Chapter 173

Name:Adopting Disaster Author:
For a magician, treating magic stones like consumables is a difficult task.

Even the lowest grade magic stones are still magic stones.

Unless they were filthy rich, it wasn't easy to have such an idea.

However, Reed had more than enough money.

Contracts with the merchant alliance, procurement of raw materials, acquisition of knowledge.

The tower had become incredibly wealthy just from the various grants and favors coming in.

Reed used those funds to not only develop the inside of the Silence Tower but also to foster talent and hold idea contests.

Despite allocating nearly 80% of the funds, there was still enough money left over to buy two average kingdoms.

'War always turns into money...'

Even in a peaceful world, weapons continue to be sold.

Ideas keep increasing, and currently, eight projects are underway in the tower.

Reed was only involved in the "Project: Sunflower".

The development of railguns was carried out by the researchers selected by Kaitlyn Ramos.

Kaitlyn and Reed's research had to focus on "Project: Sunflower".

Reed entered Kaitlyn's laboratory.

Due to the resources and size, the entire three floors were converted into Kaitlyn's lab.

'It's really big...'

The part currently being made was equivalent to a man's chest.

A solidly carved chest, like a Greek soldier statue, took up more than 5 meters and occupied two floors of the Silence Tower.

Kaitlyn was assembling the interior on the support.

The hoses that would become blood vessels and muscles were being drawn by her telekinesis to find their places.

Since it was a design mimicking a human body, without delicate and sophisticated touches, a catastrophic explosion or a complete inability to use the body could occur.

It was a task that no one but Kaitlyn could do.

As she sighed and turned her head, she found Reed below her.

Seeing him looking up at her, she greeted him like a trained puppy.

"Have you arrived?"

"Is it going well?"

"What could be happier than living in the embrace of a man's chest wider than anyone else's?"

Kaitlyn chuckled and made a light joke.

The name attached to this gigantic body was Jotun.

Although it was the same as the headless magician in that it had no head, the difference for Jotun was that only the chest and right arm would be made.

It was being designed to meet the minimum requirements for casting magic and to withstand the powerful backlash of magic.

'At least, I've met the minimum requirements.'

The size of the mana storage that Helios demanded was one that could be supported by an entire tower.

Once the right arm is attached to cast magic, the "Project: Sunflower" will be over.

"Also, I've made some adjustments to your weapon."

"My weapon? The railgun?"

"Yes. After using it once, there were traces of the barrel melting from the heat. I reinforced it with a heat-resistant material since it seemed like it would explode from the barrel after about five uses."

"Good job."

Reed looked at the railgun placed on Kaitlyn's desk.

The gun that had been used to snipe Roderick's right arm to save Phoebe.

'How much did I contribute to creating this?'

At most, he just provided the knowledge.

It was possible because the rest was in the hands of the skilled Kaitlyn.

'She's a reliable ally.'

She's ambitious, but she knows her boundaries and doesn't overstep.

All Reed could do for Kaitlyn was to raise her position and give her money.

She deserved more rewards.

Thinking so, Reed told her.


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"I'll transfer the copyright of this railgun to you."

"The copyright... to me?!"

Kaitlyn was surprised and stopped talking.

For magicians, copyrights are absolute.

If they say not to use it, it must not be used, and if they ignore the warning and use it, they would be considered an enemy of the continent.

The higher the magic, the stronger the power of copyright.

That's why even joint copyrights can divide power.

Transferring such a copyright was an impossible story for magicians.

That's why Kaitlyn's reaction was perfectly normal.

Reed nodded his head.

"But, isn't this your weapon?"

"Without your technology, these things couldn't have been made anyway. I have no intention of claiming ownership and being greedy."

"Still, this is..."

Kaitlyn tried to argue but closed her eyes tightly.

As he said, it was enough for Kaitlyn to raise her voice.

Phoebe handed him a document.

It was a document containing the details of the Astheria extermination incident.

It was a significant event, so the report was quite thick, containing analyses from many scholars.

Reed was well aware of its contents.

So, he could guess why Phoebe had come here.

"Do you know all of this?"

Her naive-looking eyes seemed to demand trust, and he hesitated between telling her a gentle lie or a cruel truth.


Reed threw the truth.

Phoebe slightly bit her lower lip.

"And... is all this true? That I was brainwashed by the lord?"

"I knew that too."

"...Why didn't you tell me?"

The reason he didn't tell her.

At first, it was because he didn't know about Phoebe's past.

However, as Reed's original memories merged, he could fully understand Phoebe.

Why he hadn't mentioned it.

"Sometimes the truth is cruel."

At that time, Phoebe was already exhausted.

Telling her the truth would only make her more miserable.

He didn't carelessly mention such unnecessary things to create a stepping stone for her recovery.

"Why didn't you tell me the truth?"

"I said I would be your ally. I promised to be on your side no matter what you believe."

You reap what you sow.

Phoebe's blind faith was possible because Reed had blindly believed her.

He stood by her side even when others disparaged Roderick.

He stood by her side even when the truth was revealed using all available evidence and methods.

Even if Phoebe didn't believe it when the person involved appeared and revealed the truth, Reed would still be on her side.

Reed had been treating Phoebe with such feelings.

"I see."

Phoebe's hands trembled as she listened to his words.

She was angry.

It wasn't anger towards Reed, who unconditionally believed in her.

"If only I were as smart as Dolores... I could've figured this out on my own..."

She resented her own foolishness.

Phoebe closed her eyes tightly and lowered her head.


Reed tried to comfort her by grabbing her shoulder.

That's when it happened.

Phoebe suddenly embraced Reed.

Her boldness, unusual for her, left Reed's hands momentarily lost.

"I'm a fool."

She said.

"Just like you said, I pretend to like something, and then I end up really liking it, like a foolish child."

Her embrace became stronger.

"So now I don't know what I like. I'm scared that these feelings toward you might not actually be false."


"What do you think of me?"

Reed wrapped his arms around her shoulders and hugged her back.

The horns on her head touched his chest, but he didn't care.

"You are just as special to me as Dolores. A very precious person."

He knew this alone wouldn't be enough.

But he was sure that no matter how he answered, he wouldn't be able to persuade her.

Phoebe carefully pushed away the hand that embraced her.

"If you say that out of pity... please don't. I'm fine."

Phoebe smiled.

It was a smile that was incomparably sorrowful.

"You don't have to love me. I'll always be here. My home is here, and the one I serve is my master, the Tower Master. I'll be here until you tell me to disappear because you don't want to see my face anymore. Always..."

Tears welled up, and her eyes became moist.

She tried to hold back the tears and smiled brightly.

Phoebe stepped back with those words.

"I'll go now."

Reed couldn't hold onto Phoebe.

'Now I think I know why I couldn't say I loved her.'

It was instinct.

If, even a little, he said that out of pity for her situation, and that pity was something Reed himself wasn't even aware of, then all that would be left for her would be pain.

As Phoebe said, Reed really needed to reflect on whether he was doing all this out of pity for her or not.