Chapter 176 Escape [7]

Chapter 176 Escape [7]

"You don't want to mess with my damn father! Once I get out, I'll make sure to tell him everything! See what happens to you then!"


"Do you know who her father is?!"

"Oy, your dad is just as powerful as mine."

"Ah, that..."

Evelyn blushed.

"I... just..."

"Whatever, fuck. Do you know who her father is?!"

A crowd had formed at the door that led to the inner area. Kiera, who was leading the crowd, started shouting all sorts of curses while throwing the weight of her father's status around.

Kiera herself found her actions to be cringe-worthy, but seeing how flustered the guards were, she knew it was working.

For that reason, she doubled down.

"If you don't give us a proper explanation, my father will not let you go! Your life will be over before you know it!"

Evelyn on the other hand was having a much harder time helping Kiera.

"Y-yeah... My father too!"

Her sense of shame was much greater than Kiera's.

In fact, did Kiera even have a sense of shame? She didn't seem like the person to.

Biting her lips, Evelyn felt her face grow hot.


"Everyone, please calm down!"

The members of the guilds did try to calm the situation down, some even started to target Kiera who was clearly the main source of the chaos.

But she had none of it.

"Oy, fucker! Where the hell are you touching?"

"Uh? It was just your shoulder!"

"Fuck he touched me!! You're done for! My father will get you!"

"No, that's..."

Whether Kiera had shame or not, Evelyn had to admit. She had perfected her craft. The chaos only seemed to worsen with each one of her antics.

"I've been molested!"

The situation was getting so out of hand that several guards had to rush into the inner area to call for reinforcements.

Evelyn thought that a post-leader would eventually come, but all of a sudden, she managed to pick up the sound of a distant rumbling.


The rumbling was accompanied by the distant sound of an explosion.

Immediately, all the noise stopped.

While the sound wasn't very powerful and was rather toned down, most of the people present were superhumans. Their senses were far keener than those of normal people. Most people in the room heard it, and Kiera no longer needed to do a thing to sow chaos.

By then, even the people that were not participating started to participate.

"What's going on?!"

"Was that the sound of an explosion?"

"Are we getting attacked? What's going on!?"

"What's happening?"

Kiera, who had been at the lead the entire time, took the chance to dip and join back with Evelyn at the back.

"Hoo.... looks like my job is done."

"Y-ou did great."

"Huh, yeah, sure. Thanks, I guess."

Kiera scratched the back of her head while staring at the inner area with a frown.

"You heard that didn't you?"

".....Yes. I think all of us heard it."

"What do you think happened?"

"I... don't know. It did sound like an explosion."


Kiera turned quite from that point. Fiddling with her thumbs, she looked at Evelyn and was just about to say something when she stopped, her eyes widening slightly.


Taking note of the look on Kiera's face, Evelyn tilted her head.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something..."


And then she heard it.

A faint, almost inaudible dripping sound that was masked by the chaos around.

Lowering her head, Evelyn looked at the faint red drop that splattered on the ground. All of a sudden, her head felt light as she looked back up to Kiera who brought her hands to her shoulders.

"Oy, dude! Are you okay?"


Even in her state, Evelyn had a hard time getting used to Kiera's words.

Normally, she would've been a bit bothered.

But she didn't have the energy to do that now. Looking around, the world around her started to spin. Feeling a certain tickling sensation on her cheeks, she tried to take a breath, but as if something was squeezing at her chest, she found herself unable to.

"Oy! Oy!"

Her world grew dark shortly after that.


Kiera slapped her in the face.

Even in her state, Evelyn was stunned.

Slap, slap—!

But Kiera continued to slap her.


'I'll remember this.'

Evelyn thought to herself while hearing Kiera's voice.

Looking at the body in his hand, he frowned.

"You've already killed several of the guards assigned here. Don't add up to your crimes."

Perhaps because he too was worried about the bombs in my possession, he didn't approach me and preferred to wait for the post-leaders.


Standing quietly, I held my breath as I felt sweat trickle down the side of my face.

The silence felt stifling.

Standing on the opposite side of the guards, the situation seemed hopeless.

I had just moved my hand to reach for my pocket when the guard shouted.


My movements halted briefly.

".....You move even just a bit, and your head flies off. Do you understand me?"

I was unable to answer as I struggled to move.

Raising my head slightly, I met the man's gaze. He was no longer grasping the guard's body, and instead, he was holding onto a large axe, seemingly prepared to attack at any moment.

At the sight, I closed my eyes before nodding my head.



The man nodded in satisfaction.

In that brief moment when he nodded, my hand flicked.


Confused, the guard looked at me.

But it was too late.

I had already run back.

"What ar—"

His head flicked to the body next to him. Realization dawned on him, but it was too late.


A massive explosion sounded.

It shook the entire surroundings.


And several screams followed after that.

'While he probably isn't dead, or suffered any major injuries, those were several mana bombs. It should be enough to buy me time.'

Once the bombs exploded, I turned back and rushed for the exit door.

It was hard to see given all the dust that was flying in the air, but it was no problem for me to find the handle of the door.

With the key already prepared, I placed it into the socket and turned it.


Shortly after that, I turned the wheel and the door started to rumble.

Rumble...! Rumble!

Using all my muscles, I continued to twist the door. My back was drenched and my muscles were stiff.

"S-stop him!"

"Someone stop him...!"

I could hear the guards behind me, rushing in my direction.

My chest tingled as I continued to turn the wheel.


'Come on! Come on! Come on!'

As an opening appeared, a wave of heat surged into the room, and the color red began to invade the surroundings.

"S-stop him!"


A hand grasped onto my shoulder.

Turning around, I met eyes with one of the guards and I let go of the door before rushing towards the gap.


Time seemed to slow down for me.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see several hands reach out for me within the dust that filled the space.

Staring at them briefly, I ducked down before twisting my body into the narrow gap of the door.

I felt my heart speed up with anxiety as I managed to get half of my body out.

However, just as I did, something clamped at my leg.

Turning around, I saw the burly man from before staring at me with bloodshot eyes.


My insides tightened at the sight.

Regardless of how much I tried to pull away, he wouldn't let go.

"Come back here...!"

I almost lost my footing as he pulled me back into the bunker.

"You...! Are not getting out—"

I tossed something in the narrow gap before he could get his words out.

His expression changed drastically, and the grip over my ankle loosened.

I took the chance to pull my leg away and rush away.


An explosion followed suit.

"Haaa... Haaa..."

Rushing away, I didn't once look back. With heavy breaths, I ran and ran and ran.

Mana coated my body as I ran.

Despite the heat and the suffocating air, staring at my surroundings, I felt my breath grow lighter.


I had escaped.