Chapter 3

Name:Act Like a Boss, Mr. Swallow Author:
Chapter 3

[Translator Kie]

[Proofreader Demon God]

Today, the weather is nice.

No signs of human presence can be felt in the vicinity.

Stretching while facing the chilly wind, I opened my eyes. The dungeon interior lacks proper ventilation, making the air too stuffy and humid. With the mix of magic and stench emitted by some monsters, it feels like my nose is about to clog. My apologies to Mr Devourer, but it seems the outside air is more pleasant.

Thinking like that, Renee Relow looked down at the ground. The view of a forest where refreshing green and subtle light green are appropriately mixed. The wind touching the cheek. The sound of leaves rustling. The chirping of small birds flying around.

Closing my eyes, I tilted my head up slowly.

Opening my eyes again, the vast sky filled my vision. The right eye, damaged in a past battle, squints slightly, and even the faintly hazy clouds still look beautiful.

In the past, when I was confined in a giant flask, I couldnt have imagined such things.

I dislike humans, but human villages are quite enjoyable. The lively atmosphere, different from the dungeon, is intriguing. More than that, whether Ive truly become a maid to the bone, my heart is lifted at the thought of buying the necessities for housekeeping. The pink lips that always maintained composure when Devourer wasnt around now formed a smile.

In one hand, a leather bag filled with plenty of magic stones. Wearing a long robe that reaches below the knees inside out, Renee turned her steps towards Hastin.

* * *

Miss, Im sorry, but I cant possibly buy these.

In a low, robust voice, Renee asked shortly, Why?

The magic stones you brought, Miss, I may lack the skill to accurately sense them, but theyre all high-grade magic stones. In terms of rank, they are at least Grade B or higher.

The shop owner, with his tan skin, expressed a perplexed look as he fiddled with the magic stones.

At this level, only high-ranking wizards from the Imperial Palace or advanced sorcerers from the Tower could use them. Magic is finicky, and using magic stones of a higher level than the users skill can cause mana backlash.

The well-built owner glanced at Renee, who remained composed with a stoic expression and silence. Afterward, he lowered his body beneath the counter. A moment later, what he placed on the counter was a safe with a double-lock mechanism.

As if to show something, the shop owner started unlocking the safe. From Renees perspective, placing a safe where important items were stored in front of a customer was incomprehensible. However, from the owners perspective, it was a display of trust towards the customer.

Simultaneously, it was an expression of the unspoken saying, The items I have are of such low value compared to yours that I can openly display them. The owners words were also a form of understated expression.

After a few clicking sounds, the owner pulled out a magic stone emitting a yellow light from the safe.

Take a look, Miss. This is a Grade B magic stone. Its the most expensive item in our store. To buy just one of these, an ordinary citizen like us would have to save up relentlessly for about ten years. But the magic stones you brought are all larger than this one. Of course, size doesnt necessarily mean better.

As if saying, Unfortunately, the shop owner put the magic stone he was holding back into the safe.

To buy all of those, Id have to sell the store and still go into debt. Probably, the situation would be the same elsewhere. A place dealing with such high-grade magic stones Lets see, maybe a jeweler in the capital who has a covenant with the palace or a thriving Tower guild might handle them.

Hearing that, Renee furrowed her brow. The capital was too far away. More importantly, with a total of 74 members, it was a large-scale extermination team, and there was a high possibility that the Imperial Palace was involved in the formation process. If she went to a jeweler who had a covenant with the palace, and the humans who appraised the magic stones recognized their true nature

Things will get out of control.

Since she didnt want to create unnecessary trouble.

The capitals too far . Wheres the closest Tower?

Well, a Tower There is one, but I cant guarantee theyll buy the magic stones. Its a Tower guild that focuses on dungeon conquest rather than treating magic as a scholarly pursuit.

Where is it located?

Lets see, its a Magic Tower called Wing. If you head straight down the main road to the right of the Liberation Monument in the Grand Square, you should find it. Its a giant tower, about nine floors high, so you should easily spot it. They all called it Wing.'

To the right of the Grand Square

Ending her words vaguely, Renee slowly closed her mouth. The girl, who clenched her fist and squinted her eyes, seemed to be drawing a path in her mind.

Well, never mind that. Surprising. I thought a peddler or an old beggar came to visit when they said a stranger arrived.

No words? Well, okay. According to the guards, you brought a lot of magic stones. You must have heard about the reputation of our Tower, Wing, right? I believe youve brought advanced magic stones that match our level. Last time, someone brought a bunch of E-grade magic stones and couldnt even break even. I hope its not the case this time, miss.

Laughter echoed from all around as the woman finished speaking.

Meanwhile, the sound of Rennes footsteps climbing the stairs was faintly audible. It was more of an irritation than embarrassment. She wanted to draw her hidden weapon from the robe immediately

If I cause a disturbance, I wont have a face to meet Devourer.

[Translator Kie]

[Proofreader Demon God]

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Trying her best not to react, Renne put down the bag.

At the same time, the sound of spilled contents caught the womans attention.

Her stiff expression could be seen above her unblinking eyes. For several seconds, she stared blankly at the spilled contents, then cleared her throat and fully opened the bag. In the meantime, some humans who had been watching from here and there also gathered to see what was inside.

Soon, what became visible made the womans expression solidify.

Her frozen face only blinked her eyes. It seemed like her open mouth wouldnt close subconsciously. After staring blankly at the spilled contents for a few seconds, she cleared her throat, and then completely unraveled the bag. Finally, some of the humans who had been watching from various places also gathered to see the contents of the bag.

Following that were stiff body movements and expressions that seemed incomprehensible.

Where did you get this?

How much are you selling it for?

The small girl with silver hair peeking through her robe remained expressionless amidst the murmurs.

* * *

It was unbelievable.

Graumitz Amer, the leader of Wing the largest mage tower guild in Hastin, was speechless.

A common robe, usually worn by ordinary people, turned inside out on a peddler. From that peddlers bag emerged not just one or two, but over 20 B-grade magic stones. Among them, some were in such good condition that they could rival A-grade magic stones.

These were genuine, not fakes. Even if someone could deceive others eyes, they couldnt deceive Amers eyes. He was confident in that, and indeed, Amer had never been wrong in his emotional assessment, not even once. Even if it were something seen with the naked eye.

How can this kid have something like this?

For a group of magicians with this level of magic stones, what would their capabilities be? Amer quickly turned his head while maintaining composure. Perhaps they could easily sweep through most dungeons.

The Seven Great Evil Dungeons might be challenging, but other than that, they might be capable of conquering any dungeon.

Above all, with this quantity of magic stones as a foundation, gathering skilled individuals, it might be possible.

To move away from a small Barony like Hastin and become the largest Mage Guild in the Empire.

Graumitz Amers gaze returned back to the girl.

[Translator Kie]

[Proofreader Demon God]

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