Chapter 35 Assault On The Capital 7: Broken Dreams

Name:Accidental Ascendance Author:

Reia's consciousness wavered, her body weakened from the poison that now coursed through her veins. Struggling to keep her eyes open, she watched as Na'mer's figure approached, his steps deliberate and his expression twisted in triumph. She was barely able to hold onto her focus as he drew closer.

Na'mer's voice echoed in her ears, a manic monologue that revealed his warped sense of victory. "This moment will be etched in history," he declared, his tone a mixture of excitement and arrogance. "The day I defeated an S-rank mage like you, Reia Fleet. They'll sing songs about this."

Reia's gaze flickered towards him, her vision blurred and her thoughts a muddled haze. She attempted to move, to muster any ounce of strength, but her body felt like lead, betraying her will.

As Na'mer raised his tail, a cruel glint in his eyes, Reia's fingers twitched, a last-ditch effort born of sheer willpower. Her trembling arm extended slightly, her index finger pointing weakly towards the Thorne that dominated the room.

Na'mer's laughter filled the air, a triumphant sound that grated on her ears. He took her feeble gesture as a sign of her imminent defeat. With a victorious smirk, he turned his attention to the Thorne, anticipating some final surrender on her part.

But then, his laughter died in his throat, his expression freezing into a mask of shock. There, perched confidently upon the Thorne, was Reia herself. The evidence of their intense battle began to dissipate, as if erased by an unseen force.

Na'mer's knees buckled, his body collapsing to the ground. His mind reeled, struggling to comprehend the impossible scene before him. "How?" he stammered, his voice laced with confusion and disbelief.

Unfazed by his bewilderment, Reia approached him, her steps deliberate and her smile knowing. "Surprised?" she asked, her voice a mixture of amusement and satisfaction. "I have more tricks up my sleeve than you realize."

A wave of realization washed over Na'mer, his mind connecting the dots in an instant. "A spell," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I was under a spell... every scenario I envisioned played out..." The gravity of his situation settled upon him, a heavy realization that shattered the foundation of his perceived control.

In a swift motion, Reia drew a blade, her movements precise and fluid. She struck with finality, cutting down Na'mer as he knelt before her. His body fell to the ground with a muted thud, lifeless and defeated.

Reia exhaled slowly, her grip on the blade steady as she sheathed it. Standing over the fallen assassin, she allowed herself a moment of contemplation. "Your ambition was admirable," she remarked, her voice tinged with a mix of respect and remorse. "But your dreams end here."I think you should take a look at

In the hazy illumination of the dimly lit street, Kaid staggered with unsteady steps, his thoughts muddled by the alcohol coursing through his veins. A gentle breeze whispered through the silent alleyways, carrying with it the distant sounds of the city's nightlife. His bleary gaze swept over the surroundings, searching for any sign of his companions, but the night seemed to stretch on in eerie stillness.

As he continued his stumbling journey, his unfocused eyes suddenly locked onto a cloaked figure standing like an enigma in the middle of the cobblestone path. Frowning, Kaid's brows furrowed in confusion, and his lips parted to address the mysterious presence. "Hey there," he slurred, his words carrying a hint of joviality, "where is everyone?"

The cloaked figure inclined its head ever so slightly, a gesture that seemed to drip with an otherworldly aura. A bone-chilling laughter, like the ghostly whisper of a chilling wind, emerged from beneath the hood. Kaid barely had time to react before an unseen force struck him, a violent shockwave that felt like a physical blow. The impact sent him careening backward, his uncoordinated limbs failing to maintain his balance. With an almost comical lack of grace, he crashed into an abandoned carriage, its old wood protesting with creaks and groans.

Groaning himself, Kaid pushed himself up onto shaky elbows, his vision swimming as he rubbed his aching head. "Well, that sobered me up," he mumbled, the words a mixture of annoyance and a bizarre sort of amusement. His surroundings seemed to sway gently, a dance orchestrated by his compromised equilibrium.

The cloaked figure, shedding its concealing garment, revealed a young girl with tousled dark brown hair that framed a face marked by striking snake-like eyes. Those eyes bore into the night, filled with a manic spark that was equal parts disturbing and fascinating. Running makeup created macabre patterns on her cheeks, a juxtaposition of the sinister and the strangely mesmerizing. "Well, that was easy," she remarked, her tone carrying an odd blend of satisfaction and fleeting disappointment.

With an audible sigh, Kaid abandoned his efforts to appear dignified. Debris clung to his battered armor, serving as a testament to his recent encounter with the ground. "I just bought this armor, little lady," he grumbled, his voice a mix of exasperation and rueful humor, as he shrugged off the now-damaged protective layers.

The girl's expression twisted into a sneer, her gaze lingering on Kaid's predicament. "How is that my problem?" Her words dripped with disdain, each syllable laced with the acrid bitterness of mockery.

Kaid's fingers found their way to the hilt of a massive sword that had rested on his back. In a fluid motion, he drew the weapon, its blade gleaming faintly in the muted light. He leveled the sword towards the girl, his posture a mix of stubborn resolve and a touch of unsteadiness. "It is your problem because I am going to make sure you compensate me," he declared, his tone firm despite his unsteady footing.

A chilling laughter, like icicles shattering, bubbled from the girl's lips, casting an eerie echo into the night air. "Is that so, Mister?" she taunted, her voice adopting a sugary sweetness that seemed incongruent with her sinister presence. "I will take your life before you can make me pay for anything."

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