Chapter 40: Forest [3]

Chapter 40: Forest [3]

[There was a glitch in previous chapter. If you read it in the first 30 minutes of release, there's a small scene missing just a bit before Kiera's POV.]


The bushes rustled and a figure I vaguely felt was familiar appeared.

'Who is he...?'

"You were looking for me?"

A dry voice came out from my lips as I grew wary. He couldn't be someone related to the one in the vision?

If that was the case...

My body grew tense and I started to channel the mana inside of my body.

"Didn't you say you wanted to see me? I am here."


Wanted to see me?

I paused and thought about it. Then, as if recalling the events of yesterday, I realized.

"You're the leader of the noble faction?"

Right, judging from his age, and the fact that he felt familiar, this made sense. Especially since I distinctly remembered asking his minion to tell him to come to me.

"....How did you find me?"

Weren't we supposed to be stranded in the middle of a forest?

For him to find me...

I frowned and had a sudden thought. Just then, he appeared to want to say something as his mouth opened, but...

"...I want to—"

I cut him off immediately and lightly tossed something in his direction.


It landed right beneath his feet, stopping him as he looked down.

I took the chance to explain.

"My emergency device doesn't work. I believe yours doesn't work as well. I think we're under attack."

"Under attack...?"

He looked back at me, his eyes wearier than before.

"...Are you trying to get my guard down or something."


Perhaps because time was running out and I couldn't waste time, my voice came out rather harsh as I squinted my eyes at him.

"That's a needless effort on someone like you. Check your device."


His face scrunched up, but under my serious gaze, he eventually relented and opened his backpack, taking out a similar device from his it.

He turned to look at me and seemed to want to say something, but after staring into my eyes, he thought otherwise and just pressed on the device.



As expected, his didn't work either.


Finally, his expression changed as he realized the gravity of the situation. But I didn't have time to waste.

Therefore, I carefully approached him, only stopping a few meters away from him.

I looked down at him to meet his eyes.


I thought back on the situation and how he had managed to find me.

It was only a guess, but maybe...

"Help me find someone."

He could help me find Leon's location.


Rustle, Rustle, Rustle—

'Why am I even doing this...?'

Anders continued to run, pushing the vegetation away. Fiddling with the necklace on his neck, he looked behind him where a figure was casually following him.

Even now...

He seemed unfazed by the situation as he looked around with the same expression he always wore.

It was as if he didn't seem bothered by the entire situation. And yet, he was also the first one to notice.

'How did he know?'

Anders was curious. He turned his head slightly, when...

"How far?"

Julien's voice reached his ears.

Even the tone of his voice sounded annoying to his ears.

He was the last person he thought he'd work with, but...

'....I have no choice."

The circumstances left him with no choice but to work with him. He didn't trust him, but he trusted his abilities.

After all...

He had experienced them firsthand.

"We should be getting closer."


Julien acknowledged with a soft him, his attention once again on the surroundings. Anders pursed his lips and continued forward.

His [Innate] ability—[Predator's Plight]—granted him with the ability to enhance his senses. Be it his eyesight, smell, and hearing. It was thanks to his ability that he had been able to find Julien easily.

His original plan had been to face him head-on. He thought about sneaking up on him, but that simply went against his morals.

He was no coward, after all.

As they moved forward, Anders suddenly grew curious.

"....Can you tell me why you asked me to find Leon instead of the Professors? I'm sure they would be of more help than him."

Julien looked ahead and their gazes met.

Anders felt his body freeze under his gaze which seemed to look at him with a bit of contempt.

'This bastard...'

Anders clenched his fists at the sight.

Julien's voice reached his ears shortly after.

"If the culprit is capable of disabling the emergency device, what makes you think they won't interfere with the professors?"


Julien's answer left him at a loss for words.

Indeed, when he put it like that...

"Slow down."

Julien's voice reached him again from behind.

This time, it felt a lot more intimidating.

".....I have an idea of where we are."


'If the culprit is capable of disabling the emergency device, what makes you think they won't interfere with the professors?'

Yeah, no.

That was total bullshit.

While there was some truth to it, I had no idea whether the professors had been 'distracted' or 'taken care of'. The only thing that I cared about was getting to Leon before it was too late.

That being said...

'....If I can't, I won't.'

The idea behind saving Leon stemmed from the fact that I needed him. He was the main character of the game and my shield.

Falling down, Leon pushed his body forward again and swung his sword.




Regardless of...


What he did...


The shield surrounding the professor refused to budge.

"Haaa.... Haaa...."

Leon felt his breath grow heavy with each attempt. It wasn't just him.


A fire directed itself toward the Professor, but even that was of no use as it simply scattered the moment it touched it.

"What kind of fucking shield is this?"

Leon could hear Kiera's curse from behind as she channeled another spell. Thinking about something, Leon bit his lips before bringing his body forward to slash at the shield.

Professor Bucklam prepared to receive Leon when his figure faded and disappeared.


By the time Leon's touched the ground, he was standing behind Kiera who looked startled by the sight of him.

"Holy fuck! What are you doing? ...That scared the shit out of me."

"Hold him back for me."

A white glow formed over Leon's sword. It's aura intensifying by the second.


Kiera was startled at first, but realizing what Leon was trying to do, she bit her lips and nodded.

"Fuck... Whatever, do it."

The flames around her body intensified and the temperature around them rose to an alarming degree.

They were so intense that the surrounding grass and trees started to catch fire.

"Haaa... Haaa..."

Kiera's breath started to grow heavy, but gritting her teeth, she pushed her hand forward, and the fire around her split into several threads which all rushed toward the professor who frowned and slashed with his cane.

Unfortunately, as if they had a mind of their own, the threads diverged, encircling him before adhering to the ground and forming a cage


Kiera shouted as she looked behind her where a powerful glow appeared.

An intense mana wave wafted through the air as Leon's sword shone with a majestic light. He didn't hesitate to move the moment she spoke.


The ground caved as his body zoomed toward the professor.


An intense pain invaded every part of his body as he rushed forward. His muscles were tearing apart, and his mana was running dangerously low.


He had no choice.

This was do or die.


His foot pressed against the ground, stopping his body just as he neared the professor who appeared somewhat alarmed.


Pain once again invaded Leon's body as he felt the muscles of his core snap, but he still persisted.

Using everything he had, he swung diagonally in an upward motion.


His blade clashed against the professor's shield as it flickered intensively. Unlike before, the flickering was even more pronounced, and just barely, Leon could see cracks form on its surface.


That wasn't enough.

The shield was still standing.


He clenched his teeth with even more force as he pushed all the remaining mana in his body out and into the sword.


The cracks around the shield widened. But... It was still not enough.

'Not yet...!'

His lungs were on fire and every part of his body ached. Leon could hardly keep himself standing as he felt his knee buckle.



He had to persist.

Not. Until. He. Reached. His. Goal.


His sword shone with even fiercer light. It blinded everything that was in sight. Power gushed out from it as the shield around the professor's body creaked under intense stress.

Rather quickly, the cracks started to widen and it was only a matter of time before the shield shattered.


Leon kept pushing.

He used everything that he had to attack in that moment.

But the more he continued, the more he felt his heart drop...

'....It won't be enough.'

It started to become clear to me.

Even if the shield broke, the power behind the sword wouldn't be enough. If things went on like this then...

And then it happened.


Purple hands sprouted from the ground beneath the professor. They came so abruptly that Professor Bucklam wasn't able to react on time and they latched onto his ankles.

That was all it took...


The shield shattered and Leon finally saw his sword slash down.


Blood splattered in the air as he felt it make contact with the professor's body.

Clank. Clank.


Leon dropped to his knees as the sword scattered on the ground. A strange hung in the air as Leon felt the muscles of his body give up on him.

"....Did I?"



When he looked up to see, much to Leon's horror, he could still see the Professor standing before him.

A large gaping wound appeared on his body, but his eyes still seemed alive. And they were.

He didn't even seem to care about what was going on around him. The Professor's eyes were fixed on him. As if he was the only thing on his mind.

His hand slowly raised and a magic circle formed.

It was aimed directly at the incapacitated Leon who could do nothing but watch.

No, this...


Just when Leon's eyes despaired, a hand reached out and grasped the Professor by the shoulder.

A pair of familiar hazel eyes met Leon's gaze as a dry voice echoed in the air.

".....You did not."