Chapter 218 A new member [2]

Chapter 218 A new member [2]

"....I will now introduce you all to a new member. His name is Timothy, and he comes from Kovalia."

Professor Thornwhisper introduced the cadet to the entire group. With short blond hair and blue eyes, the cadet looked around with a smile and greeted


The cadet wasn't exactly handsome. However, he was also not ugly. Rather, it was more like the others were a lot better looking, making him look average.

Professor Thornwhisper continued,

"....He was originally supposed to go with another group, but there's been a mixup in communication and he will be traveling with us."

"Mix up?"

"Has there really been a mixup? How did he end up here?"

"I've never seen him before, have you?"


The twenty or so cadets looked at the new cadet with hints of curiosity and confusion.

Kovalia wasn't a very big city in the Aurora Empire. Rather, it was a fairly small city that was famous for its culinary exploits. It was rare for prospects to come out from such cities given that they weren't known for producing strong individuals.

It was for that reason that the cadets didn't think much about the new cadet. In fact, some of the stronger cadets could more or less tell the strength of the new cadet with just a glance.

"Lower threes..."

Aiden mumbled silently.

His face was patched up, and any hints of the bruising and scars from the previous beating were long gone.

It was almost as if nothing had happened.

"So nothing useful."

The same was true for Jessica who chewed on the lollipop in her mouth while staring at the new cadet with narrowed eyes. She didnn't say much after, and just stared at him while chewing on the lollipop in her mouth.

Crunch! Crunch...!

Aiden's face scrunched up at the sound that came out of her mouth as she chewed on the lollipop.

"Sick bastard..."

"What did you say?"

Jessica's head flicked in his direction.


Aiden looked away from her as he felt her glare bear down on him. It was rather pressuring, but he didn't take his words back.

She was a psycho through and through.

No sane human ate lollipops like that.

"Your expression tells me the opposite. Do you want to die?"

"Perhaps one day, but certainly won't be because of you."



Jessica spat the stick of the lollipop, forcing Aiden to frown.

"...How sure are you abo—"

"Stop your nonsense."

Her words were cut off by the Professor's.

"We will be departing for Bremmer in several minutes. Get acquainted with your new group member in the meantime. I will go and get the portal ready."

In the exact moment he left, all eyes fell on the new cadet as they tried to assess him.

Lower threes... that was around the lowest standard within the group. He wasn't the lowest, but wasn't anywhere near the highest either.

For an Empire that operated on the basis of strength, the higher-ranked cadets merely gave him a cursory glance before looking away and going back to their own things.

The lowest-ranked ones were a bit nicer, but they still didn't seem too keen on interacting with him.

There was hardly anyone who showed any real interest in the new cadet who awkwardly scratched the back of his hair before going to the front of the line.



Finally, some of the cadets looked at the new cadet.

Their expressions... it wasn't one of interest, but shock and nervousness. In an Empire that operated solely based on strength, hierarchy was important.

The strongest usually stood at the front while the second strongest came right after.

It was something that everyone knew, and yet...

"Is he crazy?"

"What is he doing...?"

"Is he looking to die?"

Everyone watched as he headed towards Kaelion who stood at the front with his eyes closed. Under the gentle breeze, his hair fluttered behind him while Aiden and Jessica stared at the new cadet with narrowed eyes.

They didn't do anything and just watched as the new cadet approached Kaelion and stood right next to him.

At the very front.

"I won't do it again."

Kaelion cut him off while glancing at the new cadet who disappeared into the portal. He only sighed in relief once he was gone. That was when he also stepped into the portal. As his figure started to blur, Kaelion's voice echoed within the space.

"....Saving your life that is."


Gryphon Gate.

There were several checkpoints within the Netherborn forest. Among them, the Gryphon Gate was the biggest and most renowned.

Rumors had it that the reason it was called as such was because the checkpoint had been built on what had been a Gryphon's nest.

Along with Dragons, seven other creatures were considered to be at the very top in terms of bloodlines.

Gryphons were one such creature.

"This isn't bad."

Stepping outside of the portal, Leon looked around.

With tall wooden walls, he found himself in a small town...? Could it even be called a town?

It didn't seem that well-developed. All structures were made out of wood, and there were hardly any roads.

Despite being such a famous checkpoint, it wasn't anything big either. There were also not that many people.

"Wow, take a look at this place."

Stepping out of the portal, Kiera looked around and whistled.

"Are you sure we are in the right place? This place looks like it was built just yesterday."

"....The rumors about this being built on a Gryphon nest isn't a rumor."

Stepping out of the portal from behind, Aoife looked at Kiera in annoyance.

"They are true. The monsters here are really powerful. There's no point in developing anything nice since people are only here to replenish some supplies before heading to the capital."

"Uh, sure."

Kiera mumbled while taking out a licorice stick and placing it in her mouth.

"Ugh, shit!"

She spat on the ground shortly after.

"Why do you even eat it if you hate it so much?"

The next one to step out of the portal was Evelyn who looked at Kiera with a strange look.

"....It's either this, or I start smoking."


Evelyn thought for a moment before nodding her head in understanding. Strangely, her hand twitched as she looked at Kiera.

'Ah, no.'

She had to hold herself back.

Now was not the time.

"Is everyone here?"

The professor in charge of their group made a headcount to make sure that everyone was present. Once he was sure that everyone was present, he clapped his hands in satisfaction.

"Good, it looks like everyone is here. You can explore the place for the next hour or so. After that, we will start heading for Bremmer. In the mean—"

The professor stopped speaking halfway as his gaze paused towards the distance where a new group appeared.

Instantly, the atmosphere turned tense as a familiar figure stepped out.

As if sensing their gazes, Professor Thornwhisper glanced at them before turning his attention back towards the portal.

That was when another figure stepped out.

It was a cadet with short blonde hair and blue eyes.


He was someone Leon hadn't seen before, and staring at him, Leon felt the hair at the back of his neck stand.

There was something about the cadet...

As if feeling the same thing, he became the focus of everyone else in the group.


And then their gazes met.

That was when Leon felt his heart stop.

Meeting his gaze, the cadet smiled and waved his hand to them as if he were saying hi. Leon, however, couldn't reciprocate the gesture.

Rather, he felt his entire body grow cold.


Could it be that Kaelion wasn't their strongest member?

And why did he feel so familiar?


More chapters coming. I will be back home in a bit, and then the schedule will resue just like usual, with mass release on the 20th