Chapter 1691 Robbery

Tianshenghuang said: "After you left the holy capital, it is not safe for Yuanxi to stay alone in Lanwang's mansion. Why don't I send someone to bring him to the palace. The palace is heavily guarded, so he will be able to protect him well."

Gu Qingluan shook his head: "Thank you for your kindness, don't bother your majesty with this matter, Yuanxi will go with me."

Heavenly Sage Emperor was stunned: "Go together? Your trip is dangerous. Wouldn't it be dangerous if you take him with you if you don't take good care of him?"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I have my own solution."

Gu Qingluan was worried about leaving his son in the holy capital.

Seeing that she had made up her mind, the Heavenly Sage Emperor did not force her to do so, but said: "If you have any needs, just ask. When you arrive at the border of Mingsong Mountain, the officers and soldiers there will be at your command."


Gu Qingluan bid farewell and left.

Back to Prince Lan's Mansion, Gu Qingluan told Xiaonan and Yuanxi that he was about to leave for Mingsong Mountain.

As soon as the two heard it, they immediately said that they would follow.

Gu Qingluan originally planned to take them there, so he nodded casually.

Seeing that she had no intention of leaving them behind, the two little guys cheered happily.

Gu Qingluan thought of Yun Jingchu who was still living in the mansion, so he also informed him.

Yun Jingchu immediately expressed that he would go with them.

His cultivation base is profound, and with his help, this time the demon suppression operation will definitely be smoother.

Gu Qingluan was not polite to him.

So, the few people cleaned up briefly and flew towards Mingsong Mountain.

Five hundred miles away in an instant.

Ming Songshan is located in Longxi City. After Gu Qingluan let Xiaonan and Yuanxi enter the star space, he and Yun Jingchu landed at the gate of Longxi City.

The defense of the city gate is obviously much stricter than other places.

There are guards strictly checking in and out.

"Bring out Lu Yin." Gu Qingluan and Yun Jingchu were stopped.

The two handed over the guide to the inspecting guard.

The other party opened it and took a look, and let them in after confirming that there was no problem.

When passing through the gate, Gu Qingluan paused slightly.

There is a soul-inducing formation here.

If the body is taken away, it will be exposed here.

Logically speaking, Gu Qingluan's soul and body are also separated.

But because she has been in this body for six years, perfectly integrated, and her spirit is powerful, the small soul-attracting array is naturally useless to her.

The two passed through the soul-inducing formation without incident and entered the city.

Suddenly, there was a loud shout from behind.

"There is a situation! Let's go together!"

Gu Qingluan turned his head to look at the gate of the city, and saw a group of guards surrounding a woman holding a child with big knives.

The woman turned pale with fright.

"My lords, have you misunderstood? We are just ordinary people, and we haven't committed any crimes."

All the guards held the big knives and looked at the little boy in her arms warily: "Stop talking nonsense, put down the child in your arms!"

The woman hugged the child even tighter when she heard the words.

The guards were angry when they saw this.

Two of them stepped forward, one tore open the woman's arm, and the other quickly snatched the child in her arms.

The woman cried anxiously: "My child! My child! How are you robbing people!"

She wanted to take back her child, but was held back by a tall and burly guard, unable to break free.

The rest of the guards surrounded the child.

The child was held in the arms of a guard, weeping weakly and softly.

The guard carried him back to the soul-inducing array under the city gate.

Seeing this, Gu Qingluan flicked his fingers.

An invisible barrier blocked the guard.

The guard collided with the barrier and bounced back.

The child in his hand fell out.

The other guards didn't understand what happened, and thought it was caused by the big devil hiding in the child's body, so they swung their knives and slashed at the child in an instant.


The passers-by watching all around exclaimed in fright.

Those who are timid can't help but close their eyes.


Invisible power separates those sharp knives.

The guard with the knife was taken away.

(end of this chapter)