Chapter 316: Sweet [2]

Chapter 316: Sweet [2]

I sat in silence for what felt like an hour, but when I checked the time, only a few minutes had elapsed. With a small sigh, I licked my teeth and stood up.


The sweetness from the chocolate was still lingering in my taste buds and I winched slightly.

It had helped me suppress the pain, but at the same time, feeling how sweet my mouth had become, I started to feel regret.

'How in the world can she eat something this sweet without a problem?'

I was growing more and more concerned for Delilah's health.

She was a superhuman. One of the strongest at that, but surely it wasn't good for her to eat stuff that was this sweet.

"Not that I'm any better..."

I was the one feeding that addiction of hers.


Rising my mouth in the sink, I took a deep breath and stared at my reflection.

Even now, I found it hard to get used to what I saw in the reflection. The sharply defined jawline and the intense, piercing hazel eyes that seemed to look straight through me were still unfamiliar.

Not that I wasn't sure how I looked, but this look seemed a little bit too perfect?


The thought made me laugh a little.

As I stared at my reflection, I was suddenly reminded of something.

A certain vision.

"The Angel..."

With everything that had happened, I had no time to think about the Angel. All my thoughts had been on what I had seen in the Tomb, and when I came back into the Plaza the Second Phase had already started.

It was only now that I had time to rest that I was reminded of the quest, and my eyes squinted.

"Things have been a little quiet."

By now, I had half-expected something to happen to me. Especially when I was reminded of the vision I had seen, and yet... Nothing of the sort occurred.

Rather, things were strangely calm.

Too calm for my own comfort.

I knew that something was brewing, but what exactly? And could I do anything about it? "Can I just directly destroy the statue?"

I discarded the thought rather quickly. Though I didn't know much about the statue, I could tell that it held some sort of significance to the city of Grimspire. If I were to destroy it like that then I'd be in a whole world of trouble.


To Tok-

A sudden knock broke me out of my thoughts. I looked at the door in both confusion and


'Nobody should be aware of where I'm staying...'

Neither Leon nor the Professors knew where I was. I had left abruptly and didn't explain a single thing. The sudden knock made me somewhat wary, but of course, it could also just be room service.

|| "1

I approached the door with caution.

To Tok-

Who could it be?


I ended up opening the door and opened my eyes wide.


A weird sound accompanied my shock as a figure I was all too familiar with appeared at the entrance of the door. With long flowing black hair, a face that could only be described with the word 'alien', and a stiff expression, Delilah appeared on the other side of the door.

I blinked several times, unable to hide my shock.

The shock didn't stem from her appearance. By now I had grown used to her antics and was always prepared for her to show up unannounced.

....The shock came from the fact that she knocked on the door.

"Since when do you knock?"

Delilah tilted her head, allowing her black hair to gently fall to the side of her shoulder and exposing the nape of her neck. As her eyes fluttered in confusion, she looked around the room for a brief moment before her eyes settled over a certain spot.

Toward a certain wrapper.

Her pursed lips and for the faintest of moments I thought I saw a smile.



Delilah entered the room and sat down, folding her legs as she did so. She then glanced

around the room.

"....You're as messy as me."

"About that..."

of coins. I caught the bag, which weighed pretty heavily with a dumbfounded expression.

"This is...?"

"...Money." "But..."

"I'm buying it."

I didn't know how to answer that. Looking down and seeing the hefty bag of coins, I could

only flick my head between her and the sack. In the end, I didn't ask any questions and just kept the money. Delilah appeared satisfied by that as she brushed her hair behind her ear.

With a thoughtful look on her face, she changed the topic of conversation,

"Do you remember the reason why you learned your intent?"

"The reason? I do."

How could I not? It was right after the play and I had locked the [Love] emotion. Ever since

reaching the late stage of Tier 3, a nagging feeling crept up at the back of my mind, hinting at

something. I hadn't been so sure of the reason, but it all became clear to me once I unlocked the last Emotion.

Coming into full circle, I was able to unlock my Intent which was closely tied to my emotions.

In that sense, it also fitted very well with what I had come up with so far with my concept. It

was just that it was taking a of time me to properly create a concept. Each orb had its own properties, representing the corresponding emotion. I had yet to fully figure out how it worked, but I could more or less guess.

I told most of this to Delilah whose face turned slightly stiff.

"You unlocked your intent after learning about love?"


"In the play?"

"Uh, yes..."

"With the Princess?"


Where was she getting at?

Delilah's face gradually returned back to normal as she pursed her lips. Her black eyes reached

out for me as I looked back at her. Our eyes locked for a few seconds, finding myself unconsciously wandering over her features. I had always known this, but Delilah was truly

very beautiful.

So beautiful that she looked alien to me.

In the midst of my thoughts, Delilah brought her hand forward.

"Use it."


Snapping out of it, I looked down at her hand and tilted my head. Use what?


Delilah said with a straight face.

"Try using it on me."



I felt my brows jump.

What did she say? This came out of nowhere and I had a hard time figuring out her intentions.

But in the end, seeing how serious her expression was, I nodded my head.

'Perhaps she can help me.'

I reached down to grab her hand. And just as I did, I noticed something.


It was on her finger, and it looked oddly familiar. That was when I looked at my hand. No

wonder... I raised my brow in surprise as my head flicked up to look at Delilah.


Delilah's expression remained the same despite noticing where I was looking at.

Ba... Thump!

I felt my heart beat drum inside of my mind as I alternated my gaze between the two identical

rings in our hands. Then, a dangerous thought crossed my mind.

It was so dangerous that I felt my breath leave my body.

However, when I thought about her past behavior, the idea ran wildly inside my mind.

Perhaps I was overthinking, but I wasn't sure.

Raising my head to meet her gaze, my mouth opened as I asked,

"You, you can't possibly like me?"