Chapter 308: Red Orb [1]

Chapter 308: Red Orb [1]

With a total of 48 participants, there were twenty-four matches on full display for the entire world to see.

Because all of the matches happened at the same time, the broadcast only displayed a few of the more high-profile matches. Those included Aoife from the Nurs Ancifa Empire-The Empire's Princess and highest-ranked member from the Empire.

Caius from the Aetheria Empire. Amell from the Verdant Empire, and Kaelion from the Aurora Empire.

These were the four highest profiles from each Empire, and were known as the 'big four'.

For that reason, the broadcast was fully focused on them.

They all ended in victory. None of their matches lasted longer than a minute with each and one of them ending the fight rather fast.

Because of how fast their match ended, the other participants had time to be displayed in the broadcast.

<Leon Ellert from the Nurs Ancifa is also a participant to deeply watch out for outside of the big four. Some might even argue he's stronger than Aoife, but there's not much information that we can dig through. Each Empire has kept a level of secrecy for its participants. We will see by the end of the Summit if the rankings were correct or not.>

Karl Geneva, the broadcaster, had a husky yet smooth voice that was exceptionally pleasing to the ears, perfect for such a broadcast.

With neatly combed hair, sharp features, and dressed in a well-fitted suit, he looked every bit the professional.

<Hahaha, that'll be an exciting topic of discussion, wouldn't it Johanna?>

Alongside him was a well-dressed woman with black hair arranged in a bun, sharp brows, and plump lips. Her sharp features gave her a heroic and imposing appearance.

Johanna Mebson-A Tier 7 Knight.

She was specifically invited for her exceptional strength, allowing her to see and analyze things that Karl might miss.

<It would indeed.>

<That's great! With you here, things will definitely be exciting!>

Karl laughed lightly while pressing down and changing the broadcast away from Leon who had just won his match.

Unlike the others, his match lasted a little bit longer.

He fought against a higher-ranked opponent from the Aetheria Empire which was why it took him a bit longer.

Nonetheless, his match was still considered fast.

As he changed the broadcast, Karl lightly chuckled. That was because he noticed that the next match had also ended.

<Wow, these matches are ending a little too fast, don't you think?>

<....It's to be expected.>

Johanna answered in a flat tone. She had a serious demeanor and found it hard to joke around.

The audience liked the sharp contrast between the two presenters.

<The order of the fights is selected through the order in which the participants arrived at the Plaza during the First Phase.>


Though Karl tried to look surprised, he already knew all the information. He was merely putting on an act for the audience that was watching the broadcast.

<So you're saying that those who came out on top during the First Phase are being paired up against those who came last?>


<Oh, that's really interesting. The First Phase was quite unique, wasn't it? The participants were transported all around the Mirror Dimension...>

Because the audience hadn't been filled about what had happened during the First Phase due to it not being broadcast, it was Karl's job to do so. He did so in a smooth and fluid manner that made it easy for the audience to understand.

<...And so, the contestants that came first were matched up with the ones that came last>

Johanna nodded quietly alongside him.

She then pointed at the screen.

<But don't be fooled by the result of the First Phase. Arriving first doesn't mean that you're the strongest. To some extent, it shows off your strength, but it can also be a display of luck>


<It all depends on what type of monsters you face. If you end up dropping in a zone filled with let's say Wraiths, then it'll be considered bad luck>


Karl showed a look of understanding.

<That explains why Leon was able to beat his opponent so fast despite ranking amongst the last>


Johanna nodded before pressing down and changing the broadcast.

<While there are cases like that, the order of arrival is a good indicator of one's strength. Take

a look at this match.>

Johanna pointed at the new match that was displayed on the screen.

It was a fierce match that shook the entire platform. Bang-! Cracks formed with each step the participants took, displaying just how fierce the entire conflict was. However, if one paid close attention, they'd notice that one side was defending while the other was attacking.

In this case, the attacking side looked to be suppressing his opponent.

He was also starting to open up more and more openings.

<In this case, the two opponents fighting ranked quite differently from one another.>

<This match will depend on whether Carmen will be able to figure out Julien's defense before

The runs out of-Wow!>

A sudden shift occurred in the middle of Karl's speech.

Out of nowhere, Carmen's body underwent a subtle shift. His body trembled, and his face

turned pale. He froze for several seconds, unable to move. Julien seized the opportunity, springing forward and launching a swift attack directly into Carmen's stomach.

The expression of those from the Aetheria Empire grew pale and silenced reigned over.


Carmen's body fell shortly after that, marking the end of the match.

Karl stood excitedly as he looked at Johanna.

<Hahah! Indeed you were right! He lost due to his exhaustion! What a terrific match! If only he

had a little bit more stamina then he'd have won the match!>

He seemed very excited about the entire thing. The audience was too. Some sighed in disappointment while others were excited. There were also a few who shook their heads.

It was a good match.

<As always, it's such an honor to have the insights of an expert like you! I would've never have

picked it up!>

While the result of the match sunk in, Johanna's expression remained firm. She replayed the

last moments of the fight before frowning.

Did Carmen really lose due to exhaustion?


'.....That hurt.'

As soon as the match ended, a glowing cube materialized before my eyes. I reached out and

grasped it, and in that instant, my surroundings shifted.

I found myself back in the main Plaza, standing beneath one of the shadows cast by the

platforms above.

There were already several people waiting beneath.

"They sure were fast.'

None of them seemed to be in the mood for talking, sitting down with their eyes closed and

trying their best to recuperate their energies. Nobody knew when the next match would start

so it made sense.

Another thing that I noticed when sitting down was how the number of people present was a

lot lower than before.

'Almost half of us got eliminated.'

There were still some that were competing so it wasn't for certain.

I sighed for a moment and sat down. Rubbing my arm, my face twitched.

'...It still hurts.'

The fight had been pretty hard.

There were many ways that I could've finished the fight and I was confident in defeating him,

but one thing became clear to me.

'With my current strength, I might not win this.'

My opponent, as far as I knew, lagged quite a lot in strength compared to their top-ranked

prospect. While I did win, I didn't think I was a whole gap stronger than him.

I was stronger, but not to the extent where I could completely disregard him.

I was confident in my Emotive Magic, but everyone was probably prepared for it. Not just for

me but for the number-one ranked prospect.

He was also an Emotive Mage.

I needed to be careful about displaying the extent of my Emotive Magic.

'No, even if I do that... I don't think it's enough.'

I needed more.

Something that would truly push my strength to the next level.

But what...?


What can I do?