Chapter 240

The Warriors of Baraten (2)

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Werewolves are divided into two main types.

Werewolves and Lycanthropes.

However, these are just monster names given by the Holders, and they actually refer to themselves as ‘Virgens’ and ‘Lycans’.

Virgens are a type of werewolf characterized by brown fur, and they basically possess the strength of a lower A-grade monster.

Moreover, unlike Lycans, they are a tribe whose language is undeveloped, so they communicate only through gestures, signals, and howling.

[Language] That’s why I couldn’t hear their conversations despite having the Language rune.

Even though they are bipedal werewolves, their temperament is closer to wolves than humans.

Perhaps for that reason, the Lycan tribe seems to treat Virgens as a kind of ‘tamed monster’ or soldier.

“Then wouldn’t the Virgens we hunted be a problem?”

Asking if we happened to harm the Virgens of the Baraten camp.

I asked Jiten, who was walking beside me, but Haten from behind cut in and answered.

“You don’t need to worry about that! The tamed Virgens are our troops and assets, but the Virgens roaming outside have nothing to do with us. In fact, the wild Virgens will far outnumber the tamed ones! Haha.”

Haten is quite talkative for a werewolf, but he often blurts out helpful information like this.

Additionally, the wild Virgens have a basic tendency to obey Lycans, so we didn’t have to fight even when encountering them walking within the camp.

They would growl at us humans, but when they saw the two leading Lycans, they would tuck their tails and run away.

Thanks to that, we were able to walk to the ‘Baraten Camp Headquarters’ without a single battle.

‘And the Lycans...’

If Virgens are a wild pack that doesn’t form groups, then Lycans are the upper class of werewolves with both intelligence and strength.

Unlike Virgens, who have similar strength across the board, Lycans possess different levels of power individually and can continue growing over time.

As such, silver-furred Lycans possess the ability of upper A-grade monsters, and Lycans who have undergone awakening and acquired their own fur colors all displayed the power of S-grade monsters.

‘Lastly, tribes.’

The decisive characteristic that distinguishes Lycans from Virgens.

They have highly developed language skills and a tendency to form groups, so they live in separate tribes.

They are a race that develops their own diverse civilizations, including housing, weapons, combat methods, and culture, and have even created a city called ‘Wolfenser’ as the culmination of those achievements.

The dungeon name humans gave it.

<City of the Estranged Wolves>.

The city mentioned here refers to this ‘Wolfenser’.

But as civilization develops, conflicts naturally arise as well.

Because their thoughts and pursuits differed, countless tribes split off even within the Lycans...

Among them, the two tribes boasting the largest scale were ‘Baraten’ and ‘Clark’.

“The etymology of the tribe names comes from ancient warriors.”

“...Ancient warriors?”

“Yes. Clark and Baraten were the most outstanding warriors in Lycan history. We are tribes that gathered to worship them. Those damned Clark bastards are disgracing the name of their ancestors.”

Jiten’s brief explanation.

And Haten chimed in again, rambling on about the history of the tribes.

I tuned it out roughly while thinking,

Anyway, the important thing is,

The two largest tribes went to war due to disagreements, and the defeated Baraten tribe was driven out of the city of Wolfenser.

And that war to reclaim it is still ongoing.

That’s why the place where Baraten currently resides is called the ‘Baraten Camp’.

“We’re here!”

Thus we arrived at the Baraten Camp Headquarters.

And at the very front were wooden boards and things like pens.

It was surprisingly pleasant and tidy, unlike the shabby tents we’d seen before.

As expected, they seemed to prioritize combat efficiency over living comforts.

“This is where our Baraten warriors hold operational meetings. They all gather once a week to plan major operations or report on ongoing ones.”

“You don’t meet that often, huh?”

“Indeed. Our Baraten territory is quite vast, and many warriors are dispatched near the borders.”

After wiping the table, Enrichten spoke to me again.

“And the next operational meeting will be in three days’ time. Do Jae-hyun, I’d like you and your men to attend that meeting.”


What, so sudden?

Things are moving so quickly!

Bewildered by his abrupt proposal...

Enrichten briefly bowed his head to me, as Jiten had done earlier – the highest form of respect Lycans could show.

“I’ve heard you defeated one of the Clark’ scout captains, Duke. In my lifetime, I’ve never heard of humans so effortlessly overwhelming awakened Lycans and their underlings. It must mean you are extraordinarily powerful beings transcending limits.”

Thump thump.

Once again, Enrichten patted his shoulders twice.

“We need your strength. We’re willing to grant any request you may have. So please, can you attend the operational meeting in three days’ time?”

“Ah no, wait a moment.”

I barely managed to stop Enrichten, who seemed about to kneel.

It’s not that I intended to refuse.

We came all this way to assist them in the first place, and if they make such a humble request for our cooperation, we’d gladly oblige.


“Does that operational meeting have to be in three days? The distance between the entrance we came through and this base seems quite far, so it’ll be inconvenient to go back and forth.”

Time and distance were the issues.

We had started exploring the dungeon early in the morning, but it was already late at night when we finally arrived at the Baraten camp.

In other words, the distance between the dungeon entrance and Baraten base was considerable.

And being told to come back here in just three days was problematic.

“Ah, you don’t need to worry about that. There’s a warp gate in the direction you came from.”

“...A warp gate?”

Following Enrichten’s unexpected words again, we relocated.

And soon arrived at the intended destination.

A massive magic structure stood in the center of the camp base.

Although its shape and structure differed slightly...

It was undoubtedly the [Warp Gate] we had seen before.

“I suppose you can move to the coordinates where Jiten and Haten were dispatched? You all came from that direction as well.”


My squad members and I stared speechlessly at the [Warp Gate].

...The wolf-humans were surprisingly well-versed in magic.

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