Chapter 41 Assault On The Capital 13: The Duel Of Thieves! Forlan V.S Yu

Name:Accidental Ascendance Author:

The moon hung low in the sky, casting its pale light upon the cobblestone streets of the capital city. A chilling breeze carried whispers of the impending confrontation as two figures faced each other, their fates intertwined by a shared history.

The cloaked figure tore away his concealment, revealing a man with no discernible facial features—a blank canvas that betrayed nothing. His voice was edged with icy determination as he spoke, "I am here for your head, you traitor..."

In response, the black-coated man—Forlan—discarded his own cloak with a careless ease. His appearance was deceiving, a young face framed by long brown hair and brown eyes. He wore vibrant orange clothes, exuding a carefree calmness that belied the gravity of the situation. He chuckled, an almost mocking tone coloring his words, "It was a bad job, Yu? You know my policy—cut your losses when things get rough. I'm genuinely surprised you're still breathing. Good for you."Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

The rage in Yu's eyes was palpable, his anger contrasting starkly with Forlan's nonchalance. "Damn you, Forlan! I was a member of your crew. I swore my allegiance to you!" His voice trembled with a mixture of hurt and frustration.

Forlan's lips curled into a wry smile as he pushed his unruly hair away from his eyes. He spoke with a casual indifference, "You swore allegiance to my coin, not to me. We're pirates, Yu. Our god is the gleam of plundered riches, not some lofty notion of loyalty. 'No honor among thieves,' have you never heard that saying? And as for your sense of self, giving it up is just plain lame."

Yu's frustration ignited a surge of mana, its glow casting an eerie light on his shifting form. He transformed into a grizzled old man, holding a massive black halberd with an air of grim determination. His voice held a mix of defiance and melancholy, "I need no sense of self. I am everyone, anyone I choose to be. You plunder gold, but I plunder the very essence of others."

Forlan's yawn was a testament to his lack of concern. He drew his weapon, a lavishly decorated falcion adorned with jewels that caught the moonlight. Etchings on the blade resembled the rolling waves of the sea. With an audacious flourish, he beckoned Yu forward, his tone dripping with insolence, "You're well aware that you've got a bounty on your head, Yu. And I find myself in need of coin. Your head, I'm sure, will fetch a king's ransom."

Yu's halberd gleamed with a menacing aura as he readied for battle, his eyes locked onto Forlan's. "No, dear captain. I will be the one to take your head."

Forlan's response was an almost dismissive gesture, his blade dancing in the moonlight. "Ah, mutiny then... Let's make this interesting, Yu."

Yu's chuckle was tinged with bitterness, his hand tightening around the ring as he looked up at Forlan through the void where his eyes should have been. "Oh, Captain, this is no ordinary trinket," he said, his voice carrying a twisted glee that sent shivers down the spines of those who dared to listen. "This ring holds my power, the culmination of my stolen identities and magic."

Forlan's eyes narrowed as he recognized the symbols etched onto the ring, symbols that spoke of forbidden fusion between magic and technology. "Magi tech," he muttered, his tone turning contemplative. "A dangerous game you're playing, Yu."

With an air of theatricality, Yu pushed himself to his feet, his stance shifting as he transformed into a young girl with flowing hair and a spellbook clutched to her chest. "You see, Captain," the girl's voice was a haunting echo of Yu's own, "I've always been envious of the magic I've stolen. I could mimic their appearances, but never their true power. My mana was always lacking."

Forlan's indifference remained unshaken as he observed Yu's transformation. "So now you're using that ring to compensate for your shortcomings? Desperate times, I suppose."

Yu's lips curled into a wicked smile as he slipped the ring onto his finger, ancient symbols flaring to life upon its surface. His laughter echoed through the air, a sound that danced on the edge of madness. "Desperate times indeed, Captain. But let me show you what desperation can birth."

With a gesture, the girl unleashed a torrent of magic that surged around her, a tempest of elements and energies converging in a chaotic display of power. The ground trembled beneath the onslaught, and Forlan was forced to raise his sword to shield himself from the onslaught.

As the magic subsided, Yu stood there, transformed yet again, his figure now wreathed in a halo of crackling energy. His voice was triumphant, triumphant, "You see, Captain? I can finally use their magic to its full potential, to rival even you."

Forlan's response was almost dismissive as he lowered his sword, his gaze unwavering. "Interesting. But all I want is that ring, Yu."

Yu's laughter was maniacal, a symphony of madness that rang through the night. His eyes blazing with defiance. "You think you can just take it from me, Captain? Try if you dare."

Forlan's lips curved into a smirk as he stepped forward, his sword gleaming in the moonlight. "Oh, I will, Yu. Consider this my final plunder with you."