Chapter 65 Work Experience [2]

65 Work Experience [2]

I stared at the quest window in silence. 7%... "It's higher than last time." Not by much, but there was an increase. What did that mean? Why did the percentage increase? Did it signify that the event affected the second calamity more than the first event would've...? "Hm." I frowned and continued to stare at the quest window. [Prison Escape] The goal seemed pretty simple. Stop the prison escape. At least, that was what I thought. However, thinking about my previous quest, I knew that there was probably more to it. The quests... They revolved around the three calamities. "There might be more to it." For now, that was all I knew. It was for this reason that I didn't do anything rash like tipping the prison about a possible prison break. Even if I did send it anonymously, I doubted they would truly believe my words. And even if they did believe me, who was to say that it was the end goal of the mission...? "I can't act rashly." At least, not yet. "Hmm..." As I continued to stare at the quest window, a sudden thought broke my attention and I felt my brows jump. "Character progression twenty-three percent." That...

I hastily looked at my current experience and felt my heart pause. Level :19 [Tier 1 Magician]

Exp : [0%—[18%]———————100%]

"This..." With the Blue ranked book and my increasing mastery over it, my rate of progress was about 5% a day. 'If I focus my entire attention on it I might be able to push it to 8 to 9 percent, but that would require I drop everything else and reduce the amount of time I sleep...' "I'd be able to move to the next tier." The idea caused my heart to beat a little faster. It brought a strange sense of excitement. According to what I had been told, leaping to the next tier was a monumental stride. My strength would undergo a large change. Not only would my mana capacity increase but so would my control and speed at which I could create the spells. "Haaa..." Thinking about the pains I would go through in the coming week, I let out a long breath. I knew it was going to be a painful and boring week for me, but... "I have to do this." It was about time that I progressed to the next tier. I was tired of being stuck at tier 1.

*** *Puff* Reflected between Kiera's ruby-red pupils was the orange tip of her cigarette as she sat by the window to stare at the night sky. The moon shined bright, casting a white land over the land beneath. It felt oddly peaceful. *Puff* Kiera basked in the sight, her red pupils flickering slightly as they fell on the piece of paper by her desk—[Work Experience Selection Program]. There was a long list of possible jobs one could select for the program. Some were easy, and some were hard. It didn't particularly matter to Kiera though. Since the start, she already had one in mind. ".....Redknap Penitentiary." Two words escaped her lips as she took another drag of the cigarette. As the bitter taste lingered on her tongue and the burn coursed down her throat, she exhaled slowly.

"Haaa..." She chewed on those words. There was someone waiting for her there. Someone who she hated with every fiber of her being. Even Aoife didn't stand a chance against her. Just the thought of her made her chest burn with intense hatred. "I'll kill her." *Puff* With one last drag, Kiera flicked the cigarette away and exhaled, the smoke covering the view in front of her. "....." Her ruby-red eyes gleamed brightly beneath the veil of smoke that covered her face. A frigid cold lay hidden beneath those beautiful eyes as she went on to mutter,

No, it made sense for it to exist, but still... 'Can I do that in the future?' It was a thought that stuck with me even as I lined up behind the other cadets and waited for my turn in line. In the meantime, I overheard the conversation between a few cadets ahead of me. "What do you think?" "I'm kind of scared, I won't lie. Do you think we'll get to see the high-security prisoners? There's quite a few big names in there." "Hu... I'm getting shivers thinking about them." "Haha, what can happen? This is a maximum security prison. There's no way they can escape." "...." The more I listened, the more I felt the urge to smack my forehead. What the hell was this conversation? Was it just some dialogue written in the script of the game to foreshadow what was set to happen? If so... I wasn't sure how to feel. Surely, there were better ways, right? "Next." Before I knew it, it was almost my turn. I was just about to step forward when I noticed a figure standing beside the portal. She was staring at it with incredible focus. 'Aoife?' I stepped near her and asked, ".....Are you not going in?" "Uh?" She looked at me before frowning. "I am." "Oh." I extended my hand. "You can go first." Suddenly, her frown deepened and she made a disgusted expression.

"What? I don't need your pity. I can go when I want to." "Uh?" The hell was her problem? 09:52

"It can't be that you're too sca—" "No." She cut me off before I could finish my sentence. I looked at her in surprise. "Really...?" "I said no." Aoife appeared adamant. I nodded. "Then you can go first." "Why should I?" "Because you were ahead of me in line." At that, a vein popped on Aoife's temple. She stepped back to look at me. "....Like I said, I'll go when I want to. I don't need the likes of you to tell me what to do." Her eyes briefly glanced at the portal where they shook. It was only slightly, but I caught it. Oh. She really was scared. But how...? Wasn't she a Princess? Wasn't something like this normal for her? "Go. Stop wasting everyone's time." "Alright..." "Good." She appeared satisfied then. "It wasn't so hard was it?" I was just about to step in when I stopped and frowned. "What?" "Hmm." I continued to stare at the portal with a frown.

"There's something..."

"Something?" It was enough to warrant Aoife's curiosity as she too looked at the portal. "What? Where—Uh!!?" As soon as she turned to gaze at the portal, I pushed her.

"Hieek...!" She let out a shriek as her body lurched forward and vanished into the swirling vortex.

"...." Looking at the Professor who pretended to not have seen a thing, I nodded at him and stepped in. For some reason...

That felt satisfying.