Chapter 38

Name:Act Like a Boss, Mr. Swallow Author:
Chapter 38

[Translator Clara]

[Proofreader Demon God]

A slender crescent moon illuminated the dark street. Relying solely on that moonlight, the girl crossed the steep path.

On one side of the alley, there were abundant low roofs. The shadows created by these roofs cast darker darkness upon the dim street.

The back alley.

After arriving at the end of the alley, the heaven for Hastins thief girl, Rosalina, finally ceased her sprint. Her sanctuary was therefilled with scattered debris on the ground, an artificial watercourse, and a few structures. As she walked further, the vulnerable figures of people lying defenselessly on the ground became visible.

Rosalina, repeatedly catching her breath with each labored breath, finally turned carefully to look behind her.


There was no one chasing her. Only then did the tension release, and the girl took a deep breath.


At that moment, a voice calling her echoed from the darkness.

Under the shadow, a man with a robust voice, familiar with hunger, like Rosalina, was also a resident of the back alley. Unlike Rosalina, he had spent most of his life in this back alley, and his eyes carried a certain harshness from his decade-long experience.

His intense gaze focused on Rosalina.

Where have you been this late at night? the man inquired.

Many other eyes in the darkness were also watching Rosalina.

I told you not to roam around recklessly on dark nights. Especially in the current eerie atmosphere of the town, if you catch the eyes of the night guards, you know what will happen, dont you?

No, no. I didnt wander aimlessly for no reason! Listen slowly. Even this time, its for everyone

For everyone? Is wasting your energy and making yourself even hungrier what you call for everyone?

No, its not like that. ListenThe inaugural upload of this chapter took place via N0v3l-B1n.

It wont work. Your words seem like you havent faced reality. Youve only been here for two weeks. If you keep acting recklessly like this

Dont push too hard.

A sudden, authoritative voice interrupted their conversation.

Both the man scolding Rosalina and Rosalina turned their gazes simultaneously. Then, they both bowed their heads.

Captain, you were awake?

A man with a bold voice spoke.

The mans gaze, directed toward the darkness of the alley, revealed the figure of a man referred to as the captain.

Certainly, he possessed the figure worthy of being called a captain. Differentiating himself from other residents of the back alley, he had a robust physique, a shining southern face even in the dirty environment, and a gentlemanly appearance with combed-back brown hair and a neatly grown beard.

However, the lack of a proper wash made him not look as clean as he could have been. If he had maintained cleanliness and only had tidy clothes, he would have felt at ease participating in noble gatherings.

The man referred to as the captain turned his head toward Rosalina instead of responding to the mans inquiry. Their gazes crossed, and Rosalina swallowed her words without speaking.

You shouldnt be afraid of the night if youre a thief. Thats not going to do any good.

In the firm but weighty voice, the man who had been scolding Rosalina quietly stepped back.


However, wandering around without a word is undoubtedly a mistake. Think about the possible harm you might cause to others by moving recklessly in such a grim situation, Rosalina. This place is different from the old home that used to warmly embrace you.

Rosalina didnt respond, just lowered her head with a tense expression.

Sweat drops fell through her disheveled pink hair.

The captain turned away, no longer reprimanding, and redirected the conversation.

Okay, lets continue with what we were talking about earlier. Rosalina, for everyone didnt you say that? What did you do?

Oh, yeah, Captain! Look at this.

Only then did Rosalina relax and smiled. She untied something from her shoulder and laid it on the ground. It was a black garment used as a makeshift bag, with two white bones inside.

Did you steal these?

Yes, Captain. I thought I should do my part too.

Rosalina nodded vigorously with a determined look.

The tense atmosphere dissipated in an instant. With that, everyone who had been paying attention to Rosalina and the captain returned to their respective places, and only a few remained to deal with the situation.

We tried, but theres no profit in it.

Well Captain, sorry. Sorry, Tott.

Tott, a robust man with a bold voice, turned his head without saying a word.

The captain picked up the black garment Rosalina had used as a bag.

This is a reasonably useful piece of clothing. When the sun rises and everyone wakes up, give it to the person who needs it the most.

It wasnt a clean piece of clothing. Traces of wear and tear were visible here and there. However, it wasnt so worn out that it couldnt be worn. Rather, the fabric might be considered top-notch. The captain, who had an eye for valuable items in the past, could be sure of it.

Its inconspicuous.

Judging from appearances alone, it was undoubtedly the sort of rag that beggars might wear, but in reality, the weave of the fabric was sturdy. Without feeling it in person, it was hard to tell, but there was a good chance it had been coated with magic.

Furthermore, what was suspicious was not just that. As soon as the captain picked up the clothes, he frowned. It felt substantial. It wasnt extremely heavy, but for clothes made with special fabric, it had a weightiness.

Theres something inside the pocket.

The captain looked at Rosalina again. Rosalina, meeting his gaze, had a tense expression, as if not understanding the meaning of that look.

She must have been absent-minded. She probably didnt check the inside of the pocket thoroughly. The captain, after a brief consideration, wordlessly rummaged through the pocket.

As expected, he grasped something solid, and he pulled it out of the pocket.

What came out of the pocket was neatly folded paper. Although something was written on it, it was too dark to read. The captain furrowed his brow and unfolded the paper. There was something inside the paper.

Gold coins.

Not just any gold coins, but five one-ounce coins, not even one-tael.

And theyre not fake.

Uttering a whisper as if enchanted by the faintly shining gold, the captain continued, For common people, these are more valuable than necessary units of currency, so theyre not actually used much. Its money that you would have to work for a whole month even if you worked your bones off. What commoner would prefer a coin more risky than convenient?

And there were five ounces of such gold coins.

After concluding his thoughts, what came flooding in was a sense of unease. What kind of people would carry around such gold coins casually and hold human ribs?

The captain turned his head towards Rosalina, but her gaze was completely stolen by the gold coins. A girl like her probably wouldnt know any secrets.

Rosalina, Ill explain the details later. Its not common for a guest to have such items. For now, Ill take care of the clothes, bones, and gold coins.

Uh? Captain?

Trust me.

Yeah, got it.

Rosalina nodded. While it was uneasy to entrust the gold coins found in the clothes she brought, the captain was the most trustworthy person here.

After finishing a bit more of his thoughts, the captain hastily put the gold coins into his pocket. He was just about to gather the clothes and bones as well.

At that moment, in the dark space, a single shadow was added.

Ah, finding you was a real pain. But it seems like weve got the right one, Boss. Doesnt that outfit match the Boss?

Aah We found it. We survived

Thank goodness. My precious and beautiful things are also there.

A somewhat cheerful voice echoed in the dark alley. It wasnt the voice of an alley resident, and it was a voice that no one in the alley had heard before. The size of the voice wasnt considerate of the sleeping people scattered throughout the area, and it was quite loud.

Everyone who was awake, as well as those who woke up, raised their heads. A man in shabby attire and an armored knight, who knows when, where, and how they arrived, were standing in front of the captain and Rosalina.

Well, everyone, pay attention. You might be curious about who we are Well, theres no need to say it. Oh, everyones expressions are a sight. Your faces are saying, I, conscience, stabbed. Finding the culprit should be less of a hassle.

The knight chuckled.

Damn thieves, weve come to retrieve everything that was stolen.

Phase 3

[Translator Clara]

[Proofreader Demon God]

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