Chapter 205

Name:Academy's Genius Swordsman Author:
Chapter 205


[Translator Peptobismol]

[Proofreader Demon God]

Behind that Zafia is there.


Ronans eyes widened. Suddenly, he couldnt make sense of what he was hearing. Why would Zafia, who had gone south to hunt the Nebula Clazier, be here?

That cant be possible. How could Zafia be here?

I dont know either. But this aura is definitely

Adeshans breath quickened. The Werewolf, released from mental control, fell to his knees and collapsed. Ronan repeated himself.

That cant be possible. There must be some agreement with the Emperor.

Originally, it was fundamentally impossible for Zafia to be here. The terms of the pact she made with the Emperor included a clause that she wouldnt set foot in the northern lands. This was to prevent her from gathering the compatriots and starting a rebellion.

If she were to violate it, Zafias heart would burst and she would die. It wasnt a conventional treaty, but a pact sealed in blood. Therefore, Adeshans assertion couldnt hold true.

Certainly, she must have misdetected another aura. Even monkeys sometimes fall from trees. Ronan chuckled bitterly, closing his eyes.

Wait. I will see for myself.

Mm. But, Ronan, really

Whatever Adeshan said, Ronan, lost in concentration, couldnt hear her voice. His senses, gradually expanding, reached beyond the door. Soon, Ronan, detecting a familiar presence, furrowed his brow.

This doesnt make sense.

He couldnt believe it. There, beyond the door, he could truly sense Zafias presence. The chilling sensation running through his entire body left no room for doubt.

What the hell. Whats going on?

He couldnt possibly understand the current situation. But there was one thing they had to do. Ronan and Adeshan exchanged glances and stepped towards the door. As they approached, Zafias presence felt even stronger. Adeshan murmured again.

No doubt thats Zafia.

Ronan didnt reply. Whatever was on the other side, they needed to confirm it firsthand. Arriving at the door, the two of them grasped the handles.

Well open it.


With a simple signal exchanged between them, they pushed the door together. Creak the massive double doors opened with a heavy, stiff sound. Ronan and Adeshan froze simultaneously at the vast landscape unfolding before their eyes.


The space was dozens of times larger than they had imagined. The surroundings were wide open, and the ceiling was so high that it seemed to reach the sky. It wouldnt be an exaggeration to say that half of fortress was used to create this room.

They noticed the extravagant furniture and decorations that one might expect in a Garcia mansion. The luxurious items filling every corner momentarily made them forget that they were in a centuries-old fortress. On one side of the wall hung a portrait of Jaeger in imperial attire. It was excessively large.

However, what startled Ronan and Adeshan werent such trivial elements. A group of fully armed beastmen stood in a row, glaring at them. Ronan unconsciously muttered curses at the barrier of beasts blocking their path.


There must have been at least fifty of them, appearing far more formidable than any adversaries they had faced before. Lions, tigers, rhinos, deer, each one of these well-built and fierce-looking beastmen exuded the aura of a powerful fighter.

Because they had been too focused on Zafia, they hadnt detected the presence of these creatures. Amidst the profound silence that felt like time had stopped, raucous laughter erupted from somewhere.

Kehahaha! Your words were true, indeed. Theyve really come looking for me!

Damn it, move!

Caught off guard by the shocking situation, Ronan momentarily lost his composure. He knew he had to act quickly to grasp what was happening. Ronan grasped the hilt of his sword. With a swift motion, he drew the crimson-stained blade, accompanied by a burst of light pulling towards his opponent. Raaahh! A roar echoed as the figure of a Waredeer, who was among Jaeger and the Adviser, appeared before Ronans eyes.

Whats this!


Both of them were bewildered by the inexplicable situation. Ronan gripped his scabbard, and the crimson blade became stained red. The Advisor, if it really was Zafia, shouldnt be underestimated. Ronan spun around horizontally, swinging his sword. At the moment of the lightning-fast strike, a crimson line was drawn across the abdomen of the two people simultaneously. A sharp and piercing sound was heard. Boom! The guards body split from above and below the waist.


The guards eyes widened. The body, split at the waist, fell to the ground. Fresh blood spurted out from the Advisors robe.


Damn it.

Ronan gritted his teeth. He could instinctively feel that bones and internal organs werent severed. The Advisors quick reflexes, combined with their tough leather and the fact that they moved their body away upon feeling the blade, saved him. He was about to launch a second strike. Bang! The Advisors lightning-fast kick plunged deep into Ronans chest.


Even when he was hit by the ogre, it wasnt to this extent. Ronans body bent forward. Thud! He flew back to the door and crashed into it, then slid down to the ground. Ronan struggled to catch his breath.

I almost died.

Even if it hadnt pierced his abdomen, the shock was unbelievable. If he hadnt quickly lowered his sword to block, he might have died or been severely injured. Ronan spat out blood and raised his head. The Advisor was glaring in his direction, clutching the wound on their stomach. Staggering as he rose to his feet, Ronan burst into laughter.

Hehe Seems like youve been hurt quite a bit yourself.

How dare!

It seemed that the injuries were deeper on the other side. A pool of crimson had gathered beneath the Advisors feet. The intensified shimmer of mana emanated from their shoulders, spreading outwards. Although temporarily immobilizing their opponent was advantageous, it wasnt exactly a favorable situation. The clamor of the surrounding beastmen warriors filled the room.

Oh my god. Diomos been hit!

What, what did that guy just do!?

Be careful, hes using some strange power!

Only then did the surroundings start to come into focus. The body of the Weredeer lay scattered, its entrails in a pool of blood, inciting the beastmen warriors like a Taurian flag. Fifty beastmen warriors were growling as if they were about to rush forward. It was not going to be easy. Jaeger, who had been observing the situation dumbfounded, finally spoke up.

Wh-what in the world what happened?

He stood frozen, unable to comprehend the situation. In an instant, the intruders blade flashed, and the Adviser and one of his subordinates were dragged away to meet their demise. Whatever sorcery was at play, one thing was instinctively clear: the intruder was not to be underestimated. Quickly assessing the situation, Jaeger exaggerated his movements and shouted,

D-did you all see that vile scoundrel!? Fellow compatriots, tear him apart!


Jaegers index finger pointed towards Ronan. The growling beastmen warriors roared in unison as they charged forward. The fortress shook with their thunderous cries. Ronan, who had taken a sip of the potion provided by Adeshan, wiped his mouth and muttered,

This is why I hate furries.

It felt like his ears were about to fall off. After drinking the potion, his insides felt somewhat better. Waves of fangs and teeth poured towards the two of them. It seemed if they wanted to meet with the Adviser or Jaeger, they had to break through this wave first. Well, if it had come to this, might as well just kill them all as they went.

With a light sigh of resignation, Ronan dashed forward. Shaaaak! The head of the foremost Warelion charging towards them flew into the air. With hot blood splashing on his cheek, the fight had begun.


[Translator Peptobismol]

[Proofreader Demon God]

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