Chapter 1425 The Road to Revival

Evil Emperor Ji Su sneered: "No one can answer this question?"

The devils lowered their heads a little, hoping not to be noticed by the devil emperor.

Ji Su looked at a demon kneeling in the middle of the front row: "Ge Xiao, tell me."

The face of the demon whose name was named changed slightly, and panic flashed across his eyes.

He buried his head lower, if there is a hole in the ground at this moment, he would like to get into the hole.

"Your Majesty's holy face is engraved in my heart, and I will never forget it."

"Oh? So this emperor is too ordinary, anyone can pretend to be you and deceive you?" Ji Su still used the tone of discussion. If someone doesn't understand his nature, it is very likely that he will be deceived by his kind Deceive with a gentle tone, and then make a big mistake that cannot be undone.

Ge Xiao's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he dared not admit it: "Your Majesty is the greatest demon of the demon clan. No matter whether it is your holy face or demeanor, no one else can imitate it."

Ji Su asked in a deep voice: "Then tell me, why did you listen to a counterfeit and retreat back to the Great Wasteland?"

Ge Xiao was speechless.

Facing the huge coercion, Ge Xiao suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and replied: "I usually dare not look at your majesty's true face, but I am deeply in awe of your majesty. Therefore, in Yunchuan Continent, when that counterfeit appeared, my minister If you don’t study carefully, you will be fooled by the other party.”

Ji Su sneered: "So you're going to blame the Emperor?"

Ge Xiao hastily denied: "Your Majesty can't be blamed for this matter. It's all due to my carelessness. That's why I was easily deceived. I am willing to be punished."

As he spoke, he knocked his head three times heavily.

The attitude of admitting mistakes is very positive.

Ji Su said: "In that case, go and receive the punishment yourself."

Ge Xiao heard the words, as if he was not going to be punished, but received an amnesty, he readily agreed, got up and left quickly.

The other demons cast envious looks at him.

The punishment is definitely not light, but in any case it is better than suffering in the devil hall.

The Devil Emperor will not let go, here, their lives may be lost at any time.

Might as well execute them sooner.

Ji Su pulled a few demons out to ask questions.

Their answers were similar to those of Ge Xiao.

Ji Su also asked them to receive the penalty.

He looked at the dozens of demons kneeling on the ground, with a cold light in his silver-blue eyes: "This time, the emperor is very disappointed."

The demons lowered their heads and remained silent.

Ji Su's tone was heavy: "The demons have been trapped in the Great Barrenland for ten thousand years. For ten thousand years, the demons have died and become old. Now less than one-tenth of the tribe is left. Don't you want to take it back?" Lost ground, revenge?"


All the demons seemed to have a fire burning in their chests, shouting in unison.

Great Wasteland, as the name suggests, is a barren, barren place.

There is no fertile land, rich aura, or vibrant things here.

There is only dead silence, strong wind and space cracks.

There is no aura here, so the demons have been starving for a long time.

Because there is no aura, their cultivation stops.

Without aura, they cannot give birth to new life.

Cultivation stops, which means that their lifespan cannot be extended, even if they already have a long lifespan, they will die one after another.

No new life means that their race cannot continue, only death, no new life, sooner or later, the demon race will become extinct.

At the beginning of the war between gods and demons, the demons suffered heavy losses. There were only 100,000 demons left, and they were expelled to the Great Wasteland.

During these ten thousand years, there were no natural enemies, but the number of demons dropped sharply, and now there are less than 10,000 left.

The previous devil emperor died of old age.

He is a great devil emperor.

Whether it is leadership or his own talent, he is very superior among the demons.

If he hadn't been trapped in the wilderness, his cultivation could have gone a step further, and he might still be alive now.

It's a pity that the great wasteland has frozen his cultivation realm.

And there are not a few demons encountered like the former devil emperor.

Since taking over, Ji Su has made great efforts to return to the Tianji Continent and regain the lost land. At the same time, she has launched revenge on human beings to comfort the dead demons.

During the years when he governed the Demon Realm, the Demon Realm has undergone tremendous changes.

On the one hand, everyone's morale has risen, and on the other hand, the overall strength of the demons has been greatly improved.

The method used by Ji Su is more cruel, that is, to provide energy for the devil by cultivating monsters.

Monsters are not only the food of the devils, but also their mounts, and even their helpers.

Monsters also need strength to grow. The demons have no extra power to feed these monsters, so they kill them to add negative aura such as resentment and death, and turn them into nourishment to cultivate other monsters.

Besides, Ji Su sent out to search for the expedition that left the Great Wasteland and found a crack in space, allowing them to enter a space full of aura, which is the Floating Light Secret Realm.

Not long ago, they got in touch with the Demon Cult in Yunchuan Continent...

The demons all feel that their great cause of revival can be realized soon.

This time Ji Su needs a hundred demons to go to Yunchuan Continent to cooperate with Xiu Yunyi to attack Qiankun Academy.

This is the first battle on the road to revival of the Demon Race.

Majin are mostly eager to try and want to be the vanguard.

Finally, Ji Su selected one hundred of them.

They embarked on the journey with the expectations of their clansmen on their backs.

The result is not satisfactory.

Ji Su was very disappointed with them.

"Look at what you have done? You were able to leave the Great Desolation because nearly ten thousand people gave up their chance and gave it to you. Not only did you fail to complete the task and fought a beautiful first battle, but you also wasted this time leaving the Great Desolation!" If you return to the Great Desolation Realm, are you worthy of nearly ten thousand people from all over the Demon Realm?"

The aroused demon looked like an eggplant beaten by frost, wilting.

(end of this chapter)