colored, bobbed hair and small stature were quite distinctive.

“Judging by your appearance, you must be from Philleon Academy. If you need anything, please feel free to ask me.”

“Wait... are you the librarian?”

The girl nodded. Ronan suppressed a chuckle when he saw her youthful face.

‘...She doesn’t seem old enough for that.’

Despite being courteous, she looked as young or even younger than him. Ronan raised an eyebrow, curious.

“Are there any more librarians besides you?”

“Yes? No... There are many people who assist me, but I’m the only librarian here.”

“Hmm, I see. Well, wait a moment, then.”

Without much ado, Ronan rummaged in his pocket and pulled out a ring with a sparkling gem set in the center of a silver loop. It was practically an heirloom from Sarante, something to show to the librarian when they met. The librarian’s eyes widened at the sight of the ring.

“Is that...!”

“My friend asked me to show this to the librarian here. Do you know this person?”

“Uh, how... I mean, this is unbelievable...”

She seemed more surprised than if someone had stumbled upon a dragon while taking a stroll. The librarian, who had been alternating her gaze between Ronan and the ring, suddenly grabbed his wrist and said.

“I know better about this than anyone else. Follow me.”



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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