Chapter 235 Chaos [4]

Chapter 235 Chaos [4]

235 Chaos [4]

<nulli>'I died...'

It wasn't hard to figure out this part. Staring at the head that was lying on the ground in front of me, I held onto my stomach and tried my best to keep myself from letting the contents within my stomach spill out.

"You have two lives left."

Owl-Mighty's cold voice echoed in the distance.

".....Don't waste them."

I could only swallow my breath at its words.


Easier said than done. How could I not waste them when I was suddenly trusted into this hellish situation? I didn't know how to fight, I didn't know what was going on, I... didn't know anything.

I felt a sense of frustration build up from within me as I started to think about my circumstances.

And yet, I couldn't complain.

The situation was like this, and I had no choice but to adapt.


I took a deep breath and looked back.

That was when my eyes finally laid on what stood behind the large door.

"This is..."

It looked like a study room.

With bookshelves lining the walls, papers scattered everywhere, and a small wooden table in the middle, the place looked different compared to the other chambers. Owl-

Mighty was already inside, staring at the papers scattered throughout while the cat sat next to it, curled up on its own.

I carefully entered the place and looked around.

There were all sorts of objects scattered around, but my attention fell on one of the papers that Owl-Mighty was staring at.

<nulli>'The Empire of Nothingness'

Confused, I squinted my eyes to get a better look.

It was there that I was able to get a short glimpse of the information written and my expression suddenly changed.

<nulli>'No, this doesn't make sense.'

A work of fiction?

The contents that were written in the paper didn't make sense at all. They detailed an Empire that existed within a certain era that I knew nothing about.

There were so many details about the story that didn't make sense.

....The only way that I could explain the situation was through the 'it's a work of fiction' excuse, but then again, I already had an idea of what was going on.

I just didn't want to accept it.

"It must be this."

Owl-Mighty suddenly spoke, pointing towards a certain area of the paper where a ring appeared.

[The Ring of Nothingness.]

- One of the seven artifacts of evil, and the very item wielded by the Emperor of the Empire of Nothingness to transform its citizens into mindless puppets...


I drew in a cold breath at the description of the ring.

That was because it felt eerily familiar to the current situation.

<nulli>'No, but did the bishop have a ring?'

I hadn't paid enough attention to know. But I didn't need to remember such details. I may not have seen it, but someone else did.

My gaze locked onto a pair of piercing red eyes. They stared back at me with a strange intensity, and my breathing started to grow a little heavier.

'He most likely did.'

".....What do we do?"

The more I started to read, the more it became clear to me.

From the fact that the language that I was speaking was English, to the fact that I could control mana.

This world. It wasn't the same world as mine.

....I had previously held some hope, but that crumbled the moment that I started to learn about mana and the strange powers contained within this body.

but things were clear now.


A curse inevitably slipped from my mouth as I started to ruffle my hair in despair.

<nulli>'This damn situation!'

There were so many curses that I wanted to throw in the air but had to stop myself. Recalling the way Owl-Mighty had been looking at me before, I knew that I couldn't act in such a pathetic manner.

The only thing I could do was force myself to be calm and look around.

"I-I'll look around to get more answers."

This was the only thing I could do in my situation.

.....It was impossible for me to run away. Therefore, the only thing I could do was think of ways to escape.

Right, I needed to run.

<nulli>'I'll figure out the rest later.'

For now, I needed to focus on this.

Soon, I stopped before a large blueprint. Staring at it, my nose scrunched up.


My expression soon turned into one of excitement as I picked up the blueprint.

But how could I not be excited?

This was after all the blueprint of the cave system.

....I now knew which way to move.


Leon's situation was rather delicate.

"Which direction should we go?"

".....I don't know."

The liquid was fresh, he could feel it.

Leon didn't waste a second and beckoned everyone with their hand.

"Let's go."

He hurried his steps and rushed forward.


Along the way, he'd spot missing limbs and heads. Leon looked at the scene with cold eyes before picking up the pace.

His heart dropped as he moved forward.

<nulli>'I recognize those faces.'

There were several that belonged to people he knew. Still, he wasn't too worried. Everyone had the vials on their arms.

With it, they could still revive.

<nulli>'Right, the blood.'

Leon looked at it.

.....He knew what the blood was, and yet, he didn't know the reason why the Archbishop gave them something so precious.

He had a bad feeling about the blood, and for that reason, acted rather cautiously.

Leon was afraid that it was part of the scheme made by the Archbishop.



In the distance, Leon heard the sound of metal clashing and a subtle groan.


The ground cracked under his step as he picked up the speed.

"Fuck! H-help me out! I'm struggling!"

"I'm b-busy!"

"Fuck that. Drop y-your shit and help me!"


"Kek. I-iss that your best insult?"

Leon soon arrived before the source of the sound, and he stopped to see Kiera and Aoife encircled by over a dozen figures.

<nulli>Clank, clank!

It was just the two of them, and their entire bodies were riddled with cuts and bruises.

They were on the verge of losing.

Leon's eyes quickly darted to look at the surroundings. He took all the information in before extending his right hand where a sword appeared. A white glow manifested over the sword as the mana around him suddenly grew dense.

It all happened in less than a second, and as he gathered enough mana, he shouted.




Aoife and Kiera were startled by his shout.

Nonetheless. they did as he shouted, and immediately ducked down.


That was when a powerful wave of mana swept the air.

Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!

And they heard the sound of multiple bodies falling.

In shock, Kiera and Aoife looked up to see several bodies scattered before their very eyes.


"Holy shit."

"Haaa.... Haaa...."


Falling on one knee, Leon just barely managed to keep himself upright as sweat trickled down the side of his face.

That move had taken every little bit of his mana as he felt that his lungs were on fire.

Nonetheless, he had succeeded.

He had managed to help them in the nick of time.


"....What happened here?"

It was also then that the others caught up and looked at the scene with dumbfounded looks.

Leon barely managed to turn his head as he forced a laugh.

"S-since we don't have much time, I decided to go hard from the start. Don't mind it. I just—"

His words were suddenly cut short by a sharp pain in his neck.


Suddenly, he felt himself lose control of his body and the world turned upside down. In the last moments, he managed to catch a glimpse of one person.

He seemed to be looking at him with cold eyes.


Leon's consciousness faded before he could understand what had happened.


And his body fell shortly after.

The entire place froze as all eyes fell on Kaelion.

But before anyone could process what was happening, a sharp clapping sound echoed from the distance.

<nulli>Clap, clap—!

The sound sent chills down the spines of everyone present as a man slowly stepped out from the shadows, his muddled white eyes gleaming ominously.

His gaze locked onto Kaelion's.

"....You did well."