Chapter 136

Name:Academy's Genius Swordsman Author:
Chapter 136



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


“Welcome to Rodolan.”

Karaka spoke, flashing a creepy smile as he entered the fortress. The group, glancing at each other’s faces, followed him.


As the door closed, the warmth mingled with the sea breeze vanished without a trace. Every breath exhaled formed a frosty mist. Ronan cursed under his breath at the biting cold.

“Damn, I thought it’d get better.”

“You’ll feel better once you put this on.”

The cabinet by the door was packed with outerwear worn by guards and interrogators. Karaka, rummaging through, turned to Aselle.

“Hmm, wonder if there’s something that’ll fit a lady like you.”

“Oh, no, no, I’m not a lady!”

Aselle protested vehemently. Thankfully, they found suitable clothing. Clad in fur hats and gloves, the four resumed their steps.

“There are fewer people inside than I expected.”

“Access is restricted, and the cold inside is unbearable. It takes three times longer to warm up when facing the witch. It would be a little better if you had prepared some extra defensive measures, but it seems you haven’t.”

“I see... But isn’t this too thick?”

Ronan grumbled irritably as he descended the stairs, finding it hard to even see his feet with the thick clothing.

“I assure you, soon you’ll think even this is too thin. Brace yourself.”

Karaka stated confidently. The Winter Witch was indeed formidable. Many changes occurred in Rodolan since she was imprisoned in it.

“Ensuring prisoners don’t freeze to death is a hassle, but it’s not bad. We’ve developed a lot of new torture... Ahem, interrogation techniques.”

“What kind?”

“Simple. Just strip them down and throw them into the prison cell next to the witch. After a few times, even the most resolute prisoner breaks down physically and mentally.”

Karaka described in detail what it felt like to cut the toes of their frozen hands with scissors. Also the story of a prisoner who had his tongue stuck to the floor and had to be cut out.

“We call it ‘frozen.’ Haha, fun, isn’t it?”

Karaka chuckled, but no one else joined in laughter. Only Ronan, who was used to it by now, responded in a grave voice.

“How about keeping the top warm and just taking off the pants and throwing them in? Even if their legs freeze off, you can still get the answers.”

“Ah... You seem to have a knack for interrogation. Have I told you that before?”

Elizabeth and Aselle stared at them as if they were demons emerging from hell. They ventured deeper into Rodolan, listening to the screams of the prisoners.

The further they descended, the more the temperature plummeted. People with lips turning blue passed them by.

“Damn it...! Let’s hurry!”

“I-It’s impossible to break that... cur-cursed witch!”

Karaka guided them to a massive gate after about thirty minutes of walking.

“We’re here. This is the deepest part of Rodolan, the Abyss Judica.”

It felt like they had reached the roots of a cliff. The atmosphere inside was suffocating, perhaps due to being underwater. The dimly lit gate seemed to block the passage even for shapeless specters.

“To construct this gate, three years’ worth of Rodolan’s budget was used. Over there, you’ll see the names of craftsmen who shed their sweat, blood, and tears for the Empire’s security.”

Karaka, offering tidbits of information, inserted a key into the gate’s hole. Click! Thunderous sounds accompanied the gate’s opening. An unprecedented cold engulfed the four.


“Th-This is...”

Aselle screamed. Elizabeth’s face, which usually maintained its composure, distorted for the first time. Ronan, tightened his fur hat and took a deep breath.

“Damn it...!”

“Haha, quite something, isn’t it? Thanks to this, all the violent criminals imprisoned in Judica, had to be moved upstairs.”

Ronan gritted his teeth. As Karaka had said, the coats had become useless. It felt like the icy chill had transformed into a blade, tearing through their skin and organs.

It was a level of cold similar to the one Ronan had felt when he captured the witch in his previous life. The group proceeded forward along a long corridor. A bluish glow shimmered ahead.

A bubbling sound echoed from there. Eventually, a vast space emerged. The group’s eyes widened.

Although Ronan had no idea what they were talking about, it certainly seemed like it was having a positive impact. Bringing them along was indeed a good decision. Lost in various thoughts, Ronan noticed no new individuals were stepping forward.

“Ah, it’s my turn now.”

“Ro-Ronan...! You can do it!”

“I’ll give it a shot.”

Aselle clenched both fists, encouraging him. Erzebert also offered sincere support. Stepping forward confidently, Ronan stood before the ice column. The witch remained hunched, still asleep.

‘As expected.’

Ronan twisted his lips while examining the ice. His vague deductions seemed somewhat accurate. The casing surrounding the witch emitted a similar feeling to the crystal covering his body.

‘...It’s slightly different.’

Though not entirely identical if asked directly. It felt similar yet different.

Would it be the difference between a shield and a prison? If Ronan’s crystal was made to protect something, this seemed to be made to confine. He lightly tapped it with a finger, but the ice didn’t melt or show any signs of cracking.

‘I’ve no other choice.’

Now, he had no choice but to break it. Ronan gripped the hilt of his sword. Swish! The crimson-stained blade of Lamancha revealed itself.

“I am Ronan from Philleon.”

He introduced himself, fixing his gaze on the witch. Wasting no time, he took his stance and swung his sword. Kaaaaang! The delayed collision sound echoed.

“What a surprise!”

“Wh-What? When did he swing it?”

The onlookers were startled, and raised their brows. None had seen his strike. Ronan frowned, feeling his bones crack.

“...It’s solid.”

The ice stood firm. Although about thirty percent of the blade had penetrated, it was far from the ‘complete destruction’ he aimed for. Bewildered, the crowd sighed.

“Well, that’s that.”

“Wait a minute, isn’t that the blade stuck inside the ice?”

“No way. You must have seen it wrong.”

Initially not expecting much, they all responded indifferently. However, Ronan wasn’t about to give up.

‘If I chip away bit by bit, it will eventually break.’

Even massive boulders erode from rainfall. As he prepared for another attempt, something peculiar caught his eye.


Ronan squinted and inspected the ice. On its bluish surface, faint, sharp marks were etched, barely noticeable unless closely observed.

‘This shape... where have I seen it?’

Ronan tilted his head. While it seemed like it was drawn haphazardly, there was a sense of balance. It seemed unnatural to be merely coincidental. After a brief pondering, he switched his core.


From here on, it was a decision purely driven by intuition. Ronan raised his hand and placed it on the ice pillar. Then, he let the shimmering mana flow onto the ice’s surface. Swoosh... The shimmering mana streamed like water along the marks, filling them.

“What’s he doing?”

“Hey, if you’re done showing off, move aside. We need to break it before that dragon arrives.”

Those waiting in line began to grumble. As shimmering mana was invisible to other people’s eyes, it became an inevitable situation. The mana flowing through the marks ceased expanding. Ronan’s eyes widened.

“This is...!”

Indeed, it wasn’t a coincidence. The shallow scratch on the ice depicted a familiar drawing. Ronan felt as if voices echoed inside his head.

– [Ridiculous. Do you think that the life of my servant and the life of those bugs have the same value?]

– They do, at least to me.

Scenes that he had seen inside the Mental World flashed rapidly in his mind. Ronan still remembered the world he saw through his eyes. He stretched out his hand, as if he was possessed by something, and touched the glowing mark.

‘What on your intention?’

He had only seen it a few times, but he could never forget it. It was sword marks of the technique the progenitor of Nebula Clazier, by the Savior, had used. The person who leaped up to the sky and cut down a dragon.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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