Chapter 1083 Fire Luan Bird

Su Changrui raised his eyebrows, hiding his surprise.

Wood overcomes soil, and gold overcomes wood.

Her luan feathers are made of luan bird feathers, but with the addition of hundreds of rare ores, they have already been refined into magical weapons.

She turned her wrist and took a pen to attack the green plants in front of her.

Countless green vines were cut off by Luan Yu, but under the urging of Sixiang Astrolabe, more vines grew out of the soil and attacked Su Changrui.

Su Changrui did not retreat but advanced, the Luan quill pen in his hand flew out, and a flame was attached to the tip of the pen like a tail. Wherever it passed, vines fell, and before they landed, they were burned to ashes by the contaminated flames.

The audience was stunned and almost forgot to applaud.

Most of the previous contests were conventional weapons such as knives, guns and swords. Even with the blessing of profound strength, it would be boring to watch too much.

And this competition is new and exciting to them!

The variety of spells dazzled people, and exclamation flashed in their minds from time to time: It turns out that profound power can still be used like this!

It’s not that no one uses black power to transform attacks such as wind, rain, thunder, and lightning. However, most of them can only transform one or two types of attacks, mainly determined by the ores and other things blessed on the mysterious spirit weapon and their own affinity for the elements.

It is basically impossible to master all kinds of elements.

After all, the more complicated and messy, the more complicated and thinner.

"The two have their own unique tricks. Right now, they are evenly matched. It is completely impossible to tell who will win."

"At first, I thought that Gu Xiaonan's cultivation base was relatively low. Even if he had a secret weapon, he would definitely not be Su Changrui's opponent. Now I'm not sure."

"I think Gu Xiaonan is likely to win. After all, he has too many secrets. Every time we think he is going to lose, he can fight a beautiful victory. This time I also support him."

"I also support Junior Brother Xiao Nan! There is no reason, Junior Brother Xiao Nan is the best!"



"Su Changrui is my goddess, I support her!"

"I also support Su Changrui. She has been famous for a long time, not only in Penglai Academy, but also in Yunchuan Continent. She is also a well-known young talent. Whether it is cultivation or fighting experience, Gu Xiaonan cannot compare."

"Doesn't anyone think there might be a tie between the two?"

Suddenly someone proposed a third possibility.

Everyone was silent for a while.

It seems... It's not impossible.

While they were discussing in full swing, their eyes never left the competition stage.

The fight between Gu Xiaonan and Su Changrui became more and more intense.

The martial arts arena has a formation, which can absorb the power of the attack into the formation to the maximum extent, so as not to damage the martial arts arena easily.

The other arenas are all fine at the moment, but Gu Xiaonan's arena is riddled with holes.

It is estimated that if the fight continues like this, the competition platform will collapse before the two can decide the winner.

Su Changrui frowned.

She originally thought that her cultivation base was higher and her profound strength was more profound. Compared with magic techniques, Gu Xiaonan couldn't consume her.

But after such a long time, the two of you have come and gone with countless tricks, but Gu Xiaonan's face still does not show fatigue.

This phenomenon is too strange.

The more powerful the spirit weapon, the more profound power it consumes. Even if some powerful spirit weapons may consume less because they are special, they cannot be endless like Gu Xiaonan's.

It's like the "Luan Yu" in her hand. By chance, it can exert a powerful power without consuming much profound power, but compared to other holy weapons, if compared with ordinary spiritual weapons, the consumption of profound power Not a lot of power.

If she didn't use the Luan Yu to draw the talisman, but directly used it as a weapon to fight head-to-head with the opponent, the consumption of profound power would be even greater.

Even she can't maintain this strong output all the time.

This fight has been going on for quite a while, and she feels that there is not much profound power left in her body.

Su Changrui had a desperate look on his face.

She doesn't want to lose.

No matter what, you must win this point.

Su Changrui swiped Luan Yu **** his wrist, a slender cut appeared instantly, and blood quickly seeped out, soaking the sleeve.

The red sleeves were dyed crimson.

A series of exclamations sounded around.

"What is Su Changrui doing? Why did she cut a wound on her arm when she was so good?"

Blood stained the luan's feathers, and the luan's feathers instantly shone brightly, and the fiery red flames surrounded her. A fire phoenix came out of the flames and uttered a clear cry, just like a phoenix's clear cry.

The fire phoenix, shaped like a phoenix, is also the bird family closest to the phoenix. It carries the sky fire and has extraordinary strength.

"My God, what is that? A phoenix? Su Changrui summoned a phoenix?"

There was a commotion in the audience.

(end of this chapter)