Chapter 301 Sworn poison

Cultivators have good eyesight.

Although the light in the alley was dim, they could still see clearly that the silver-faced man standing in the middle of the alley was their target!

The eyes of the two of them lit up.

Haha, what a twist!

Seeing their expressions, Gu Qingluan couldn't help being amused, wondering who hired the thugs, and still can't tell who is the cat and who is the mouse?

It is a miracle that I can survive to this day with this IQ!

She got straight to the point: "Are you going to tell me yourself, or did I get you to tell me?"

The two of them didn't say a word of nonsense, and rushed towards her directly.

Seeing their choices, Gu Qingluan sighed softly: "Why waste each other's efforts!"

She stood there without moving, and when someone approached, her figure suddenly disappeared from where she was.


There were two crashing sounds, and the two people following her flew upside down, one hit the wall and slipped, and the other fell directly to the ground.

Gu Qingluan walked slowly to the nearest person, and before the other person was about to get up, he stepped on the other person's chest.

The opponent was forced to fall, his back hit the ground, his face twisted in pain.

"Are you willing to say it?" Gu Qingluan looked down at him with a cool voice.

"Did you misunderstand? We don't mean to hurt anyone..."

Before he finished speaking, an unshakable force came from his chest, as if a golden hammer had hit him, causing him to gasp in pain and his face flushed red.

Gu Qingluan said softly: "Stop talking nonsense, I'm impatient today."

The other person supported the ground and got up, and shouted anxiously: "Mr. Jun, keep someone at your feet. We don't mean any harm to you. We just want to ask you to go to the doctor."

"Oh? This is the first time I've seen 'please' in this way." Gu Qingluan's cold eyes swept towards the speaker, and the star-like peach eyes were dotted with tiny lights, which made people dare not look directly at them.

The person who was looking at her felt an invisible pressure, and couldn't help but suffocate.

He gritted his teeth and struggled: "I'm sorry, if you misunderstood me, it's my fault. We really just ask the Lord to ask you to come out to save people."

Gu Qingluan asked: "Who is your master?"

"Please forgive me, Mr. Jun, we can't talk about it now."

Gu Qingluan smiled and said: "It seems that we don't need to talk anymore."

The light in the hand flickered, and it was about to fall to the man at his feet.

Another person hurriedly shouted: "Young Master Jun, be merciful, we really want you to save people, if you don't believe me, we can swear to the sky!"

In this world, swearing is a very solemn act.

Once you break your oath, you will be punished by heaven.

Fearing that Gu Qingluan would not tell him more, the man swore on the spot: "I am indeed coming to the Lord to ask Mr. Jun to save people. If there is one word of lies, I will die!"

"If what you said is false, your master will die." Gu Qingluan looked at him with a smile.

The man's face changed drastically when he heard this: "Your Excellency, this is embarrassing."

"If you haven't lied, why are you in trouble?"

The other party is speechless.

That’s the reason, but what a noble person the master is, it’s a crime of disrespect for him to swear a poisonous oath with the master. If the master finds out, his head is not enough to cut off.

Gu Qingluan said impatiently: "Should I send it? If not, let the two of you go to see the King of Hades together!"

"I'll say it!" The man said anxiously, "I swear, if what I just said is half a lie, my master... my master..."

Under the gaze of Gu Qingluan's black eyes shining with cold light, he closed his eyes and shouted: "I will die!"

Gu Qingluan smiled: "All right, for your sincerity, I believe you."

She retracted her foot, turned and walked out of the alley.

The man was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized that he was puzzled and shouted: "Mr. Jun, stop! Don't you believe me?"

"I believe it, but I have the right to choose whether to save it or not." Gu Qingluan said without turning his head.

(end of this chapter)