Under the gaze of Ling Tianwang, Song Ci only feels that he has seen through his whole life.

He already knew his purpose, and Song Ci had a very clear understanding in his heart.

His lips wriggled, barely controlling the impulse to turn away from his gaze, some difficult to save their last face.

Slowly spit out a bad breath, Song Ci word by word whispered, "now the Lord guard the border, defeated the rebels, the emperor naturally has a high trust in you."

After that, Song Ci couldn't keep his expression any more. He stood up and quickly turned to leave.

Ling Tianwang sat quietly in his chair, and after a long time he sneered, as if he had heard a big joke.

But for him, the so-called trust is really a big joke. Even he would rather believe in June snow than the royal family's so-called trust, because everything in the world, everyone is emphasizing the so-called unbelievable trust to him

laughter slowly stops, Ling Tianwang shakes his sleeve and leaves the house full of bloody smell It's a little bit hard.

It's also a coincidence that Song Ci left in a hurry and met Zhou ruo'an who came back.

Seeing the familiar shadow from a distance, Zhou ruo'an would turn around and leave without hesitation.

Song Ci narrowed his eyes and cried out, "how can Miss Zhou turn around and leave when she sees me? Do you have some shady thoughts in your heart? "

Zhou ruo'an was silent. He stood on the road with his hands around his chest and his face expressionless.

"What are you crazy about?" She asked, frowning slightly, without concealing her disdain and dissatisfaction with Song Ci.

But just because of her attitude, Song Ci's already precarious balance could not be supported any more, and the tyranny and stench that were hard pressed came to his face.

"Crazy? Do you know your status? Where do you have the courage to speak to me like this? " Song Ci asked, his face ferocious.

He approached Zhou ruo'an step by step, with his fingers across his chest, like a predator in his grasp.

But he forgot that Zhou ruo'an was not a rabbit who could only cry, nor a vine that could only climb on the branches and could not stand the wind and rain.

She is the branch of the wind, the existence without fear under the sky, and she has the ability not to fear everything.

Looking at the other side getting closer and closer to him, Zhou ruo'an sneered, and there was a mockery on the corner of his eyes and eyebrows.

"Status?" Zhou ruo'an asked, "I heard that the third prince was generous and never proud of his status. Now it doesn't seem like that."

Song Ci's steps stopped for a moment, and his fingers rose unconsciously, as if he wanted to touch his face.

But in an instant, his fingers fell down again, clenched tightly, as if he was afraid of something.

"Smart mouth!" Song Ci shakes his sleeve and reproaches coldly, "but I don't know where your face is. It's beside Ling Tianwang."

In his opinion, this is the biggest criticism and insult to a woman. However, even after hearing this, Zhou ruo'an just blinked his eyes slightly, and his expression did not change.

"This is a matter between the two of us. Naturally, we don't need the third prince to worry about it," Zhou ruo'an said with a smile. "Instead of having that time, the third prince should worry about the guards who follow him. Who knows if they are loyal to you on the surface, but secretly take other people's money!"

Zhou ruo'an's vows made Song Ci want to believe her.

His face is constantly changing, and his body is constantly emitting black smoke.

Song Ci's face seems to have been splashed with ink. It's dark. His eyes are hidden in the darkness and can't see anything.

"Nonsense Song Ci reprimanded coldly, but if his fingers hanging on his side had no scenery, and the veins on his neck had not burst, maybe Zhou ruo'an would believe his calmness at this time.

After that, Song Ci never stayed here any more. He glared at Zhou ruo'an with hatred and then strode away.

The other side's broad sleeve spilled on Zhou ruo'an's arm, dazzling and stinging.

Zhou ruo'an dropped his eyelids and moved his fingers. He could easily hear the sound of the cloth being cut open.

Song Ci was in a hurry to leave, but he didn't find Zhou ruo'an's little action at all, and he didn't hear the faint and inaudible voice.

As a result, he dressed in cut clothes and walked back and forth in the Lord's mansion, which soon became the focus of discussion among other people.

Song Ci's face was full of blue veins, and the cloth on his sleeve was dragged down, but it was useless.

Although he has a noble identity, but at this moment in the frontier, he is just like a decoration, there is no right to speak at all.

From the early morning of this day, Song Ci's heart was choked with anger, and there was no way to ease it. After Zhou ruo'an's stimulation, his eyes turned black, and finally he fainted, which was a good joke.Don't know the consequences of his little action, Zhou ruo'an took the dagger in his hand and walked briskly to the yard where Ling Tianwang was.

Before reaching the door, Zhou ruo'an clearly smelled the dense smell of blood in the air.

Her steps stopped, her brows wrinkled tightly, and she asked warily, "what's going on here? How can it have such a strong smell of blood? "

The man who was held by her was stunned for a moment. He looked at his fingers that had just been washed with clean water and said in a low voice, "yesterday, a thief attacked the Lord's study at night. Today, the Lord invited his Highness the third prince to come here to watch the ceremony The thief was carried to the side yard, and now his life and death are uncertain. "

Zhou ruo'an's eyes narrowed tightly and his brain turned rapidly.

The man carefully looked at her expression at this time, hesitated in situ for a while, and turned away lightly.

Zhou ruo'an didn't care about his little movements. He just stood in the same place for a while and turned away with a big step.

Perhaps, she should think about how to help Ling Tianwang through this difficulty. Zhou ruo'an thought in her heart that her eyelids were half hanging, blocking the light in her eyes.

Ling Tianwang sat in his study, looking at the letters on the desk, his eyes were full of mockery.

"He is really down the blood," Ling Tianwang murmured in a low voice. Some rough fingers crossed the black ink on the letter paper, little by little, as if he wanted to record the texture of the paper in his heart.