Chapter 243

The Warriors of Baraten (5)

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The central base of the Baraten forces.

Inside a tent that can accommodate countless people.

The Lycans called ‘The Warriors of Baraten’ were all gathered.

There were a total of 13 warriors gathered in this space with a table laid out.

It was a smaller number than expected, but considering that those gathered were all awakened Lycans with the power of ‘S-grade monsters,’ it was not a small number.

‘The atmosphere is quite intense.’

I maintained a straight face as much as possible and looked around.

Befitting the werewolf icon of brute force, they exuded a rough atmosphere.

With sharp looks and bulging muscles.

The fists placed on the table looked like they could smash everything at any moment.

Such a rough atmosphere permeated the entire tent that even my accompanying members had slightly tense expressions as they looked around.

‘They don’t have any equipment.’

The peculiar point was that they did not have any ‘equipment’ at all.

Not just weapons, but no helmets, armor, or shoes either.

Not a single piece of protective gear covered their bodies.

They didn’t even properly wear clothes, only a cloth covering their privates.

An unsightly appearance unbecoming of the term war, but perhaps it was natural for them.

Protective gear is not necessarily essential for Lycans who originally have very high durability stats and relevant defensive runes, and they don’t need weapons either since they mainly use martial arts.

As the [Power of the Boiling Werewolf] rune shows, Lycans are monsters who must utilize martial arts to receive ability boosts and become stronger.

And most decisively of all...

There is no ‘blacksmith’ to produce all these things for them.

Lycans are fundamentally a belligerent race.

Even if there are mages who handle magic, they are still ultimately part of the combat class.

In Lycan society, taking on a non-mainstream class like blacksmith meant being treated as a weak coward.

“Then, let us begin the warriors’ council.”

The leader of the Baraten forces, Tol Baraten.

Enrichten muttered in a low voice.

Then, thud!

The sound of a table being slammed echoed.

It was one of the Lycans sitting around the middle of the table.

“Tol. I object before the council begins.”

‘Tol’ is the way they addresses Enrichten, Tol Baraten.

Unlike the others, he speaks casually using the informal speech level.

I didn’t know Haten or Jiten used the most formal speech, but it seems there is no strict hierarchy among fellow warriors.

However, at the sudden objection raised at the very start...

Enrichten slightly frowned.

“...What is it?”

“Having humans attend the sacred warriors’ council is questionable. I wonder if they are worthy to take the same seat as us warriors.”

“I’ve already explained about them.”

“Waging war together and strategizing together are different matters. They must prove if they possess the capability and sufficient power. This is separate from the matter of trust.”

...Prove we have the capability to strategize?

Well, anyone can see we’d be better at using our heads than you lot.

For a moment, I had that thought, but I calmed down and spoke.

“Enrichten. Didn’t you already get this all settled?”

“Do not address Tol so casually!”

They were following Tol Baraten’s suggestion, but couldn’t hold back their objections about the parts they looked down on.

‘Oh man.’

I couldn’t help but inwardly laugh.

Then I recomposed myself.

As foolish as it seemed, what could I do?

Otherwise, my party members could really be in danger.

“Holder Do Seung-min.”

“Yes, captain.”

“Bring that over.”


While lacking any tact, Do Seungmin knew exactly what I meant in this situation.

He hurriedly brought out his magic bag and took out a few items.

Crystal balls glowing with a brilliant light.

[Record Crystals Orb] containing the dungeon conquest footage of the raid.


I placed the [Record Crystals Orb] I took out on the table and handed them one by one to the warriors, saying, “This is a record of our attack squad hunting the Lycans and virgens of the Clark factions. See for yourselves.”

Although it’s a bit embarrassing since my exploits are prominently featured, this record is undeniable proof nonetheless.

The Lycans who had been skeptical at first...

Soon opened their eyes wide in surprise.

“This can’t be...!”

“Five virgens alone, and instantly at that...?”

“I can’t believe humans could be this strong...”

Even Enrichten, who hadn’t seen this footage before, watched the record with an astonished expression.

The sight of Baraten’s warriors huddling in groups to watch our battle footage is somehow quite awkward.

At that, I cleared my throat to regain their attention.

“Are you all convinced now?”

The first to answer was Schilten.

“Yes, I have offended a strong warrior. I apologize.”

This guy immediately switched to the respectful speech.

In any case, following Schilten’s apology, the other warriors’ attitude also completely softened.

Their wariness of outsiders had already disappeared thanks to the [Token of Trust].

With our strength further proven on top of that, the warriors no longer had any reason to reject us.

Satisfied with the completely changed atmosphere, I turned to Enrichten.

“Then let’s restart the meeting that was significantly delayed. I have a really good strategy in mind.”

“Strategy? What is...?”

Enrichten looked puzzled at my sudden mention of a strategy proposal.

I smiled and glanced around his unprotected body.

His plain clothes lacking any armor.

And before this conquest...

The expensive equipment I had commissioned from Choi Yoo-min and Lee Hyun-ho.

That was the key to this strategy.

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