Chapter 68 Work Experience [5]

Chapter 68 Work Experience [5]

"Akh...! G-get away from me...!"

"That's enough!"

"Stop struggling...!"

Kiera was eventually stopped by the stationed guards who held her back from both sides.

"I'm not done yet...! Let go of me. I still haven't beaten him enough!"

However, she didn't seem satisfied enough as her body continued to trash.

"Hold her back!"


"Let go...!"

Despite her protests, the guards didn't let go of her and eventually pulled her back from the inmate.

Only then did Kiera finally calm down as she looked around with heavy breaths.

"Im-Haa.... Haa... fine... I'm calm... haaa..."

The guards looked at each other for a brief moment before finally letting go of her.

"Cadet. I understand you aren't very pleased with their words, but please hold some restraint. There's a limit to how much you can retaliate."

"Haaa... yes, yes..."

At a glance, it didn't seem as though she had gotten the message and the two guards looked at each other with bitter looks. In the end, warning her several more times, they finally left.

Kiera waited until they were completely gone before going on patrol again. This time, she could feel more eyes on her, all on high alert. They were clearly worried about the idea of her going on another rampage.

However, much to their surprise, she remained tame.

Perhaps it was because the jeers had gotten quieter due to her sudden outburst, or that she had taken the warnings to heart, she didn't lash out and diligently did her job.

This went on for several hours.

"....It's time."

It was only when she could no longer feel the gazes on her that she made her move.

Glancing around, she left her post.

The residential area was split into four different areas; North, South, West, and East.

Her current objective was the Northern area.

According to what she'd heard, that was where she needed to be.

She silently pretended to patrol while moving toward the direction she wanted to be.

Her steps eventually stopped in front of a small door. There was no one guarding the place and for a very good reason at that.


It needed a certain key to unlock.

One that Kiera managed to get from one of the guards who had reprimanded her just a few hours ago. Although a small part of her did indeed want to beat the inmate up for the way he looked at her, her true objective had been the key from the very start.


Kiera took a deep breath. Finally, she was about to meet her. She hasn't come to this place just for credits.

There was something, someone, that she really needed to visit.

A person whom she held quite dearly, but at the same time despised.


The door opened and she stepped in.

Kiera was immediately greeted by a deafening silence and a long corridor. A stark contrast to the chaos that engulfed the main residential area.


There were hardly any guards around. She could see why. The cells were fully enclosed, leaving little room for observation except for small holes at the bottom and top.

But even that...

Wasn't where she wanted to be. She needed to go further. Deeper into the corridor. At the far end where she'd see what she came in for.

And so she did.

To Tak—

Her steps quietly resounded throughout the long corridor, their gentle rhythm quietly echoing in her mind as she continued forward.

She had to be careful.

There were guards stationed somewhere around. She didn't know exactly where they were, and how powerful they were, but they were here. Hiding somewhere and fully alert for any possible intrusion.

But that didn't matter to Kiera.

Kiera stood still and watched as she approached.

Eventually, Rose stopped and Kiera got a good look at her face. It was no longer as pretty as it once was. With sunken cheeks and hollow eyes, it was clear that her time here hadn't been good. It made her feel a little better.

'If only her face wasn't so detestable...'

Kiera could hardly stand the sight of her.

".....You've grown up so much."

Frowning, Kiera was about to rebuke when she continued.

"You've gotten prettier and stronger than the last time that I've seen you. I'm proud of what you've managed to achieve, but..."

With a look of disappointment, she suddenly smiled.

"You're still as naive as ever."

"What non—"

"Did you truly think you could've made it here with the level of your skill?"

Kiera found herself losing her breath and her expression stiffened.

"You've always been quite talented with the [Darkness] attributed, but that wouldn't be enough to get here. Most of the guards here are about your strength, if not a little stronger, but..."

Rose suddenly brought her face closer.

"Do you really think they wouldn't be able to have means to detect you? Hehehe."

With a sudden laugh, Rose's gaze shifted away from Kiera who stood petrified as she felt the presence of a figure behind her.


A single footstep reverberated through the silent hall.

Kiera felt her heartbeat quicken all of a sudden. A sense of crisis gripped her heart.


Another one followed shortly after.

It seemed to be approaching their direction. Her gaze naturally fell on her master who stared ahead with a smile.

Her stomach dropped and she got into a stance.

Whatever was coming, she was ready to put up a fight.



Kiera's eyes widened at the sight of the figure that appeared.

Tall frame, curly black hair, deep hazel eyes, and a face that one wouldn't forget even if they wanted to. He appeared right before her, his cold gaze bearing down on her as his steps came to a halt.

Dazed, Kiera looked at him.


She was stunned.

"What are you doing here?"

And alarmed.

How could he be here? She had made sure to close the door the moment she had entered. It was therefore impossible for her to think he had followed her.

There must've been another reason for his appearance.

Kiera's head turned and the expression her aunt wore deeply etched itself in her mind.


And just before she could say anything, she caught a glimpse of a thin thread heading for the narrow gap of the cell.

As Kiera's eyes traced over the thread that headed for the cell, her eyes widened all of a sudden as she hastily turned her head to stare at her aunt whose face suddenly changed.

"You, wait, what are—"

The last thing Kiera caught was the frozen expression of her aunt as her neck severed off cleanly from her body.


Blood splurted all over, some of it making its way toward Kiera who stood frozen on the spot.


The head fell and silence gripped the surroundings.

Only for it to be broken by a sudden blaring sound.


The prison alarm.

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