Chapter 244 My Identity [2]

Chapter 244 My Identity [2]

244 My Identity [2]

Julien's true appearance was revealed for everyone to see.

At that moment, everyone who witnessed the scene fell into utter silence.

No one could utter a single word as they stared at the lone figure standing at the center of the desolate white expanse.

Gradually, they watched as the illusion before their eyes dissipated, revealing Julien with his hazel eyes fixed upon them. Follow the latest novels at

The projection faded, and a buzz emanated from the Archbishop's ring.

"Is that really him?"

"He was here all along?"

"Why did he act so differently and why did he go with them?"

Everyone looked at Julien with lost and confused looks. Nobody could understand what was going on.

In one moment, everyone was despairing about the situation, and in the next moment, Julien appeared right before everyone's eyes.

The one who was most shocked was Aoife, who stared at Julien with widened eyes.

'To escape the Ring of Nothingness, you must know who you are.'

Did he find out who he was...?

How did he find out? What did he see?

Her thoughts drifted towards the passages she had read in the past and her mouth turned dry.

It couldn't be that...


She had long lost the words to describe the current situation.

But she wasn't the only one. Julien had also lost his words as he struggled to understand what was going on.

<nulli>'Where is this place...?'

His memories were like shattered fragments. They continued to drift in and out of his consciousness. But if there was one odd thing that he noticed, then it was the man who stood before him.

With muddled white eyes, he looked shocked as their gazes met.

"W-what's going on? How is this possible?"

Julien stared at the man and finally, his memories started to fully return. Be it during the times when he was back as Emmet, and to the times after subduing the Dragon's will.

Things started to make more sense to him.

<nulli>'So that's the case.'

With the passing of the seconds, the clearer his mind became.

His body was in pieces, but he didn't need to use his body. The man before him was someone he could deal with.

"What have you done? What sort of trick did you use? How is this possible...?"

The Archbishop's muttering made its way into Julien's mind as he raised his head to look at the Archbishop or whatever he was.

It was clear to Julien that this man was just playing make-

believe. He wasn't really an Archbishop, and no one present was his follower.

All of it was due to the strange ring that he held in his hand.

Right, the ring.

Julien extended his hand.


The Archbishop's expression changed drastically as Julien grabbed his hand.

"It hurts...! It hurts!!"

As if a certain force was pulling his hand, the Archbishop held onto it tightly as his face turned red. But it was no use as a glow manifested over the ring he was wearing. The ring wrenched itself free from his trembling grasp and soared through the air, landing with a soft click in Julien's outstretched hand.

"How could this be...!"

The Archbishop screamed in horror as he watched the ring fly into Julien's hands.

<nulli>'Ring of Nothingness.'

Julien stood on the spot, unmoving. His gaze was directed towards the ring in his hand.

To those watching, Julien's figure looked imposing. Standing with a stoic expression, he stared at the ring before him.

And under everyone's watch, he slowly slid it onto his finger.


The two locked eyes for a few seconds before the Archbishop fell forward.


The ground trembled slightly as his body hit the floor.

All eyes remained fixed on Julien who stood silently. Their gazes lingered until someone finally noticed the figure standing right behind the Archbishop's body.


When someone pointed it out, everyone turned to look, their expressions contorting in anger and animosity towards him.

"It's the traitor!"

"Traitor bastard!"

"What are you doing!? Only now did you finally decide to do something?!"

Whether from the Aurora Empire or otherwise, everyone directed similar looks of rage towards the man standing behind the Archbishop.

"What are you doing here!? Did you switch sides because you saw we were losing?"

Surprisingly, it was Aiden who screamed. The second seat among the members of the Aurora Empire.

His words echoed the sentiments of those from the same Empire.

"When this is over, we'll report everything to the professors and delegates!"

"You missed your chance! You should've left quietly when you had the chance!"

Everyone hurled curses and slurs at Kaelion as he stood motionless, not uttering a word.

At that moment, everyone vented their frustrations towards him. If not for his actions, they wouldn't have been in this predicament.

"Kill him!"

"Beat him up and make sure he doesn't escape!"

Their hatred towards him compelled some to turn to Julien, pleading with him to stop Kaelion and kill him on the spot.

Leon remained silent, simply observing Julien, waiting for him to say or do something. Soon enough, Julien raised his hand.


Surprisingly, everyone fell silent at his action, all eyes fixed on him.

They awaited his next move.


In the sudden silence, Aoife felt compelled to speak.

"Think this through! This could cause complications within the Empires! Don't kill him!"

Aoife's voice cracked as she pleaded.

She wasn't speaking only for the Empire's sake but also for Julien's.

If he killed Kaelion, the consequences would be severe, even for the princess of the royal family.


"You did well."

Aoife's words were cut off by Julien's voice as he spoke.

A strange silence filled the space as everyone looked towards him with puzzled expressions.

What did he say? What did...

"Uh, yeah. I don't think I want to do this again."

Kaelion's cold, expressionless demeanor softened as weariness crept in.

Approaching Julien, he sighed.

"...I don't know if I have it in me to do this again. It'll be a miracle if I don't get in trouble."




Question marks appeared over everyone's heads as they alternated their gazes between Julien and Kaelion.

It was then that Leon understood something, his expression shifting.

"These guys..."

He softly mumbled in shock,

"...They were working together from the start."