Chapter 333 ends here

The white cloth is very long, and all the crimes committed by Qi Tianyu are stated on it.

Every word is like crying blood.

The blank space beside    is covered with many palm prints.

Gu Qingluan said: "Originally the fifth prince is dead, I don't want to reveal their affairs for the sake of those girls' reputation, but now Dingbeihou and General Liu are aggressive, so they protect the fifth prince, I have no choice but to I can present the blood book to His Majesty."

Qi Xuanzong stepped down from the dragon chair and read the blood book seriously.

The more you look at him, the worse the expression on his face is, his eyes are almost protruding.

Liu Miaowu concealed his panic and said in a cold voice: "Joke, this kind of thing is the easiest to fake, and you want to convict the fifth prince just because of it?"

Qi Xuanzong returned to his senses for a while, his expression was unclear: "What General Liu said is not unreasonable, Gu Qingluan, do you have any other evidence?"

"I can ask them to send a representative to testify."

"You may have found it casually!" Liu Miaowu immediately said.

Gu Qingluan nodded: "That's true. Believe it or not, it's all up to His Majesty. I have to remind you that among the imprisoned women, there are ladies from famous families. They are unwilling to expose, but it doesn't mean they will swallow their anger. If they learn that the fifth prince who killed them has not received the punishment he deserved, and that someone will blame him when he dies, they will definitely be unwilling, and even lose their minds. Whether it will harm Chengyuan Kingdom is temporarily unknown, but Dingbei Generals Hou and Liu are bound to be suppressed and even destroyed."

She smiled and admired the sudden change in the faces of Dingbeihou and his son: "I also kindly remind you two, if you are fearless, just pretend I didn't say anything. In short, I have already presented the evidence. As for whether you believe it or not, it is up to you." thing."

Ding Beihou communicated with his son with his eyes.

He didn't know anything about Qi Tianyu's actions. Judging from Liu Miaowu's reaction just now, he must know something.

If what Gu Qingluan said is true, they have to think long term.

It is stipulated that Beihou Mansion cannot be destroyed because of one person, even if that person is his grandson.

Liu Miaowu's eyes flickered, and he didn't dare to look at him.

Now Dingbeihou doesn't understand that his son and grandson are really doing such stupid things without telling him.

Why didn't you say it earlier!

Ding Beihou gouged out his son angrily.

If he knew earlier, he would be able to make some preparations in advance, and he would not be as passive as he is now.

Liu Miao Wuxin said: How dare the old man tell you about this matter, let you know, don't break our legs.

The matter has come to this point, it is useless to say more.

Ding Beihou closed his eyes, and for a moment his whole body seemed to have changed for several years.

After a while, he opened his eyes, and his whole body was no longer as sharp as before.

"Whether this matter is true or not, it cannot be determined by Miss Gu's few words and an inexplicable blood letter. The man is dead, and he will not be able to survive if he is pursued. This matter, let's stop here!"

"Father..." Liu Miaowu was surprised that his father gave up revenge?

Ding Beihou glared at him bitterly.

Aware of the old father's annoyance towards him, Liu Miaowu shrank his neck in fear.

Qi Xuanzong is not stupid. Seeing the attitude of Dingbeihou, he knew that what Gu Qingluan said was true, and he was extremely angry at the fifth prince.

It's just that the person is dead, and there is no one to pursue it.

And once this matter gets out, it will deal a huge blow to the prestige of the royal family, so it is best to keep it a secret.

Qi Xuanzong looked at Gu Qingluan: "Gu Qingluan, Marquis Dingbei will not pursue it anymore, this blood book..."

(end of this chapter)