Chapter 277: Never stopped smiling [6]

Chapter 277: Never stopped smiling [6]

[....We did it!]

Amelia squealed in delight.


David laughed alongside her. With excited looks, the two came out of the building. They continuously talked to each other, and as Amelia spoke, David paused for a moment. His eyes were locked onto her.

....It was the first time the audience saw such a face from him.

He looked like she was all he could see.

And everyone could understand. Ever since the start of the play, Amelia had not once laughed nor spoken so much.

Amelia had never shown such a side of hers.

She was just so...Updated chapters at novelhall.comelia cocked her head as she looked at David?

[What did you say?]

[Ah, eh...]

With a flushed face, David stammered. As if steam was rising from the top of his head, he innocently looked away.

The portrayal of the scene was rather well done. The audience could understand what he was feeling, and why he was reacting the way that he was.


His actions prompted a laugh from Amelia as she covered her mouth.

Raising his head, David looked at her with a dumb look.

[What? Why are you laughing?]

[Hmm. Who knows?]

[What? What?]

[You thought I was pretty?]


David's face turned completely red. His reaction prompted a wave of laughter from the audience.

He was so silly...

[T-that...! I was talking about the sky.]


Amelia said teasingly while bumping her fist against his shoulder.

[No! For real!]

[...Whatever you say.]


David roared in embarrassment, prompting the audience to laugh even more.

"This is so funny.'

.... Hahaha, this reminds me of old times.'

'I suddenly want to be young again.'

The mood in the theater was light. Everyone appeared to be enjoying the show. It was also true for Olga.

'.... Her acting has improved a little.'

It wasn't anything exceptional to her. Compared to Arjen, or even the previous Julien, it was below their level.

In fact, thinking of Julien, Olga's gaze paused on him.

The more she looked at him, the more disappointed she grew, and in the end, she nodded to herself.

'It looks like I've made the right decision replacing him.'

As she thought of those words, she turned her head to look at the young man standing beside her. He was staring at Julien as well, his gaze never leaving him.

At first, his gaze had been filled with a certain interest, but as the play continued, it slowly

started to die down before there was a noticeable decrease in his interest.

In the end, he ended up shaking his head lightly without saying a word.

He continued to watch the play in silence.

But it was obvious from his reaction that he didn't think much of it.

And it was true.

....So far, the play was nice.

It was engaging, and the audience was fully invested.


That was it.

There was nothing impressive about it.

It was simply a typical romance play. Nothing about it seemed innovative. At least, not when compared to the main play.


Amelia's laugh continued to echo throughout the theater.

It was a refreshing and carefree laugh. A contagious laugh that made those around her want to

laugh as well.


In the end, David ended up laughing alongside her.



The two laughed together, their faces filled with smiles.

It was a warm sight, and the lights surrounding the two intensified. It was as if the sun was

shining down on them.

But soon, David's smile faded.

[Just hold on.]

[I don't know!]

[We're here. You can open your eyes.]

[Ahh~ No. I think I'm okay.]

[Just stop.]

David moved behind her and took her hands away from her face. Amelia kept her eyes closed,

but it was no use as David pried them open by force.


She screamed, but it all went on deaf ears and soon her eyelids were pried open.

It was at that moment that she saw it. Pink, orange, purple... All sorts of different shades dyed

the sky, drawing a beautiful picture as the sun dipped below the horizon.

The clouds glowed with a golden light, and the whole scene reflected on the calm ocean,

creating a peaceful and mesmerizing view.


Amelia felt herself lose her breath.

Reflected in her pupils was the picture-perfect scene that stood before her. It was beautiful,

and she couldn't tear her gaze away from it.

David stood beside her with a satisfied smile on his face.

<Slowly, she was starting to open up to me. The more time I spent with her the more I

realized just how different she was from the first time that I met her.>

The scenery changed. They appeared in a zoo.

Amelia looked around with open eyes as she couldn't stop talking, pointing at the animals

that surrounded the place. The entire time David followed her with a foolish smile on his


<I knew that what I was doing was killing her, but I couldn't stop myself. Her smile... It was

simply so beautiful. I wanted to see more of it.>

And he did.

The scenes continued, and as they switched, Amelia's smile grew wider and wider.

The audience witnessed the entire thing from their seats. They spectated every aspect of their

bright days.

They watched as Amelia started to open up.

Turning from a girl that rarely smiled, to one that couldn't stop smiling.


Brought a smile to the faces of all those watching.

<It's taking me a little time to get adjusted to the new her, but the more I see it, the more

addicted to it I'm becoming. I bet our previous classmates would be so jealous.>

[Wait, stop. I don't think this is a good idea.]

[Oh, please...]

[Yes, this is not good. Sorry. Maybe next time?]


David stood outside of a small building. He was the only one, and standing behind the door

was Amelia.

For some reason, she didn't want to go out.

[I don't want to go out! My hair is a mess, and my clothes are too big.]

[Go! Don't make me wait longer. If you do, I'll force the door open.]


[I'm coming!]


His words were met with silence, and it was then that David took a step forward and forced

the door open.


A scream followed suit as Amelia tried to keep the door closed, but it was no use, and the door

eventually fully opened to reveal her face.


It was at that moment when the entire world turned silent and time seemed to freeze.

[T-that, p-leas-e d-on't judge me. It's t-he first tim-e I'm tr-ying this so...]

In the silence, Amelia's stuttering as she shyly fidgeted was the only sound that could be

heard. But her words brought no reaction, and when she looked up, she finally saw it.


A stunned-looking David.

His eyes were fixed on her, and color started to dye his face. He appeared to be at a loss for

words, and when Amelia saw this, her voice lowered and lowered.

Eventually, the entire stage turned silent.

That was until David's mouth opened as he went on to say,


<This moment...>

As David's voice echoed quietly in the air, the stage started to dim.

<It was probably the biggest regret of my life. I should've just told her how I fe...>