Chapter 247 Diary [3]

Chapter 247 Diary [3]

247 Diary [3]

There was still one last problem that I needed to tackle, which was to find the exit.

"But where is it?"

I looked around. Everything was in ruins, and smoke rose from certain parts of the area.

I narrowed my eyes in looked for an exit. My previous theory had been the pipe organs, but those were now gone.

Looking through that area, I was disappointed to see nothing.

"What are you looking for?"

"The exit."

I answered, looking back at Leon. He was standing behind me with his usual expressionless look, but I could tell from just a glance that he was anything but pleased with me.

....I didn't blame him. I did after all call him a snake in front of everyone.

The best part was that while he did betray me, I also did kill him during the fog.

I was just shifting the attention from that fact so that he wouldn't bring it up.

"If you're looking for the exit then it's probably there."

Leon pointed towards the altar.


I looked at him in confusion. How did he know?

Was he making it up or something?

"You can say that I have good instincts."

So he said, but I found the reasoning to be even more concerning.

He frowned upon seeing the look that I was making. He opened his mouth before closing it and shaking his head.

Then, with a sigh, he walked towards the altar where he raised his foot and stomped down.


A powerful explosion resounded throughout as the altar collapsed from within.

Leon's sudden actions caused some of the cadets to flinch directly and some to even yelp in surprise, but their expressions were soon marred with looks of surprise as a staircase appeared from within the altar.


I stared at Leon in silence and he looked back at me.

I wasn't sure about what face I was making, but it probably wasn't too different from Leon's stony one.


Breaking the silence was Kiera who peeked at the staircase.

"Should we...?"

"We should."

Leon nodded before stepping to the side so that she could go in. He thought she would, but she didn't and instead turned to look at Aoife.


"Uh...? Why me? You're ahead of me. You're clearly trying to use me."

"Use you? No, what bullshit!"

"You're lying through your teeth."

"No, that's not the case."

Kiera shook her head and put on a very serious expression.

"Aren't you the Black Star? I'm just respective the hierarchy."


It was then that Aoife couldn't argue back. She seemed to want to, and her eyes fell on me several times, but I shook my head.

'Still your title.'


Aoife eventually sighed as she lowered her head in defeat.


She knew she had lost.

Kiera had firmly gripped onto her weakness.

Without looking back, she went down the flight of stairs, her back disappearing into the darkness. Kiera stared at the sight with cold eyes.

Just when she couldn't hear Aofie's steps any longer, she looked towards us before saying,

"If she dies, we celebrate."

".....I can hear you."

Too bad Aoife could still hear as Kiera's expression contorted in annoyance.

"If you can hear then it means you're not moving fast enough! Go! Di—Eh, go find the exit."


Her words were met with silence.

I stared at the two before looking towards Leon who looked at me in understanding.

'You've missed a lot since you were gone.'

'Yeah, it does seem to be that way.'

Shaking my head, I looked in the direction of the stairs before moving towards them.

"Uh? What are you doing? Shouldn't we wait for Aoife to die before going in?"


"Oh, right. To find the exit."

Kiera didn't even attempt to fix her mistake as she dismissively waved her hand.

I yet again shook my head and stepped down.

"Reinforcements are coming. You are now safe."


It was then that I heard another thump. I didn't need to look back to know who it belonged to.

It was Leon.

'He did well.'

Besides the betrayal.

That, I couldn't quite say he did well in that regard.

Still, I also started to feel a sense of relief from the situation. In particular, I wanted to get a better look at the diary.

Or more specifically,

The Records of the Emperor of Nothing


Megrail Estate.

Things were tense in the Megrail Estate.

"Quick! Warn the Emperor!"

"Someone go handle her!"

"You go...!"


The maids and servants rushed all over the place, barking orders to one another.

The entire state was in a state of a mess, and it was all solely due to the presence of a single person.

Delilah V. Rosenberg.

Sat in one of the guest rooms of the estates, she calmly drank the tea in front of her. Her etiquette was perfect, and so was her posture.

She was the epitome of perfection to those who watched her from the side, but at the same time, her oppressive aura made it extremely hard for people to look straight in her direction.

Therefore, many of the servants present could only look down and avoid making contact with her.


Many of the servants flinched as she placed the teacup down, a tense silence filling the space.

Delilah's expression changed as she put the teacup down, and some of the servants felt their legs grow weak.

'Oh, no! We must've messed up!'

'We're going to die!'

'Who is the idiot that made the tea?!'

While everyone was panicking, Delilah was smacking her lips as her face contorted slightly.

'So bitter.'

As expected, chocolate was much better.

But it wasn't like she could outright ask for it. She had an image that she had to keep up.

Another one of the reasons why she was banned from eating too much chocolate.


Delilah clicked her tongue.


A yelp ensured after and Delilah turned her head in the direction of where the sound came from, utterly confused by the situation.

"Hiek—! I'm sorry!"

Immediately, the one responsible knelt on the ground and profoundly apologized with a pale face.

Delilah stared at the scene with a dumbfounded look.

But if that wasn't enough,

"Please spare her! She's still new! She's young and she hasn't learned properly! Punish me instead!"

"Please spare her!"

Another one joined, kneeling down with their heads lowered.


Delilah stared at the scene speechlessly.

'What did I even do?'

She was so confused by the satiation, and before she even had the chance to address it, the door opened and a man entered.

"Cough...! What's going on here?"

He looked sickly, but his appearance was hard to describe. He had a certain aura about him that made him look 'holy'. Looking around the room, his gaze paused on Delilah.

"Cough! I see what's going on.. cough!"

He approached her and sat on the seat opposite.

"It's been a while, Delilah."

His smooth and crisp voice echoed throughout.

"I hope you've been well. And..."

He looked around,

"...I hope you forgive them."


Delilah didn't answer and just stared at the man in front of her.

It had been a few years since she had last seen him, and he was now looking rather sickly.

The current Crown Prince, and Aoife's brother.

Leaning back on her chair, Delilah nodded her head.
