Chapter 35: Smile [1]

Chapter 35: Smile [1]

News about Julien's achievements at Haven quickly reached the Evenus household near Westernborn, one of the two regions under the Evenus Barony management.

".....This doesn't make sense."

Aldric M. Evenus muttered while staring at the files in front of him.

It had been a while since he had heard the news of his son becoming the Black Star, and even now, he had trouble believing the news.

Was this really his son...?

Though not incompetent, he was also not this competent.

And as he read through the new report, his brows further furrowed.

"It's not adding up."

If it were not for the fact that Leon personally said that this was Julien, he would've believed there was something wrong with Julien.

To Tok—

A figure entered after knocking. It was a young man with brown hair and hazel eyes. His expression was clean, and his face held perfect symmetries. By any right, he was a handsome man.


He addressed politely as he entered.



Linus lowered his head in acknowledgment. He was the second son of the Evenus Household and the next one in line for the position.

Unlike Julien, he had a warmer disposition and seemed more approachable.

"Have you noticed anything strange with your brother before he left for the institute?"

"...Hm? Brother? Did something happen?"

"Check this out."

Aldric slid the papers over his desk. Though confused, Linus walked toward the desk and checked out the papers.


Gradually, his expression strained. He put the paper down and looked up.

".....Is this real?"


Aldric nodded.

"I haven't told you yet because I found it hard to believe myself. Leon has confirmed everything."

"Ah, is that so..."

Linus casually glanced at the documents one more time before nodding.

"If Leon said so, then there's nothing to worry about."

His expression seemed genuine. With a sigh, Aldric drummed his fingers over the wooden desk. Then, as he casually glanced up at Linus who was staring at the documents with a strange intensity, he waved his hand.

"You may go."

"Hm...? Now?"

Linus appeared surprised by the sudden dismissal.

Aldric didn't look up and sat down on his chair.

"I just wanted to double-check on you. Since we agree, I'll wait for Julien to return after the mid-terms to confirm."

"Ah... I see."

Though reluctant, Linus didn't argue and nodded his head in understanding. Then, with a short bow, he left the room.


A large corridor met Linus's sight as he came out. It was wide but empty.

Tak. Tak.

The sound of his steps echoed rhythmically as he calmly headed toward his room which was located on the second floor of the Evenus estate.

Upon entering his room, he closed the door behind him and headed toward his desk where he poured himself a drink.


The burn lingered in his throat as he relished the drink.

The glass emptied and the pain at the back of his throat eased, cooling his head in the process. Taking a deep breath, he sat on his sofa while muttering a name.


It was the name of his older brother.

His grip on the glass tightened, and his expression distorted.

"Have you finally decided to reveal your true self...?"

Her feet stopped and her gaze fell on the rows of books in front of her.

She was currently in the library.

It may have only been the second week of the institute, but for a top student like her, working outside of lessons was extremely important.

How else would she be able to become the Black Star?

Ever since entering the institute, it had always been her goal to snatch the position away from Julien. She was of royal descent, and the fact that she wasn't first, despite all her advantages made her strive to work harder.

She could accept there being more talented people than her.

What she couldn't accept was losing out to them when she had such clear advantages. It gave her a sour taste in her mouth.

As if the world was telling her she wasn't doing enough.

That she... wasn't enough.


There was also another thing that she really liked about the library.

It was that there was hardly anyone that was there.

She could sing freely without any problems. Well, to a moderate level. There was a chance that a cadet might be hiding somewhere, but she could just silence them if need be.


She scanned around and looked around the bookshelves.

[Magic Theory]

[Combat Theory]


She collected all sorts of books. There were many classes that she attended, and it was therefore important that she kept up with all of them.

Aoife even went as far as taking some books for classes that would be taught from the next semester onward.

She was that dedicated.


The pile was slowly starting to increase. One book, two books, three books...

It didn't matter how many books she had. Unlike the other cadets, she could check out as many as she wanted.

After all, the Vice-Chancellor was her cousin.

"Ta da~"

All was going well.

Aoife had never been in such a great mood. So much so that she even found herself hopping in a light dance.

To! To!

But that all stopped after a certain point.


Her steps ceased and her expression stiffened.

A face she least wanted to see. He wore a set of unfamiliar dark-framed glasses. Strangely, coupled with his dark blazer, and undervest, it suited him. His hazel eyes beneath the glasses held a peculiar allure, compelling one to gaze into them.

Standing before her was the last person she wanted to see.


Her mouth opened, but no words came out.

Seconds passed, and all she could do was open her mouth like a fool, trying to find an excuse, something... to justify her actions... to... to... but....



Her mind was blank.


Her thoughts were rattled by the sound of a singular page being flipped. When she looked up, she saw Julien staring at his book with his usual indifferent expression.

It was as if he wasn't bothered at all by her antics.


Aoife wasn't sure why, but she felt herself sigh in relief at the thought.

'Maybe he didn't see...'

Yeah, that could be it.

He must've missed it.

Pursing her lips, she turned around and prepared to head back, when...



Julien's cold voice reached her ears, causing her to involuntarily flinch.

"...Do it somewhere else next time. I almost lost my sight. I don't plan on losing my hearing."