Chapter 282: The ash that lingers in the air [1]

Chapter 282: The ash that lingers in the air [1]

'.... How do I go about this?'

Walking out of the changing room, I started to think about Delilah's words. There was a lot that I needed to process, and I knew that it would take time for me to fully create a domain. With that being said, I was now one step closer to reaching that step.

But for now, there were other things that I needed to focus on.


"Tier 4."

My next step.

There was still a little gap before I reached the fourth tier, but from what I understood, my body would undergo a body reformation process.

'From what I read, once someone undergoes body reformation, they'll become a lot stronger in both cognitive and physical abilities.'

"I'll probably be a lot stronger then..."

How much stronger? I wasn't sure, but it was definitely going to be a big step up.


As I entered the backstage of the theater, I noticed that there was quite a bit of chaos around. People were running frantically everywhere, and they all seemed to be in panic.

"Have you seen Arjen?"

"Where is he...?"

"I've checked the bathroom, but he isn't there."

"What do we do?"

It didn't take much for me to figure out what was going on as my expression changed a little. 'He bailed?'

I didn't know how to feel. There was no resentment between me and that unknown actor so I didn't really feel anything at all.

Sure, he did take my role, but could I really blame him?

The one who made the changes wasn't him but Olga. Resenting him for something that wasn't even his fault was stupid, and as my thoughts paused there, I ignored the commotion and left.

As I did, I cast a small illusion over my face, changing it completely.

I wasn't in the mood to act again.

If Olga were to spot me, she'd probably beg me to come back and perform and all that nonsense.

Not interested.

Even if there was money in the line.



My pocket vibrated all of a sudden. Surprised, I stopped and took out a small communication device.


I felt my eyes widen at the sight that greeted me and I hurried my steps.

Brushing past the people surrounding me, I managed to find my way out from the back exit and entered a small and narrow alley where a hooded figure stood.

That's when my steps paused.


They stood in silence without saying a single word and I took a moment to look at them before eventually smiling.

"....It's been a while."

"It sure has."

A voice I hadn't heard in a while replied back.

Reaching for their head, they slowly pulled them down to reveal the face of a middle-aged man. He looked exactly as he had in the past, and the sight of him brought forth a flood of memories.

'Professor Bucklam.'

It had been almost half a year since I last saw him, and while I did expect to see him again in the near future, I didn't expect to see him here of all places.

I would've been a little panicked in the past, but now I understood.


No, the Megrail family. They were mere puppets for the faceless man.

There was no place in Bremmer where those within the Inverted Sky couldn't go. The thought made me feel suffocated, but I pushed the feelings down as I addressed the Professor,

"How have you been?"

"....I've been well."

He replied with his trademark smile.

"I was here to complete a mission, and since you were here as well, I figured it was okay to

contact you."

"Yeah, but I don't have much time."

If there was someone that I was worried about, it was Delilah. She tended to appear randomly,

and without me being able to tell a thing at all.

She only recently left, and I wasn't too sure if she had her sights on me.

There was a high chance she didn't, but I didn't want to take any risks.


As if he knew what I was worried about, Professor Bucklam cut to the chase.

"There's a lot of things that I want to tell you, but since we don't have time, I'll cut to the chase. Look for the young cadet with long silver hair that was with you in the prison."

Cadet with long silver hair?

My heart suddenly skipped a beat.

"Kiera? What's wrong?"

I felt my body tense as a possibility ran through my mind.

And as expected, my worst fears came to light within moments.

Rose recognized the first but had a hard time with the second person. He appeared quite

young and was quite the looker.

His steps were light, and his gait was straight.

Walking forward, his intense expression was directed her way.

"Ah, I know who you are."

It didn't take long for Rose to recognize the person in question as her face blossomed into a

thin smile.

"You're the little helper that helped us back in the prison."

She winked at him.

"What brings the two of you here?"

"Let her go."

The young boy was quite straightforward with his demands, causing Rose to frown. Then,

realization struck her.

"Could it be that-"

"She's already passed out. If you don't let go right now, she will die."


It was only then that Rose understood as she turned to face her niece who was indeed passed

out. Her pulse was still there, but it was extremely light.

"I guess you're right."


Letting her go, Kiera fell limply against the ground.

Patting her hands, Rose looked at the young man with a smile.

"Are you happy?"



He didn't answer her and simply walked in Kiera's direction, pressing his hand against her


"She's alive, don't worry. I am her aunt after all. Until I find out where the mirror is, I won't

kill her."



He still didn't answer her, prompting Rose to frown.

She was just about to speak again when he cut her off.



Rose cocked her head to the side.

"What did you just say?"

"I said go."

Till the start, he never once looked at her. It was as if he was treating her like air. This

obviously tickled Rose's ego as her frown deepened.


"I'll handle it from here."

"You what?"

Rose froze for a moment before suddenly bursting into a laugh.

"Handle what? With your strength? Please. Get out of my sight now before I get angry. I'm

only being nice since you helped me out last time, however, you're very close to getting on my


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As Rose continued to speak, Julien kept his gaze on Kiera.

Rose's words went from one ear to the next.

He wasn't quite sure about what was going on, but he soon noticed a small box coming out

from Kiera's pocket. Reaching out for it, he realized that it was a box of cigarettes.

'...And here I thought she quit.'

Shaking his head, he put the box in his pocket before taking a deep breath.

He was still at a loss about the situation, but he understood that her aunt was looking for a

certain mirror.

She had said it herself.

....And as he put the cigarette box in his pocket, he pursed his lips.

An idea suddenly flashed in his mind, and as he looked at Kiera, he turned his arm slightly to

reveal a four-leaved clover.

His eyes lingered over the leaf for a few seconds before he made up his mind.

Pressing his hand against her face, he pressed one of the leaves.

His vision turned dark shortly after that.