Chapter 262 Understanding [1]

Chapter 262 Understanding [1]

Everyone wanted to have a firm grasp of the starting spot, and given that all other groups came from different backgrounds, they didn't have the same synergy as those coming from the same Academy. It was for that reason that some practices were unfair. ....This was the reason why some acted the way that they did. Aoife understood this and was planning on giving them some leeway before Kiera went ahead and ruined everything. 'Whatever, what's done is already done.' With a heavy sigh, Aoife looked at her group. "Since the situation has turned out like this, we have no choice but to do as we are asked. Most of you should already be somewhat familiar with how they work, but you should still be on guard for some skills that they have yet to reveal. In fact..." Just briefly, Aoife tried to glance in Julien's direction, and the moment she did, her face froze as she noticed him talking with them while pointing in their general direction. "Wait, is this fucker really telling them everything?" "That..." Aoife didn't know how to respond as she stared at Julien with open eyes. "That traitor." "We are in different groups." Leon suddenly interjected, looking completely unperturbed by the sight. Kiera and Aoife looked at each other. Just as they were about to say something, Professor Hollowe appeared again. "Ten minutes have passed, please get both sides ready." "What? Already!?" Kiera looked at the Professor dumbstruck. "That was too fast. I think your watch is broken. Check again. There's no way ten minutes have already passed!" The only thing she received in response was a helpless shrug from the Professor. "Tsk." In the end, with a click of her tongue, she had no choice but to get in position as they stared at the opposing team. Aoife took a deep breath and set her eyes on Julien who stood at the very back. Their plan was actually fairly simple. Take Julien out first before taking out the others. He was currently the biggest problem for them. It wasn't just his emotive magic that was annoying to deal with, but his threads. Those were especially annoying to deal with. This was what everyone agreed on, and as all eyes turned to look at the Professor who had his arm raised, a sudden silence took over the space. A strange tension lingered over the surroundings as both sides turned to stare at each other. And then, "Start." The Professor waved down his hand, commencing the start of the fight. Immediately, both sides sprang into action. Or at least, tried to. Snap—

A sudden snapping sound echoed, spreading throughout every inch of the surroundings. It wasn't loud, but it gave the effect that it was as both sides stood frozen on the spot. Lifting her head, Aoife looked towards the figure that stood at the back. His hazel eyes, deep as they were, seemed even deeper than they had ever been, and as his gaze lingered over his hand, the members of his group suddenly took several steps back as their faces turned pale. "Ukh...!" They all seemed to be looking at Professor Hollowe, but he stood still without so much as a change in his expression. And that was when Aoife heard it. "Snake." It was Leon who stared at Julien from beside her. "...He's a snake." Geett the latest novels at