Chapter 19 19: Night Salamander Part 6 Ghost Eye

Name:Accidental Ascendance Author:

Oliver's heart raced, the adrenaline coursing through his veins as panic threatened to overwhelm him. His mind became a whirlwind of possibilities, each scenario more dire than the last. "This is bad," he muttered to himself, trying to steady his thoughts. "We don't have many options. If Cedric fights them, he'll be branded an enemy of the country. But I doubt they can hurt him either. Our best chance is if we all run; that would be the highest chance of success to escape. But the problem with that plan is Dark Cedric—I can't predict what he will do..."

Taking a deep breath, Oliver attempted to regain his composure, his trembling hands clasping together as he tried to calm himself. "Well, we are on important business and can't be held up, you see," he said with a hint of determination. "So we will just be on our way..."

Elena tilted her head in confusion, her emerald eyes searching for answers. "Sorry, but the King demanded we bring Cedric Montclair to him as soon as possible."

Cedric slipped through Oliver's arms, his face resolute. "This King needs me, right?"

Elena nodded earnestly. "It's of the utmost importance that you come immediately."

Cedric shook his head, his gaze unwavering. "If it was just the me I am now, then I would've definitely come with you, no questions asked. But the other me won't let that happen. You see, there is someone we have to save no matter what, and I am not going to let you hinder me any further."

Gorm stared at Cedric for a moment before grunting his disapproval at Elena. "What? You want me to let them leave? You must be kidding..."

Gorm shook his head, his face scrunched up in annoyance. Elena tried to speak, but her voice began to change, wavering slightly. "W-We Ha-Have a Job..."

Then, as if on cue, her soft voice transformed into something altogether more mature and malevolent. "That Giant Honor of yours is really starting to annoy me, Gorm."

Gorm's eyes widened with fear upon hearing the voice, and he instinctively lowered his head. In that instant, Elena's right eye blazed with a bright red light. Oliver couldn't believe what he was seeing. "The Ghost Eye?" he said, dumbfounded.

Lily, standing guard, added with astonishment, "Isn't that an S-rank curse?"

Cedric stared at Elena with a soft grin, reminiscing about times long past. "It's been almost 300 years since I have seen such a sight."

The weight of history hung heavy in the air, as the tale of The Ghost Eye unfolded—a sinister curse from a forgotten age. The mana race, once skilled wielders of magic, sought to create super soldiers by infusing innocent children with the souls of fallen warriors. These cursed souls lay dormant in the depths of their eyes, waiting for the right catalyst to awaken them and unleash their formidable powers.

The origin of The Ghost Eye remained shrouded in mystery, its details erased by the sands of time. The mana race's relentless thirst for power drove them to create this curse, manipulating the very essence of life and death to bolster their forces in times of conflict.

As time marched on, The Ghost Eye's dark legacy faded into obscurity, forgotten by most, preserved only in ancient tomes and within the knowledge of a few secret clans. Among them, the Cherry Blossom Elves, a resilient and secretive group, upheld The Ghost Eye's arcane knowledge, passing it down through their generations in a mysterious coming-of-age ceremony.

For these Cherry Blossom Elves, The Ghost Eye was more than a curse; it was a path to becoming fierce and formidable mercenaries. Embracing The Ghost Eye meant awakening the latent power of the trapped souls within their eyes and assimilating their skills and prowess. With each coming-of-age ritual, new generations of Cherry Blossom Elves became guardians of the curse, exuding an aura of mystery and dread on the battlefield.

These fearsome mercenaries, with their glowing eyes and mastery of forgotten combat techniques, struck terror into the hearts of their enemies. In the throes of battle, they channeled the strength of fallen warriors, embodying the spirits of those long past. It was said that they fought with an otherworldly ferocity, as if the very essence of battle flowed through their veins.

As the battle before them escalated, the forest around them seemed to react, the leaves rustling in harmony with the magical energies crackling in the air. The wind carried whispers of a time long forgotten, a time when The Ghost Eye wielders roamed the land.

Elena's laughter cut through the charged atmosphere, a chilling blend of glee and malevolence. "Not only are we A-rank royal Wanderers, but we are Cherry Blossom Elves. We do not turn our back on a job. If the King wants to see you, then that is what's going to happen. I could give a rat's tail about your sob story. I will take you in by force if need be!"

Cedric chuckled, matching the cadence of Elena's laughter. "If you think you can 'force' me to do anything, then you are dumber than I originally thought."

The anticipation in the air was palpable as the combatants took their stances. Oliver and Lily braced themselves, knowing that this confrontation was inevitable. "It looks like it's come down to this..." Oliver said, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Lily flashed a confident smile. "At least if we beat her, we can say we beat a royal ranker..."

Cedric's eyes blazed with determination, his hands weaving intricate patterns in the air as he conjured powerful spells. Bolts of lightning crackled from his fingertips, zapping towards Elena with incredible speed. The pink-haired girl displayed her agility, evading Cedric's attacks with graceful leaps and rolls.

"Elena, you can't hide from me forever!" Cedric called out, frustration creeping into his voice.

Elena smirked, her emerald eyes narrowing playfully. "Oh, I'm not hiding. I'm just making sure you don't bore me too quickly."

As the confrontation continued, the forest bore witness to the clash of mighty magic. Oliver focused on defensive spells, creating shimmering barriers to protect himself and his companions from Elena's relentless assault. Meanwhile, Lily, the master of fire magic, conjured flames that danced around her like a fierce inferno. She sent spirals of fire towards Gorm, attempting to distract the giant warrior from the main fight.

"You're gonna have to try harder than that!" Gorm grunted, his deep voice vibrating with strength.

Lily gritted her teeth, determined not to be outdone. "I don't back down from a challenge!"

Elena retaliated with a burst of energy beams that streaked through the air like shooting stars. Cedric swiftly countered with a defensive shield, but the impact was still enough to send him skidding backward. His heart pounded in his chest as he fought to keep his emotions in check, knowing that losing control might awaken the darker side of him.

Oliver's analytical mind worked rapidly, devising strategies to overcome their powerful adversaries. He glanced at Cedric, noticing his internal struggle, and knew they had to end this quickly. "Cedric, focus on defense. Lily and I will handle the offense," he called out.

With renewed determination, Cedric nodded and reinforced his defensive spells, creating a barrier that shimmered like a fortress around them. Lily continued her fiery assault, sending jets of flames towards Elena, forcing her to evade and dodge.

Elena's movements became more frenetic as she struggled to keep up with both Lily's fire magic and Oliver's calculated attacks. Despite her agility, Oliver's spells were precise and relentless, pushing her to her limits.

Seeing an opening, Gorm charged towards Lily, bringing down his massive stone hammer with tremendous force. Lily narrowly managed to evade the blow, her fire magic acting as a shield to protect her.

Cedric spotted an opportunity and launched a barrage of lightning bolts towards Gorm. The giant warrior roared in pain as the electrifying strikes landed. But Gorm's resilience was awe-inspiring, and he swung his hammer again, forcing Cedric to create a barrier to protect himself.

The battle continued to escalate, the sound of spells and clashes echoing through the woods. Cedric's inner turmoil was a constant struggle, but he channeled his emotions into a powerful counterattack, sending a surge of magical energy towards Elena.

ραndαsΝοvεl ƈοm Elena, however, was no ordinary A-ranker. She deftly evaded the attack and retaliated with her own combination of elemental spells. Cedric's defense held strong, but he could feel his strength waning. With each passing moment, he grew more desperate to end the fight.

As the battle raged on, the ground beneath them began to shake. The clash of powerful magic had disturbed the natural equilibrium of the area, and the edge of a nearby cliff began to crumble. Rocks and debris tumbled over the edge, creating an unstable footing for the combatants.

Sensing the impending danger, Oliver called out, "We need to move, now!"

But it was too late. With a thunderous rumble, the ground beneath them gave way, and Cedric, Oliver, Lily, Elena, and Gorm found themselves hurtling down the collapsed cliffside.

Their descent was swift and treacherous, the world spinning around them in a dizzying blur. The tumultuous landscape shifted, and the combatants found themselves separated as they plummeted into the unknown depths below. The cave was dark and ominous, the air thick with the scent of damp earth and the distant echoes of subterranean waterfalls.

Cedric and Elena landed in the heart of the cavern, their eyes locking once again in a fierce battle of wills. Oliver and Lily managed to land on a slightly safer ledge above, their minds racing with urgency as they searched for a way to reach their friends and confront the Ghost Eye's dark power.