Chapter 210 Four Empire Summit [1]

Chapter 210 Four Empire Summit [1]

Time waited for no one.

It flowed endlessly and without a single care for those who wanted it to slow down or speed up.

The seasons changed.

The winter passed, and so did spring.


And without a care for the world, time passed.

Like flowing water.

"Are we close? I'm getting kind of hungry."

"We should be almost there. Haven should just be ahead."

"That's good because I'm starving."

A group of twenty or so people marched ahead, following a trail that led into a deep forest. Their white uniforms, adorned with striking blue stripes, stood out against the backdrop of lush greenery.

The group was comprised of fairly young individuals with deep and imposing auras that didn't match their age.

They were the members of the Aurora Empire.

"What was in their minds when they built their Academy grounds within a forest? It's no wonder we beat them every time we face them."

Listening to their words, a man with long black hair and strikingly proportionate features turned to stare at the person who had spoken.

His eyes, intense and piercing, seemed to suck in anyone that met his gaze.

".....Be careful with your words. We aren't in our Empire anymore."

"But it's true no? They might be the strongest Empire, but that's mainly because we have too many internal fights. Otherwise, the Nurs Ancifa Empire is by far the weakest Empire of the four. Even the weakest of us can beat their best."


The man sighed before shaking his head with a smile.

".....I can't argue against that."

"See? Even the President can't argue against the reality of the matter. I sure hope that when we arrive we will get something good to eat. I don't expect anything from them."

"I wouldn't expect good food if I were you. "

Another cadet interjected.

"They're not known for their good food here."

"...Ugh, don't say this."

"Well, maybe...?"

The cadet retrieved a small booklet from their bag and showed it to them.

"I found this on the way. Something 'Iron Tongue'. Apparently, if you want good food, you will need to follow this guide."

"Iron tongue? What kind of idiotic name is that?"

Staring at the booklet, the cadets started to laugh together while reading some of the criticism that was written on it.

'A symphony of flavors dancing on the palate, each dish meticulously crafted to tantalize the senses. As I delve into the culinary delights before me, I find myself ensnared by the intricate layers of taste and texture, each bite a revelation of culinary artistry.'

While they were doing that, another cadet who was at the back suddenly spoke,

"President, do you have any idea why we're going to Haven? It is true that the Summit is hosted by the Nurs Ancifa Empire this year, but what I don't understand is the reason why we are coming here?"

The sudden question attracted the gazes of all the other cadets who looked toward the President with curious expressions.

Holding onto his bag, the cadet referred to as 'President' turned his head and quietly stared at the cadet who had asked the question.


It was silent for a few short seconds before he spoke,

"To check."

He only said two simple words., and yet,

The air changed slightly at his words, confusing the cadet who had asked the question.

"To check...?"

After a while, the cadet laughed.

"What are we checking exactly? Every single time we meet, we manage to beat their teams. I don't see how we have to check anything. If any—"

"Black Star."

The cadet's words were cut off by the President.

"We're there to check their Black Star."

"If you guys so much as lose a single match that isn't from the Black Star..."

He paused, turning his head to look at the cadets.

".....I will have you disappear from my sight."

The atmosphere turned extremely somber following his words.

"Our goal is simple. To gauge them out for when the summit starts. We won't be fighting with them just yet, but I want you to completely crush them before that even starts. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Yes, sir!"

The cadets all shouted in unison.


The Professor nodded before walking ahead.

By his side stood Kaelion who walked alongside him without saying a single word.

It was the Professor who spoke,

"There are rumors that this year's Black Star is not strong. How do you feel about that?"

"..... I do not care."

Kaelionexpressed his true feelings.

He simply did not care.

.....To him, Haven was merely a place to visit. His sights were set elsewhere. Indeed, the stories about Delilah were legendary, but at the end of the day, how many of her could be created?

Furthermore, if someone like that had shown up, rumors would've already spread.

"There are multiple clips around about the Black Star's power. Have you seen them?"

"I have."

"What do you think about them?"


There was a lot of substance and looked impressive, but at the end of the day, he could deal with it. Many of his peers were as strong as that.

"I see. That's good."

The Professor nodded before raising his head and stopping before what appeared to be the Academy gates.

There, waiting for them was another group of students.

From their uniforms it was obvious that they were cadets belonging to Haven.

Kaelion's gaze swept over them. In particular, a few stood out to him.

They stood at the very front of the pack, and besides their looks, their demeanour made them stand out from the rest.

"Hahaha, welcome."

A man with longblonde hair and yellow eyes stepped forth with a smile on his face.

"How have you been? It's been a while."

"It has indeed, Atlas."

The Professor greeted him with a small smile.

Kaelion's eyes fell on Atlas. He was another person of interest. Just like Delilah, he was a man of reputation.

It was unfortunate that he was born at the same time as her.

His achievements were overshadowed by hers.

"....It's interesting how such an important figure is coming out to greet a professor and a few cadets. It's such an honor. It's almost as if you're afraid of our cadets overshadowing yours."

The atmosphere chilled slightly at the Professor's words

Kaelion watched from the side without saying a word. This was an interaction he had seen coming from the start.

They weren't here to make friends.

....They were here to completely suppress Haven, and knowing as such, he turned to face the cadets of Haven.

As if sensing his gaze, a young woman with long red hair stepped forward.

Coming closer to him, she politely greeted him.

"Nice to meet you."

Her crisp voice quietly echoed in the air as her red hair glistened against the sun.

".....I'm this year's Black Star. Aoife K. Megrail."