Chapter 187 Restoring the truth

"I believe Prince Qi will restore the truth."

All right, this is giving him the job.

The other party refused, Qi Tianyou couldn't force it, cupped his hands, stood up, touched the ground with his toes, leaped over the fence, unfolded his toga, and landed lightly on the ring like flying like a frightened bird.

"I pay homage to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!" Gu Zhicheng held a post in the court and was a courtier in front of the Crown Prince.

But because he is a saint, he did not kneel down and salute, but only bowed his head in greeting.

Gu Zhixin knelt in front of the prince: "Prince, please uphold justice for our family, this wicked girl is really hateful! And this...boy, she poisoned my son during the selection competition, causing my son to lose all his profound strength, losing the competition, despicable and cruel Zhisi, we must not tolerate it!"

Qi Tianyou looked at Gu Jinrong who was lying on the ground in surprise: "Have you lost all your profound strength?"

Just now when Gu Jinyue accused Gu Xiaonan of poisoning, they were suspicious.

But if Gu Jinrong really lost his profound strength, then her accusation would be true.

Qiankun Academy selects not only talented talents, but also character.

If it is this kind of violation in the competition and poisons the opponent, even if he wins the first place, Qiankun Academy will reject him and never admit him.

Qi Tianyou turned his head to look at Gu Xiaonan, and thought it was a pity in his heart.

Originally had a bright future, but I'm afraid it's easy to go astray in the future.

The people present were surprised when they heard Gu Zhixin's words.

Really poisoned?

And it’s a poison that makes people lose all their profound strength?

No wonder a five-year-old is so powerful.

Did he rely on poison all the way to the last competition?

If so, he must be disqualified!

He is not worthy of being a top three, not worthy of being a student of Qiankun Academy!

More and more voices of resistance sounded.

Gu Zhicheng opened his mouth a few times, but held back.

He wanted to restore a good relationship with Gu Qingluan, but today this girl let him down so much, she even connived at her son to murder her own clan, and even murdered her cousin.

Qin'er's words are not without reason.

She is so ruthless to the second room, won't she deal with their first room next?

Today, no matter whether it is her or Gu Xiaonan, don't even think about getting out!

If she begs herself, she can say a few words for her as she sees fit.

There were two wounded patients on the field, Qi Tianyou called the imperial doctor to treat them.

Then the interrogation began.

Since it was an audition, Qi Tianyou asked Gu Xiaonan who was suspected of poisoning first.

"Gu Xiaonan, do you have any excuse?"

Gu Xiaonan didn't show any panic on her face: "I didn't poison you."

"If you haven't poisoned me? How come my son doesn't have any profound strength in his body? And his voice... You made him unable to speak, unable to admit defeat, are you trying to beat him to death?" Gu Zhixin questioned bitterly.

Still don't know if his son's profound strength can be restored, if not, his Ronger's bright future will be ruined!

Gu Xiaonan curled her lips: "How would I know? Maybe he thought he couldn't beat me, so he intentionally poisoned himself to frame me?"

"Ha, nonsense! You..."

Before he finished speaking, a white shadow flashed in front of him.

Gu Zhixin vaguely recognized that it was Gu Xiaonan's pet, and he was running in the direction of Gu Jinrong!

He quickly turned his head to stop: "Little beast, get out!"

The profound power that was swung out was blocked by Gu Qingluan.

Xiaobai jumped to Gu Jinrong's chest and raised his paws.


There was a sound of tearing silk, and the best brocade robe was torn to pieces.


A bottle rolls to the floor.

Seeing the porcelain bottle that fell out, Gu Jinyue widened her eyes and threw her upper body, trying to grab it.


Green light flew past.

Bottle off the ground.

is a green parrot!

(end of this chapter)