Chapter 200

Name:Academy's Genius Swordsman Author:
Chapter 200


[Translator Peptobismol]

[Proofreader Demon God]

As expected, the Carabel arrived at Rundalian around noon the next day. The warm sunlight was pouring down, just enough to melt the snow. It was still cold enough to make ones breath visible, but the earthy smell carried by the wind hinted that it was summer.

Rundalian was surrounded by towering stone walls, much grander in scale than any other major city, which made Ronan whistle in awe.

Damn, its insanely high.

Its because its a city built by powerful beastmen.

Adeshan nodded. It occurred to him that it was the first time he had come to a city where beastmen were the main residents. The rugged but sturdy walls were designed solely to defend against external enemies, disregarding aesthetics. The priority seemed to be to pile up large and heavy stones first, worrying about appearance later.

Stop right there.

The gate was also enormous. Seven sentinels blocked the entrance. There was one apparent leader among them, a Weretiger. Three Werebears and three Werewolves accompanied him. Despite their small numbers, their imposing presence was considerable due to their large stature.

Are you from Balon?

Yes, indeed.

Hmm Its the first time such a large merchant has come. Well inspect your cargo, so everyone get off the carriage.

The Weretiger said. Unlike the band of thieves from the previous night, who were closer to beasts, their attitude and actions were much more rational. Although they seemed wary of humans, they did not show any hostility.

The beastmen crowded around, sniffing at the carriage. Despite Ronans subtle anticipation, there were no suspicious items in the carriage. After a quick inspection, the leader Weretiger gestured to Duon.

You can go in, but dont cause any trouble. The residents here arent particularly friendly to humans yet.

Of course. Here, we brought some relief supplies from our Carabel, please share them among your comrades.

Relief supplies?

The leaders ears perked up. When Duon gave the order, the merchants unloaded the cargo promptly. About a dozen large boxes were piled up in front of the gate. When a Werebear opened one of the boxes, his eyes widened.

By the gods, its honey, Leader. And this box here contains salted pork.


The tiger leaders eyes widened too. Both honey, which required flowers, and pork, which required a lot of water to raise, were rare foods in the desolate North. The leader, quickly scanning the surroundings, cleared his throat.

Hmm, you seem to know something.

Hehehe, I hope you like it, Leader.

Duon and he shook hands. The soldiers, with tails wagging, started distributing the boxes. The leader, in high spirits, waved until they passed through the gate. Marching at the forefront, Marya poked Duons side.

Well, did I prepare well?

Yeah. You did great, my daughter.

Duon patted her back. It seemed like the idea came from Marya rather than himself. Ronan whistled as he watched from behind.

Youre quite resourceful.

Heh heh. It was worth investing in. Besides the bribe, its also a promotion for Carabel. Soldiers in small towns like this have strong ties with the locals, so theyll spread the word well.

Indeed, she was the future Count Armlen. Judging by the expansion of the Carabel, it seemed she would be able to become a noble much faster than before. Unconsciously reaching out, Ronan stroked her head. Snap! Marya, lifting her face, tried to bite his finger.Folloow current novÊls on nov/3lb((in).(co/m)

Hey, how long are you going to treat me like a child?

Im proud of you.

Ahaha. I guess I am pretty great.

Marya chuckled in response. Her subtle laughter was beautiful. Adeshan, watching them from behind, twisted her lips.

I must have misheard last night.

The refreshing feeling from just a moment ago suddenly vanished. At that moment, Adeshan turned her head and locked eyes with Marya. For a second, they stared at each other, and then Marya flashed a smile.



Adeshan froze in place. There was much meaning behind her coy smile. By the time she managed to return her heart from where it had sunk to in her stomach, the two had already disappeared into the distance.

Meanwhile, Ronan had been stroking Maryas head as if petting a dog. Marya, glancing up at him, murmured quietly.

This must be the last time.

Huh? What do you mean?

Its nothing.

Her tone sounded somewhat bitter. As they entered the gate, a small town came into view. The buildings, like the walls, were made of large, rough-hewn stones.

Most of the residents wandering the streets were beastmen. Despite the still chilly weather, they were all dressed lightly for a stroll. Indeed, fur coats were ideal for winter. As Ronan looked around, he heard murmurs in the crowd.

Mom, look over there. Its a human.

Shh, dont get too close.

The residents attention was all focused on the Carabel. Their stares were not particularly friendly, to say the least. But more important than their opinions was the fact that they had reached their destination. Duon, who had paused for a moment, bid farewell to Ronan.

Thank you for all your hard work getting us here safely.

It was nothing. We also enjoyed the journey.

Well definitely repay this favor. As my daughter said, all the expenses at the Hyran forge will be covered by us. Please make sure to leave a receipt.

Oh, right. But thats not necessary.

Of course, there was no sincere intention to refuse. Ronan chuckled and scratched the back of his head. After all, saving on expenses was a good thing, even if it was just for one sword. They couldnt possibly use a Garcia family promissory note at Hyran.

Duon said he would stay here for a while longer before leaving. To maximize profits and conduct trade effectively, he first needed to understand the entire city of Rundalian. Marya, who had been listening quietly, expressed her appetite.

I envy you. Hyran, I wanted to go too.

What, youre not going?

No. Ive thought about it carefully. Before Im a warrior, Im a merchant. This seems like the priority for now.

Her tone revealed a hint of regret. Ronan raised an eyebrow at the sudden change of heart. She had been all excited about going together until the day they departed from Philleon.

Sorry. Suddenly changing my mind.

For a moment, a ominous feeling brushed against Ronans neck. This conversation was not appropriate for the present moment. A sibilant voice escaped between Adeshans stiff lips.


Sunbae, wait

It was too late to stop her. A black aura emanated from Adeshan, enveloping the inn. It was the shadow mana that seized control of the mind. In the eerie and ominous atmosphere that stimulated all senses, the innkeeper dropped the ladle he was holding.



The laughter disappeared from the Werewolves faces. Enveloped by the shadow mana, they stiffened like wax dolls. It seemed like their minds were not completely controlled, as only their bodies seemed to be affected. The muscles of their limbs exposed outside their clothes were twitching grotesquely.

Damn it. When did she grow this much?

Ronan cursed. It was akin to what he felt on the battlefield in the past. The shadow mana was gradually intensifying its influence. Ronan took a deep breath and grabbed Adeshans shoulders.

Sunbae, stop it.

Ronan said, looking into Adeshans eyes. The sunken gray pupils were emitting a sinister light.


Dont get your hands dirty. These bastards are not worth it.

The two Werewolves were struggling to breathe, gasping for air. If left alone, they seemed like they would just die there. She was someone who would do great things later, so Ronan couldnt afford to let her get her hands dirty here.

After staring at each other for a while, Adeshan nodded. As the shadow mana lifted, the murderous aura that had filled the inn subsided. Freed from mental control, the Werewolves rose to their feet.

D-damn humans What did they do to my body!

Kill them!

Realizing vaguely who had done such a thing, the two Werewolves lunged forward simultaneously, their arms outstretched. The pointed hooks at the tips of their fingers emitted an eerie gleam.

These bastards.

Ronan grasped the hilt of his sword. At the moment the two Werewolves closed in, their attack, almost imperceptible in its speed, danced gracefully through the air. The Werewolves, feeling a pain akin to being burned, froze in place for a moment. Shrrrr! Twenty clawed fingertips were severed and scattered across the floor.


M-my fingers!

Twenty strands of blood vessels burst forth. The Werewolves, realizing too late what had happened, crumpled to the ground, clutching their changed hands. They screamed in agony, just like any human would, staring at their transformed hands. Unlike human nails, the claws of the beastmen were closely connected to nerves and, once pulled out, would hardly grow back in a lifetime. Click. Ronan, with his sword sheathed, spat out coldly.

Get lost.

Argh! Aaargh!

The Werewolves dashed out of the inn as if their backsides were on fire. The trembling innkeeper, unaware of what had happened, was left shaking.

Those bastards, if it werent for the city, I wouldve slit their throats.


Adeshan, finally regaining her composure, bowed deeply. Every time she exhaled in frustration, her shoulders rose and fell. She must have been furious enough to lose her senses. Ronan shook his head.

Its fine. You lost your temper, thats all.

Youre really kind.

Adeshan smiled softly. The two of them sat down as if nothing had happened and ordered two glasses of distilled spirit. The twenty extracted nails shimmered under their feet. The innkeeper, who came late, asked in a trembling voice.

D-dear guests, are you okay?

Yes, were fine. Thanks for coming forward earlier.

Th-thats it was my duty to do so. Here are the two glasses of Rundalian distilled spirit you ordered.

The innkeeper placed the glasses on the table. He turned out to be a decent person. The distilled spirit in the stone-carved cups looked surprisingly good, given the circumstances with the werewolf thugs.

Oh, are you sure about this?

Well its my first time drinking alcohol.

Take a sip, and if it tastes bad, you can spit it out. Cheers!


As the glasses clinked, transparent droplets of alcohol splashed. Ronan was about to take a sip when he heard a familiar voice nearby.

Both of you have changed so much. I could hardly recognize you.


Ronan and Adeshan both turned their heads simultaneously. A Werefox, plump with self-importance, stood at the top of the stairs leading from the second floor to the first. Judging from his fluffy fur, he seemed quite young. Ronan raised an eyebrow and asked.

Who are you, kid?

This is quite disappointing. Cant you recognize me?

The Werefox sighed deeply. Ronans brow furrowed slightly. Whats with this fluffy fur acting like a know-it-all? While pondering if there was any hidden significance to it, a faint mana emanated from the Werefoxs small shoulders.


Suddenly, Ronan felt a strong sense of familiarity and gasped. It was definitely mana he had felt somewhere before. As he tried to recall, he narrowed his eyes and spoke up.


Its been a while, Ronan.

What the hell, seriously?

Adeshans eyes widened. Ronan cursed under his breath as he stood up from his seat. The chair toppled backward, creating a loud noise.


Startled, the innkeeper screamed from the kitchen, but there was nothing he could do. Meeting after two years, the cursed professor Sekreet had turned into a young beastmen.

[TL/N: yaay chapter 200 :3 thank you for stickling with me guys, lets get to chapter 420 next..]


[Translator Peptobismol]

[Proofreader Demon God]

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