Chapter 2102: Swear as much as you can!

Chapter 2102 Swear as much as you can!

I saw Feng Qingwu raised her hand and swore to the sky: "I swear, if what I just said is half a lie, I will be thrown into the wilderness and lose everything I have now."

Gu Xiaonan frowned: "This is different from what I just said."

"When you arrive at the Great Desolate Realm and fall into the territory of the demons, will you still have a chance to survive? It's almost the same as destroying your cultivation base, dying a bad death, and losing your soul."

The people watching around nodded unconsciously.

It is rumored that the demons are cruel and tyrannical by nature, and they regard other living beings as nourishment.

Once entering the Great Wilderness, it is indeed the same as being dead.

Moreover, the demons even eat their souls, isn't it just "unfortunate death, the souls fly away"!

Gu Xiaonan felt that the other party's statement was not right. If there was no problem, the other party would not deliberately change the oath he asked for.

Gu Xiaonan asked her to say it again according to her oath.

Feng Qingwu said righteously: "Enough! Don't think that you can make trouble without reason just because you are a child! You want me to swear, and I have already made it. If you do this again, don't blame me for being rude!"

Gu Xiaonan was not frightened by her intimidation at all, and said loudly: "You are lying! You refuse to swear according to the oath I said, which proves that you have ghosts in your heart! Besides, you may not die if you enter the wilderness, my mother You must be alive, you are obviously afraid of death so you dare not swear as I said."

Feng Qingwu stared at him sharply: "Oh, you won't die if you go to Dahuangjing. Could it be that the demons are not willing to kill her? This is clearly collusion with the demons!"

Immediately afterwards, she turned her head to look at Head Song, and said very quickly: "Master Song, listen to what he said, he is so sure that his mother is still alive, isn't it because he has something to do with the demons?"

It has to be said that Feng Qingwu has a strong adaptability, and she actually caught the pigtails in Gu Xiaonan's words.

Gu Xiaonan was annoyed in his heart, he should have thought twice before saying it.

Regret is useless right now, but Gu Xiaonan didn't panic: "My mother is so powerful, she will come back naturally, I believe her! Don't change the subject, if you don't swear according to what I said, you dare not, you are guilty!"

"You guys are colluding..."

"Okay, stop arguing!" Taoist Qingfeng interrupted them.

Although Taoist Qingfeng left just now, he didn't go far.

The ruins of the Wanshoumen Gate are huge, and there are countless mysterious beasts staring at it outside. It takes a lot of effort for him to go out by himself.

Moreover, since he is here, he will not leave before the matter is resolved.

Anyway, this kid still suits his eyes, how can he see these so-called decent families in Tianji Continent ganging up to bully the little guy.

"As an adult, you have the guts to bully a child, are you ashamed?" Qingfeng Taoist pointed at Feng Qingwu's nose and cursed.

A haze flashed across Feng Qingwu's eyes.

Smelly Taoist mind your own business!

She opened her mouth, about to argue.

Taoist Qingfeng has already turned his finger on other people.

He pointed to the head of Song and the heads of other major sects: "And you, don't even have the ability to judge right from wrong, do your eyes grow white on your face? If you dislike the uselessness of eyes, you can Dig it out, there is no need to grow it on your face to make people look ugly."

The masters of various sects were scolded until their faces turned livid.

"Taoist Qingfeng, we respect you, but that doesn't mean you can..." Master Song said with suppressed anger.

Just before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Taoist Qingfeng: "When did you respect the old Taoist? Do you listen to the old Taoist? It's really shameless to say one thing and do another!"

People from all sects were furious at his words, and their faces turned red.

The words of Taoist Master Qingfeng were too harsh.

Master Song couldn't help but turn up the volume: "Taoist Qingfeng, enough is enough!"

Daoist Qingfeng asked with a smile on his face, "Stop what? You can't bear it after just a few words? Why don't you think about whether others will feel uncomfortable when you talk about others? Why don't you know when you slander others? You bully a child, you are really awesome!"

Not to mention a person with a bad temper, even a person with a good temper will be driven out of his body by his anger.

Gu Xiaonan has long seen the power of Taoist Qingfeng's mouth. It is a posture that can be justified by him without reason, let alone when it is reasonable, it is really unreasonable.

Seeing a group of well-known and decent masters being half-dead by him, but still wanting to maintain their own demeanor and personality, Gu Xiaonan was very happy in his heart.


Tell them to be suspicious of mother, and want to seal the passage of mother's return!

Taoist Qingfeng scolded well!

Swear as much as you can!

(end of this chapter)