Chapter 258 Selling [1]

Chapter 258 Selling [1]

258 Selling [1]


I tossed the script on the desk the moment that I returned to the room. I had a quick skim of it, and while I was a little hesitant at first, after reading it, I felt like there was no need for me to be so reserved.

It was definitely a romance script, but there was more to it.

The depth of the script was something that I couldn't quite describe, and the main character was a completely different one than Azarias whom I had played before.

And the twist...

"It's interesting."

It was certainly interesting.

....It wasn't hard to spot, but thinking back to the script, if played properly, then it would certainly leave a lasting impact on the audience.

"If I can do it right, then I can probably surpass my previous performance."

No, I could already surpass it.

If I played Azarias right now, I was confident that I could outdo anyone who attempted the role.

But this was different.

....Were I to play this role well, then I would be able to leave everyone stunned.

<nulli>'That's how impressive the script is.'

But more than that, the thing that drove me to do this was none other than Olga's words. I didn't react much back then, but that didn't mean they didn't affect me.

<nulli>'You have talent, but that got over your head. You're good, but you can play one role. What does that mean? It means you're a type-cast. What else can you offer besides the deranged man known as Azarias?'

The words continued to linger in my mind, and I found the corner of my lips twisted up slightly.

"Type-cast? Can only play one role?"

I looked at the script next to me and covered my mouth.

<nulli>'....The more I think about it, the more I just seem to have no reason to not do this.'

If there was one thing that I wanted to see, it'd be Olga's face once I was done.

....After everything that I had been through, I didn't there was one single character that I couldn't play.

Even if the related genre was outside my comfort zone.


I could do it.

<nulli>To Tok—


A sudden knock on the door grabbed my attention. Frowning slightly, my brows jumped up the moment I realized what it was for and I hastened to the door.


As expected, the moment I came out the door, a man dressed in black clothes greeted me.

"I have a delivery for Julien Dacre Evenus."

He proceeded to hand me a large box with a clipboard at the top which I swiftly signed.

"Thank you very much for using our service."


I closed the door right after while carefully holding onto the box. It was about the height of half of my body and I handled it with extreme care.

As I held onto the box, my heart pounded in my chest, each beat echoing the tension that suddenly filled the room.

My heartbeat rang loudly.

<nulli>Ba... Thump! Ba... Thump!

It was beating fast, and it wasn't out of excitement...

No, it was out of anxiety.


Staring at the box, I could hardly think properly.

Holding onto the box, it almost felt as if I could hear voices whispering within my mind. The voices were silent, but each whisper seemed to seep deeply into my mind, trying its best to force me to open the box.

My legs felt weak and the world started to spin.


With all my willpower, I held onto my breath and I caressed the ring on my finger.

The world turned white shortly after that.


"What do I do...?"

Aoife bit her lips as she stood outside the residence with the script in her hand. The script had been freshly printed just a few hours prior, and yet, in Aoife's hands, it was already filled with creases and notes.

The reason why she was practicing outside was because practicing in her room wouldn't yield the same result as she didn't feel anyone's eyes on her.

This was sort of like training for her to get used to the stares.

"What's your name?"

Aoife blinked, unable to understand what was going on.

Nibbling on one of the licorice sticks, Kiera glared at her while smacking the script over her hand.

"What are you doing? I said the lines. It's your turn next."


Aoife felt her mind blank.

Is she...


But only for a brief moment as she noticed the annoyance on Kiera's face. Eventually, pursing her lips she opened her mouth and recited her lines.

"Amelia... My name is Amelia.."


Besides the Trials of the Forgotten Minds, there was another particularly great feature about the Ring of Nothingness.


I looked at the majestic but empty white building in front of me.

<nulli>'Can't ever get used to the sight.'

That feature was a separate space that I could enter whenever I wanted. Although I couldn't enter it physically since my body was still standing outside and time didn't freeze when I was there, the unique feature that I particularly liked was that I could bring items inside


Carrying the heavy box with me, I headed into the building and made my way towards the small room inside.


My step echoed loudly within the empty building.

I thought about decorating the space, but one serious drawback about the ring was that the more items I brought in, the more my mana would be passively sucked out of me.

For now, the usage was very small since I didn't bring many items, but it was still there, which could turn disadvantageous for me in the long term.

Nonetheless, this was a necessary expense.

"I'm back."

Two pairs of eyes greeted me the moment I entered the small room. They belonged to none other than Owl-Mighty and Pebble.

They sat by the corner doing their own thing.

A good thing about this space was that Owl Mighty and Pebble could come and rest here whenever they wanted. Since they were a part of me, they could enter without a problem.

In fact, I didn't need to tell them this as they had already pretty much made this place their own home.

"I've got a couple of things to put here. I'll leave them here."

I tossed a couple of bags to the side and carefully placed the box on a wooden table.

Even now, my heart pulsed with anxiety as I stared at the box.


Taking a deep breath, my heart refused to calm down. It continued to beat loudly within my mind, and perhaps noticing my actions, the two little creatures came over to my side.

Owl Mighty stared at the box with a rare seriousness.

"What is that?"

"....Something that I want to get rid of."

I placed my hand over the wooden box and traced my hand over the lock. I thought about opening it but decided against it.

For now, I didn't want to touch it.

"Why did you bring it here?"

"For multiple reasons."

Bringing my hand back, I turned to look at Owl-Mighty who was nestled over my shoulder. It looked to be cozy there.

Scratching the bottom part of my nose, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"I need the two of you to keep watch of the box. Is that alright?"

"What's inside of it?"

"Something dangerous."

I answered Owl-Mighty before slowly finding my surroundings fade. Owl-Mighty seemed to want to say more but it was too late as I went out of the white world.


A familiar room greeted my sight the moment I came out of the white world, and just as I thought that I could finally breathe again, I spotted a figure standing by my desk. Her gaze was settled over my script as she held it in her hands and read it in silence.

As if noticing my presence, her head slowly turned and our eyes met.

Staring into those deep black eyes of her, I felt my breath leave my body.


Delilah pointed at the script, her face looking unusually calm.

"...What is this?"