And it seems that every time I get drunk, there is no good result. Originally LAN Qin wanted to persuade Zhou Ruoqi not to take her to the bar, but seeing Zhou Ruoqi's extremely excited appearance, she had to sigh. It seems that today she has to give up her life to accompany a gentleman. It is estimated that Zhou Ruoqi will never let herself go home if she doesn't get drunk. It seems that she has to ask for more happiness.

After a few drinks, their emotions are a little uncontrollable, especially Zhou Ruoqi. LAN Qin always feels that her mood today seems to be a bit out of place, because she is too Hi, which makes her a bit over the top. Originally, LAN Qin didn't think much about it, just because Zhou Ruoqi was born today, and two good friends are rare When they were so happy together, they didn't think about it in a deeper way. As a result, when they drank a little too much, they were dancing on the dance floor. Suddenly, they saw two people who shouldn't have been here.

That's Zhou Ruoqi's boyfriend Li Wenzhi. In fact, it's not too strange for Li Wenzhi to appear here alone. However, Li Wenzhi's hand is tightly attached to a hot beauty who sings and dances to her heart's content. They all know Yao Nana, who is in the same school with them.

Just when Zhou Ruoqi and they were staring at the two people, they suddenly saw Li Wenzhi embracing Yao Nana and exchanging a hot kiss, long and thin, as if they were reluctant to part.

Zhou Ruoqi suddenly became angry, and took LAN Qin to rush from the crowd to the direction of the adulterer and prostitute. LAN Qin also knew that it would be a big deal today. Although she had a few drinks, she was a bit more sober than Zhou Ruoqi. It was estimated that the whole bar would be upset by them.

Sure enough, when Zhou Ruoqi rushed to Li Wenzhi and followed Yao Nana, she raised her hand and was ready to slap Yao Nana, but she was immediately stopped by LAN Qin. She didn't know what was going on. The fight started so soon. At that time, things would be even more impossible to end.

Although Zhou Ruoqi's hand was held by LAN Qin, she could still scold. She yelled at Li Wenzhi with a red face: "Li! You're so damn shameless! Didn't you say you had something to do today? Didn't you say you were going to help your father's company today? Is this your father's company? The thing you want to do for your father is to be coquettish with this coquette here? "

Yao Nana do not mind being scolded by Zhou Ruoqi. He painted Li Wenzhi's face in the red nail polish, and dubiously laughed, "dear, how did you say your ex girlfriend was so ill bred? She was just scolding me. Don't you mean it? "

With these words, Li Wenzhi did not wait for any reaction. He glanced at Zhou Ruoqi sarcastically and said, "Zhou Ruoqi, although you have a good face, you know men don't look at these. Do you know how Li Wenzhi usually describes you? He said that sometimes when you feel sleepy on your chest, you think you are sleeping with a man! Ha ha ha

With that, Yao Nana burst into laughter. She was so angry that she couldn't stand it any more. Which woman can stand the scolding of a cheap woman who has been robbed of her boyfriend in public? If she could bear it, it would not be a big joke. No matter how LAN Qin stopped her, she struggled to get rid of LAN Qin and took her hand. She was ready to teach Yao Nana a a lesson.

But at this time, her hand was held by Li Wenzhi. He looked at himself awkwardly and said, "Ruoqi, I'm really sorry. I know I've done something that I'm really sorry for you, but you also know that it's not suitable for us to work together, and I don't like you any more. Now the person I like is Nana. I don't want to delay you, so I'll take it as Nana You dumped me, didn't you? okay? I don't deserve you. This has nothing to do with Nana. Don't involve her! "

Zhou Ruoqi doesn't know whether she is angry or really angry. Li Wenzhi, even if he wants to cheat, can he find a better one than her? Where to put her face with such a broken shoe? She pointed to Yao Nana, who was smiling and coquettish, and said to Li Wenzhi, "Li Wenzhi! Can you find some eyes, please? Do you know what she is? She's our school bus, you know? Anyone can go! I Pooh! She's not even as good as a bus. You have to pay for it! If you go to her, she can't say she's going to flip you! You've been eaten by the dog

Zhou Ruoqi said this very loudly. Many people in the bar were attracted by the four of them. Now, Zhou Ruoqi said this without concealment.

Almost everyone gathered around them. Who didn't like to watch the fun? What's more, it's still a good scene for the cheap man to cheat. Unexpectedly, he was hit by his girlfriend.

When Li Wenzhi heard Zhou Ruoqi say this, he didn't know whether they were fighting for his girlfriend's injustice or dissatisfied with Zhou Ruoqi's saying that he was a man who liked buses. He was so angry that he slapped Zhou Ruoqi in the face without even thinking about it. He angrily taught Zhou Ruoqi a lesson: "can you say that? There is no education! I hate you the most! That's why I want to break up with you! "Zhou Ruoqi didn't expect that Li Wenzhi, who has always taken great care of herself, would suddenly beat herself. She looked at her boyfriend who used to love her and felt that the whole world seemed to be falling down. After all, she was just a girl. No matter how strong she was, she was just a girl. How could she tolerate being slapped in the face in public? Zhou Ruoqi tried very hard to hold back her tears and let them not fall, but she couldn't help it.

Seeing that Zhou Ruoqi is sad, LAN Qin is also sad. She stares at this shameless smelly man angrily. She has never seen Zhou Ruoqi cry so sad. Every time LAN Qin has an accident, Zhou Ruoqi is with her. She never has a complaint. For LAN Qin, Zhou Ruoqi is her most important friend for life My best friend, but today I didn't expect to cry so sad in front of so many people. How could she bear it?