Chapter 125 The first wave [2]

Chapter 125 The first wave [2]

'....Is it possible?'

The idea seemed feasible. However, I wasn't sure if I could actually do it.

What if there was a limit to the second leaf? A limit that prevented me from using it on those who had died for far too long.

What then...?

Xiu! Xiu!

The thunderous echoes of ballistae firing resonated in the distance as I stood atop the city walls, gazing down at the unfolding spectacle below.

'The goal of this expedition is to find the necromancer. So far, in the thirty years that the attacks have started, they hadn't been able to find a single thing.'

Was the necromancer that hard to find?

....Or was it simply because they were too weak?

I turned my attention towards the knight's captain.

"Reload! Reload!"

"Someone has fainted again! Replace them quickly! Reload!"

He was barking out orders left and right as he ran around the entire walls. The organization amongst the knights was impeccable.

However, looking at their exhausted and haggard expressions, I could tell that they were on their last legs.

They were weak. Far too weak.

Even the knight captain was weak at only Tier 3. He was just about the same strength as us.

In fact,

I turned my head to look at Leon beside me.

'....This guy is probably stronger than the knight's captain.'

It was a bit of an odd realization.


As if noticing my gaze, Leon flinched slightly. Yes, flinched.



He stepped away too. Realization soon dawned on me and I sighed.

"I'm not going to call you stupid."

There was a time and place for such a thing.

"You won't?"


I calmly nodded to reassure him.

"Your face does that for me."



I covered my mouth upon realizing what I had done. I was just about to apologize when...

"They're coming! Second battalion move out!"

The loud shout of the knight's captain echoed throughout. Finally turning his attention towards us, he pointed towards the horde of zombies who had nearly reached the perimeter of the walls.

"Cadets! Help out the second battalion! Please help us control and manage the undead!"


"Wh, what...!? We're fighting now?"

The cadets were astonished by the sudden command.

At the same time, the gates beneath opened, and a group of over a hundred knights charged forward.




Sparks instantly flew in the air the moment the two sides clashed. What was most shocking was the fact that the zombies were able to keep themselves upright as their flesh remained intact.

It was as if their skin was made out of metal.

"The hell..."

Besides me, Kiera watched the scene with astonishment.

"What are these things even made out of? Not only are they immortal, but their skin is also as tough as metal. What kind of..."

"Don't worry about that now. Attack first."

Aoife stood on top of the wall.

As her red hair fluttered, she extended her hand forward.

Her expression quickly distorted as she focused her attention on the horde of zombies beneath.


A groan escaped her small lips as over a dozen zombies clamped up together.

"What the...?"

"What's going on? Ah!"

The Knights, who had been in an intense fight with the zombies, halted for a brief moment as they noticed the zombies suddenly freezing on the spot and moving back.


Shortly after that, a figure jumped down from the wall.

It was Leon.


Softly landing on the ground, his sword glowed, illuminating the surroundings. Stomping his foot on the ground, he slashed.


His sword drew a beautiful arc in the air. At the same time that he slashed, Aoife compressed her hands together, clumping up even more zombies together.



The impact of his attack and the zombies resonated loudly in the air, the sound mimicking that of a bat hitting against hard steel.

It resounded throughout the air and spread throughout.

....So this was from decades ago.

"We are ready!"

They looked nervous, but they held conviction as they stared into the distance. A burly man pounded his chest.

"Do not worry. We will come back and avenge our fallen comrades."

"That's right!"

They were young, and they were brave. The group of four seemed to be just a little bit older than the captain.

"Travis. Make sure you stay here. We will be back before you know it. With your sister too. You don't need to worry about our safety. We are the best knights in the village. You know of our abilities."


The young boy nodded his head.


He appeared to be hopeful.

And with such thought, he brought his hand towards his forehead in a salute. His back stood straight.

"Subjugation force number twenty-seven. I wish you all the best of luck!"

The four saluted back.

"Subjugation force number twenty-seven will be departing!"

"Subjugation force number twenty-seven will be departing!"

"Subjugation force number twenty-seven will be departing!"

"Subjugation force number twenty-seven will be departing!"

The quartet embarked on their journey, striding forward along the road. I trailed behind, content to observe their progress from a distance.

"Let's do this!"

".....Let's avenge our predecessors. With our strength, we will defeat that darned necromancer."

They were all smiles along the way. They, who had been stuck in their town for their entire life, were finally on an adventure.

Along with the nervousness, was a strange sense of excitement.

I watched them laugh.

I watched them struggle.

I watched them help each other.

And I watched them bask in the sceneries that their adventures brought them.


"Wait until we return and tell Travis about our journey. He'll be so jealous."

Amidst the struggle was a joy that one couldn't explain. But I felt it all as I followed them from behind.

The journey was a long one. I didn't know for how long they had walked. However, the scenes around all made up for it.

From waterfalls to rivers to rocky surfaces.

It was a breathtaking sight.

Sights that I wasn't able to enjoy for much longer as a large dome of purple appeared in the distance.

"What's this!?"

"The necromancer!"

Within the dome, a veiled figure stood. The moment I laid my eyes on it, I felt a sense of oppression coming from it.



But it wasn't the necromancer's appearance that startled the group of four.

No, it was...


"....D-dad! I see them again!"

The numerous figures that stood in front of the necromancer. Each one of them, they were a figure that the group was familiar with.

?| Lvl 1. [Anger] EXP + 0.2%

I felt their anger.

?| Lvl 2. [Sadness] EXP + 0.4%

But I also felt their sadness.


The group of four charged. Their target was none other than the necromancer. With their weapons drawn, they attacked.

"Ahhhh—!" That was the last thing I saw before the world turned black. That was when I understood.

Their journey. The one that I had followed from behind.

It had come to an end.


When I snapped out of it, I found myself in a familiar environment.

"What are you doing with that thing?! Have you lost it!"

Aoife's voice was still echoing from behind me.

Groowlll—! In my grasp, the zombie struggled. I stared at it again. This time, an image overlapped with the zombie in my grasp.

It looked much younger and had a smile on its face.

Groowlll—! Opening up my palm, I let go of the zombie and flung it back into the distance.

As I did, I stared at the numerous zombies that were approaching.

"Thirty years."

For thirty years, this town; Ellnor, had sent its best knights to fight against the necromancer.

For thirty years, they failed.



These thousands of zombies in front of me.

They were an accumulation of the thirty years of fallen soldiers who had died trying to fight the necromancer.


Were the brutal reality behind the smiles of the citizens.New n0vel chapters are published on